The Complete Android 15 Course [Part 1]-Master Java & Kotlin
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So you want to become an Android Developer & start publishing your apps?
You like to stay home & learn from your own computer?
You don’t like to attend class?
You need to learn about latest technology & app development?
You have brilliant ideas & you need to develop them by creating your own apps by your hand?
My name’s Abbass Masri, creator of the world’s best-selling Android Teaching app called: “Master Android App” and I’ve designed The Complete Android 14 Developer Course, especially for YOU.
Buy this course today and this is what you’ll get:
You’ll learn android app development from zero.
You’ll get the source codes of all projects.
You’ll create about 100 apps by the end of the course.
Don’t Think Twice!!
Start your coding career now, by buying our course.
I promise You … As i helped 800,000 students to learn android, I will help you to become another pro..
Just buy it now, don’t waste time!
Java JDK (We will Download & Install it through the course)
Android Studio ( We will Download & install it through the course)
Programs we will use:
Android Studio ( Installation Process included in the course)
This is what you’ll learn in the course:
· Develop apps for the very latest version of Android 7 Nougat that also work on older Android devices running older versions of the Android operating system.
· Download, install and configure the necessary (free) software.
· Create your first app.
· Build a range of apps demonstrating key aspects of the Android framework.
· Test your apps on emulators or a real Android phone or tablet.
· You’ll learn Java programming because Android app development requires knowledge of Java. Included are Java tutorial videos that will get you up to speed fast.
· Ensure your apps work with current and older Android versions on phones and tablets.
· Use Android studio, the newest version of Google’s premier Android tool.
· Learn how to use databases, web services, and even get your apps to speak!
· Understand the all new Constraint layout, for “drag and drop” screen creation.
· Use powerful libraries of code to play videos, download website data, manipulate images, and a whole lot more!
· Learn MVVM android architecture pattern.
· Build MVVM + ROOM Apps
· Build MVVM + Retrofit Apps
· Build MVVM with MySQL Databases Apps
· Build Apps using Firebase
· Build Apps using Firestore
· Build Apps using Authentication, Firebase Storage and much mooooreee..
So, Why you are wasting Time? Enrol Now to get your feet wet in android coding.
1Java or Kotlin??Vídeo Aula
2Download Course Assets and Source CodesVídeo Aula
This file "Android Notes.pdf" will be updated regularly, so make sure you download the latest versions.
Hello Developers,
These are the slides and the notes for my coding tutorials, and they are very important to keep them for later use.
All presentations and documents are available on our official app: "Master Coding" on playstore
For joining my live zoom meetings, getting help in your projects, get latest coding topics ,
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BTW, I'm recording new Kotlin lessons and soon I'll publish them
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your brother,
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Thanks for being in our family,
your brother,
3Take your coding journey to the next levelTexto
15Running Java Programs in Android StudioVídeo Aula
16CommentsVídeo Aula
17Main Method SyntaxVídeo Aula
18Java OutputVídeo Aula
19VariablesVídeo Aula
20Data TypesVídeo Aula
21NumbersVídeo Aula
22Your First VariableQuestionário
23DecimalsVídeo Aula
24BooleanVídeo Aula
25Playing with BooleansQuestionário
26CharactersVídeo Aula
27Type CastingVídeo Aula
28OperatorsVídeo Aula
29Understanding OperatorsQuestionário
30StringsVídeo Aula
31Using StringsQuestionário
32Conditional StatementsVídeo Aula
33Understanding Conditional StatementsQuestionário
34Switch StatementVídeo Aula
35Days of a MonthQuestionário
36While LoopVídeo Aula
37For LoopVídeo Aula
38Making Use of LoopsQuestionário
39Break & Continue keywordsVídeo Aula
40ArraysVídeo Aula
41For Each LoopVídeo Aula
42Multidimensional ArraysVídeo Aula
43Java Basics TestQuestionário
This test is designed to ensure that you understand Java Basic Concepts very well and you're ready to learn Android App Development.
Please send me a screenshot for your test result, to help you study better and maybe you'll be on my students' leaderboard.
Are you ready??
44MethodsVídeo Aula
45Returning Type of MethodsVídeo Aula
46Methods ParametersVídeo Aula
47Method OverloadingVídeo Aula
49Area of RectangleQuestionário
50Finding Max Value of an ArrayQuestionário
51ClassesVídeo Aula
52ObjectsVídeo Aula
53ConstructorVídeo Aula
54ModifiersVídeo Aula
55EncapsulationVídeo Aula
56InheritanceVídeo Aula
57"this" KeywordVídeo Aula
58Method OverridingVídeo Aula
59PolymorphismVídeo Aula
60AbstractionVídeo Aula
61InterfacesVídeo Aula
62Abstraction Example - Using InterfacesVídeo Aula
73Views & View GroupVídeo Aula
74UI Editing in Android StudioVídeo Aula
75View's AttributesVídeo Aula
76TextView - Formatting TextsVídeo Aula
77Declaring & Initialising ViewsVídeo Aula
78EditTextVídeo Aula
79ButtonsVídeo Aula
80Listeners in AndroidVídeo Aula
81ImageView - Displaying ImagesVídeo Aula
82The Greetings AppVídeo Aula
83The Counter AppVídeo Aula