Android Lifecycles Masterclass
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Lifecycles are central topic in Android app development because all main Android components, such as Activities, Fragments, and ViewModels, have unique Lifecycles. That’s why a deep understanding of Android Lifecycles is essential for becoming a good Android developer and building reliable and responsive Android applications.
Furthermore, many Android job interviews include questions about Lifecycles, underscoring their fundamental importance.
Unfortunately, there are many different Lifecycles in Android and even small mistakes in their handling can lead to tricky bugs. These bugs often appear in real-world Android applications and require extensive effort to investigate and resolve.
In this course, you’ll master Android Lifecycles. From foundational concepts to advanced strategies, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this important topic.
You will learn:
Why Android components need lifecycles.
The lifecycles of the main Android components:
Overlapping vs non-overlapping lifecycles.
Multi-resume feature.
How to handle Configuration Changes.
How to handle Process Death.
Best practices for efficient Lifecycle management.
Hacks and ad hoc solutions for unique Lifecycle-related challenges.
Common pitfalls and gotchas to avoid in your projects.
The tutorial code for this course is available in an open-source, real Android application. This application will demonstrate all the material taught in the lectures, and allow you to test tricky lifecycle behaviors when working on your own projects.
So, whether you’re a newcomer to Android, or a seasoned Android developer, you’ll find a wealth of new information in this course. Enroll now, and join me on this epic journey into the depths of Android lifecycles!
11Activity LifecycleVídeo Aula
12Activity as ContextVídeo Aula
13Activity onCreate() and onDestroy()Vídeo Aula
14Activities Back StackVídeo Aula
15Activity onStart() and onStop()Vídeo Aula
16Activity onResume() and onPause()Vídeo Aula
17Overlapping vs Non-Overlapping Lifecycle StatesVídeo Aula
18Multi-ResumeVídeo Aula
19Memory LeaksVídeo Aula
20Activity Lifecycle CallbacksVídeo Aula
21Activity Lifecycle SummaryVídeo Aula
22Fragment LifecycleVídeo Aula
23Fragment Code ReviewVídeo Aula
24Fragment onCreateView() and onDestroyView()Vídeo Aula
25Fragment onViewCreated()Vídeo Aula
26Fragment onCreate(), onStart() and onResume()Vídeo Aula
27Fragment Lifecycle DemonstrationVídeo Aula
28Fragments Back StackVídeo Aula
29Activity - Fragment Lifecycle CouplingVídeo Aula
30Fragment View LifecycleVídeo Aula
31Fragment View Recreation OptimizationVídeo Aula
32Fragment onAttach() and onDetach()Vídeo Aula
33Fragment Lifecycle CallbacksVídeo Aula
34Fragment Navigation LibrariesVídeo Aula
35Fragment Lifecycle SummaryVídeo Aula
36Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
37Configuration Changes DemonstrationVídeo Aula
38Configuration Changes MechanicsVídeo Aula
39Fixing Background Detection CodeVídeo Aula
40FragmentManager During Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
41Views During Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
42Custom State During Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
43Custom State During Configuration Changes - Part 2Vídeo Aula
44Manual Handling of Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
45Deprecated APIsVídeo Aula
46Configuration Changes SummaryVídeo Aula
53Save & Restore (Process Death)Vídeo Aula
54Memory Management in AndroidVídeo Aula
55Testing Save & Restore ScenarioVídeo Aula
56Background Process LimitVídeo Aula
57Stopping Cached ProcessVídeo Aula
58Killing a Process From ADBVídeo Aula
59Save & Restore in ActivitiesVídeo Aula
60Save & Restore in FragmentsVídeo Aula
61Save & Restore in ViewModelVídeo Aula
62Save & Restore in Global ObjectsVídeo Aula
63How to Support Save & Restore in Global ObjectsVídeo Aula
64Save & Restore and Mutable Static StateVídeo Aula
65Save & Restore vs Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
66Save & Restore (Process Death) SummaryVídeo Aula
67Service LifecycleVídeo Aula
68Service DemonstrationVídeo Aula
69Background Work RestrictionsVídeo Aula
70Foreground Service DemonstrationVídeo Aula
71Service During Configuration ChangesVídeo Aula
72Service During Save & RestoreVídeo Aula
73Fixing Service Lifecycle BugVídeo Aula
74Service Lifecycle SummaryVídeo Aula