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2628 avaliações

Android Jetpack Compose: The Comprehensive Bootcamp

Kotlin Android App Development: Firebase Firestore, Hilt & Dagger, ROOM DB, ViewModel, Navigation & Clean Architecture
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  Tempo de leitura 5 minutes

**This course is tailored for beginners and Advanced Developers**

Android Jetpack Compose is a new way of building modern android apps in android app development.

The Software Development industry is moving away from the Imperative Approach of building apps – where developers were required to write a lot of boilerplate code, navigate through inconsistent APIs, and hard to maintain code to build simple mobile apps.

With Jetpack Compose, building Native UI for the Android platform is more effortless, concise, consistent, and less code.

Jetpack Compose is the new modern toolkit that gives Android developers a simplified and accelerated way to build Native UIs on Android – with this toolkit; developers can build android apps with less code using Kotlin!

Jetpack Compose brings a paradigm shift in Android development – we now describe the UI instead of specifying the steps to build a UI. With Jetpack Compose, development time is accelerated as we can iterate fast with live previews while developing User Interfaces in Android Studio.

With Jetpack, creating slick animations and using Material Design is a breeze because the toolkit is powered by the Android platform APIs and intuitive Kotlin APIs.

This course brings you up-to-speed developing apps with Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.

You’ll be learning from the basics of what a Composable function is to how to handle state in Compose, and how to build full-fledge android apps that leverage the full power of Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.

Who is this ideal student for this course?

This course is tailored for beginners and Advanced Developers

I created this course with you in mind – whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced developer, you’ll find the course materials equally valuable – it’s a deep-dive course where I take you from the very beginning to building a complex Jetpack Compose App.

I’ve structured the course so that even if you’ve never programmed in Kotlin, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the basics, intermediate and advanced Kotlin concepts before moving on to learning Jetpack Compose.

On the other hand, if you already have a good grasp of Kotlin, you can skip the Kotlin sections altogether and go to the Jetpack Compose sections.

What you’ll learn?

This course is comprehensive, meaning I don’t assume you’ve had a lot of experience developing Android apps in general, so I will take you through all the concepts you need to get started. It’s a comprehensive course packed with a lot of information. Here are a few key concepts you’ll be learning:

  • What’s Jetpack Compose and Its Advantages over the Imperative way of building Android Apps

  • Kotlin Programming basics, Intermediate and advanced concepts (Optional – you can skip if you need to)

  • Core Jetpack Compose concepts: Composable functions, Compose layout widgets and Modifiers

  • Learn how to customize UI elements in Compose

  • Understand how Jetpack Compose handles State – Recomposition and State Hoisting

  • Understand how to construct a Native UI for Android devices using Composable functions that are stateless

  • Understand how MutableState, and Flow work with Composable Functions

  • Master how to build 8 Jetpack compose apps that range from simple to complex (Tip Calculator, Movie App, Note App, Trivia App, Weather Forecast App, and so much more)

  • Build a lot of apps while learning Jetpack Compose (of course!)

  • Learn how to structure and build Compose apps with Clean Architecture, MVVM, ViewModel, Coroutines

  • Build Compose apps that use the Android ROOM database

  • Learn how to Parse JSON data from APIs using Retrofit

  • Learn how to use Jetpack Navigation Components to help create a navigation structure in your Compose app

  • Learn how to use Dependency Injection with Hilt and Dagger to build easy-to-refactor and test apps

  • Build a capstone app (A.Reader) that uses Firebase Firestore to Authenticate Users and save books

  • And so much more (check out the curriculum to get the complete list of topics!)

By the end of the course, you’ll have learned everything you need to know about Kotlin and Jetpack Compose to build complex Native UIs and Android apps with Jetpack Compose.

Try It Risk-Free

This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee – if you find out it’s not for you, you can get your money back, no questions asked!

Go ahead and enroll today and start building Modern Android apps with Jetpack Compose – the new way of building fast, concise, and powerful Android Native UI.

I can’t wait to see you in the course!

See you soon.

Paulo 🙂

WINDOWS Machine Setup for Development
[Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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