Flutter & Dart Essentials-Build Mobile Apps like a Pro
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- Revisões
Currently Flutter is one of the most popular cross platform framework amongst the developers. Flutter targets multiple platforms from a single code base. In this course, you will learn how to build apps for Android and iOS using the core components of Flutter. Also, you will learn syntaxes and essential features of Dart Programming Language since Dart is used to build Flutter projects.
You will begin with Dart Programming Language and you will begin from scratch. Dart is a powerful language and heavily optimized for Flutter. You will learn many features of Dart, specially those are required for Flutter. You will learn Lambda Expressions which will help you work functionally and alos Null Safety will protect your code from crashing due to Null Pointer Exception. You will learn about Object Oriented concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Mixin that can help you to write your code in a modular format.
You will be introduced with many Widgets-the main core components of Flutter. The more you know about Widgets, the more you know Flutter. It’s also important to take few considerations while chosing Widgets, because at the end of day, performance play a key role in any software development. Widgets need to be refractored and you will learn how to seperate codes into reusable Widgets and Methods. You will also learn the basic State Management approach using Stateful Widget and the necessity of Stateless and Stateful, where to use, when to use and why to use them in a proper way.
You will learn Provider – a simple yet powerful approach for State Management and also know how this approach can turn your project in a extendable, expandable pattern. You need to understand the state and then chose which approach is best for you. State Management is a very crucial part of Flutter and many developers are tempted with many approaches and end up overdoing things. You will learn exactly what you need to identify and manage the states of you app in an optimized way.
To persist data, this course covers both the local and cloud persistance. Local Database is important to cache data and also for apps those really dont’ need to share its data to the world. You will learn SQLite and CRUD operations and migrations also. You will use Firebase for cloud solution, a powerful backend backed by Google. Firebase provides many services, both in free and paid subscription. Authentication, Realtime Database, Storage, Messaging, Functions are the key services that has been covered in this course.
You will learn how to make web requests and fetch JSON and convert it to Dart objects. Dart provides a convenient package for handling network operations and web requests.
In parallel with learning, you will be practicing the conventions and recommendations for writing good codes using principals, patterns and good practice approaches.
By the end of this course, you will be able to build any kind of mobile apps using Flutter and will have a strong foundation and clear concept.
3Welcome to DartVídeo Aula
4Say Hello World!Vídeo Aula
5Number Types in DartVídeo Aula
6String InterpolationVídeo Aula
7Var and Dynamic typesVídeo Aula
8Final and Const keywordsVídeo Aula
9Common Operators in DartVídeo Aula
10Quiz on Dart BasicsQuestionário
11If Else StatementVídeo Aula
12Switch Statement and ExpressionVídeo Aula
13Data Structure - ListVídeo Aula
14Data Structure - MapVídeo Aula
15Data Structure - SetVídeo Aula
16Loops in DartVídeo Aula
17Null Safety in DartVídeo Aula
18Function in DartVídeo Aula
19Lambda Expression in DartVídeo Aula
20Class Object and ConstructorVídeo Aula
21Named ConstructorVídeo Aula
22Inheritance in DartVídeo Aula
23Method OverridingVídeo Aula
24Abstract Class in DartVídeo Aula
25Runtime PolymorphismVídeo Aula
26Mixin in DartVídeo Aula
27Final and Static ComponentsVídeo Aula
28Asynchronous Components - Future and Async AwaitVídeo Aula
29Wrap UpVídeo Aula
30System requirements for tools installationVídeo Aula
31Install Jetbrains Toolbox and download plus install Android StudioVídeo Aula
32Install Flutter Plugins and Android Platform SDK ToolsVídeo Aula
33Create a new Virtual Android DeviceVídeo Aula
34Download and install Flutter SDK using VSCodeVídeo Aula
35Create your first Flutter Project and RunVídeo Aula
36About the following old lecturesTexto
37[OLD] Install Flutter SDK on WindowsVídeo Aula
38[OLD] Download and Install Android Studio on WindowsVídeo Aula
39[OLD] Install Flutter and Dart PluginsVídeo Aula
40[OLD] Install Android EmulatorVídeo Aula
41Welcome to FlutterVídeo Aula
42Hello Flutter - Our First AppVídeo Aula
43Quick Overview on Profect File StructureVídeo Aula
44Center Widget - Put the text in CenterVídeo Aula
45MaterialApp - Our first theme widgetVídeo Aula
46Scaffold and AppBarVídeo Aula
47Show Image from NetworkVídeo Aula
48Column Widget and its AxisVídeo Aula
49Row Widget and its AxisVídeo Aula
50Design PracticeVídeo Aula
51Solution Code for Design PracticeTexto
52Code RefractoringVídeo Aula
53Stack and Positioned WidgetVídeo Aula
54Another Design ChallangeVídeo Aula
55Solution for Design ChallangeTexto
56ListView vs ColumnVídeo Aula
57Create ListView children dynamicallyVídeo Aula
58ListView Builder ConstructorVídeo Aula
59GridView Builder ConstructorVídeo Aula
60Navigate using Material Page RouteVídeo Aula
61The Counter App from ScratchVídeo Aula
62Introducing Stateful WidgetVídeo Aula
63Excercise on Stateful WidgetVídeo Aula
64Solution for Excercise on Stateful WidgetTexto
65Input Widgets - TextFieldVídeo Aula
66Input Widgets - CheckboxVídeo Aula
67Input Widgets - RadioVídeo Aula
68Input Widgets - DropdownButtonVídeo Aula
69Assignment - ToDo AppVídeo Aula
70ToDo App Solution - Part 1Vídeo Aula
71ToDo App Solution - Part 2Vídeo Aula
72ToDo App Solution - Part 3Vídeo Aula
73ToDo App Solution - Part 4Vídeo Aula
74Hot Reload and RestartVídeo Aula
75Wrap UpVídeo Aula