Flutter Shop App | Dart & State Management | Riverpod [2024]
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This is an online learning course selling app tutorial using Riverpod state management. In this course, we focus how to build a Flutter app for selling course with Stripe payment and Laravel as backend with Restful API. State management and routing both have been done using Riverpod.
It consists of Laravel backend with Firebase for basic social media login. Most of the API are built using Laravel. The backend contains multi admin( super admin panel and teachers panel) including teacher’s app for chatting. We will also build the backend step by step.
App Features (Part 1 features)
onboard screen
email login
social media login
viewing course
play video course
search course
upload course from backend
view multiple teachers course
buy course on the front end
stripe payment
super admin panel
We used Laravel framework for building backend and API. Backend has multi user privileges. It means there are super admins and sub admins. Teachers accounts are sub admin. Super admin can observe and assign roles to the teachers or the sub admins.
With this course, you will learn how to build token for your api and how to do authorization of user access using Sanctum package of Laravel.
We used Laravel eloquent to work with our database from controller.
By the end of this course, you will master
Laravel basics and MVC
Laravel admin panel (CRUD)
Laravel sanctum
Laravel restful api
Part 2 of this course will include teacher’s app and chat.
9Introduce Stack WidgetVídeo Aula
10Work on Positioned and Non-positioned widgetsVídeo Aula
11Onboarding screen and Column and reusable text stylesVídeo Aula
12New reusable widget in ColumnVídeo Aula
13Column widget and reusable widgets and colorVídeo Aula
14Working with next buttonVídeo Aula
15Create reusable boxShadowVídeo Aula
16Jumping to next page viewVídeo Aula
17Understanding animation of pagecontrollerVídeo Aula
18Understanding const, final and immutabilityVídeo Aula
19Immutability in flutterVídeo Aula
20Dynamically change button nameVídeo Aula
21Work on pageview safearea and backgroundVídeo Aula
22Show dots indicatorVídeo Aula
23Riverpod StateProvider for dots indicatorVídeo Aula
24Install tools and generate providersVídeo Aula
25Use the newly generated provider for dotsVídeo Aula
26Go to sign in pageVídeo Aula
27Understanding Navigator push and pushNamedVídeo Aula
28PreferredSize app barVídeo Aula
29Sign in social iconsVídeo Aula
3027. Sign in text fields and reusable image widgetsVídeo Aula
3128. Sign in screen and reusable text fieldsVídeo Aula
32Sign in screen and work with the buttonsVídeo Aula
33Sign in screen and finish working with the buttonsVídeo Aula
34Sign in screen and button borderVídeo Aula
36Register page and uiVídeo Aula
37Finish Registration uiVídeo Aula
38Function call anonymous function, call back function and onPressed propertyVídeo Aula
39Understanding the constructor and parameterVídeo Aula
40Understanding the immutibilityVídeo Aula
41Understanding the power of copyWith methodVídeo Aula
42Generate Provider for RegisterStateVídeo Aula
43Create function for passing shared statesVídeo Aula
44Access shared states in controllerVídeo Aula
45show pop message from controllerVídeo Aula
46Validate Registration data and google auth apiVídeo Aula
47Work on show circular loading icon and done with itVídeo Aula
48Firebase configuration with CLIVídeo Aula
49Manual configuration of firebase androidVídeo Aula
50Catch firebase exceptionVídeo Aula
51Dart OOP and StateNotifier part 1Vídeo Aula
52OOP concept and StateNotifier part 2Vídeo Aula
53StateNotifier and StateNotifierProvider for sign inVídeo Aula
54Sign in ui assign function , controller object and bring resourcesVídeo Aula
55Try to sign inVídeo Aula
56Save sign in states in text fieldsVídeo Aula
57Android and iOS login successVídeo Aula
58Sharedpreferences and init methodVídeo Aula
59Understand how sharedpreferences help in storing objectsVídeo Aula
60Understand different ways of doing routing and separate codeVídeo Aula
61Understand ongeneraterouteVídeo Aula
62Work on onGenerateRouteVídeo Aula
63Use correct route for onGenerateRoute callbackVídeo Aula
64Remember Login in the Storage using onGenerateRouteVídeo Aula