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Exercícios de barra, centro e barra solo pra quem já pratica ballet clássico, que podem ser feitos em casa ou na academia. Pode ser usado como aula...
1 total hour
En este curso aprenderás diferentes movimientos que puedes utilizar en la pista de baile, sacadas, ganchos, calesitas, cadenas, enrosques y giros, ...
2 total hours
Wait No More and Start Learning Kizomba Today! Did you always wish to learn KIZOMBA the right way, or to improve your Kizomba technique? Are you lo...
1.5 total hours
9 total hours
If you are new to Brazilian Zouk, or just want to clean and improve your dance, this is the course for you! You can use this course to learn and st...
9 total hours
Welcome to my introduction to Tribal From The Trap course. Tribal From The Trap is my style tribal fusion. You can think of Tribal From The Trap be...
10 total hours
Class 1 Spinal articulation in belly dance transitional steps You can’t have that fluid, connected, expressive movement in bellydance if you are no...
4.5 total hours
9 total hours
¿Cómo ejercitarte, redescubrir tu sensualidad y prepararte a nivel profesional en la danza oriental, todo al mismo tiempo? En este curso obtendrás ...
9 total hours
1 total hour
A dança é uma das mais belas formas de expressão, pois além de ser uma linguagem corporal é também uma linguagem cultural e social que se desenvolv...
1 total hour
Erlebe die Magie des Kizomba-Tanzens mit unserem umfassenden Online-Kurs, der sich sowohl an Anfänger als auch an Tänzer richtet, die ihre Fähigkei...
12.5 total hours
Nihonbashi Bridge in the City of Edo (Oedo Nihonbashi) is one of the first dances I teach my beginning students. The choreography utilizes techniqu...
1.5 total hours
Have you always wanted to keep improving your jazz dance skills but not felt ready to jump into a jazz class? I completely understand, and that&#82...
2 total hours
3.5 total hours
Dancing is fun and I am sure everyone enjoys it. When it comes to learning, the experience may not be what you have expected. Could be no access to...
3.5 total hours