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The Comprehensive Android App Development Masterclass

Master Android App Development: ROOM Database, ML Kit Face Recognition, Firestore, Firebase, Maps and Android Studio IDE
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  Tempo de leitura 4 minutes

Android App Development will open many doors for you since AAndroidis is the most popular operating system in the world.

You may want to learn Android development for many reasons- maybe you have many app ideas but don’t know where to start.  Or perhaps it’s time for a career change, and Android Development picked your interest?  Or maybe you want to be more valuable at your company… whatever the reason, you’re are on the right path by being here!

This is a hands-on course, meaning you will build several android apps as you learn!

The course is structured in such a way to improve your knowledge retention – by having a lot of hands-on projects. In each section of the course, you will be practicing and building something meaningful, which will further your understanding of Android App Development. Of course, there are quizzes and challenges as well.

All you need is an open mind, willingness to work (and some patience, too).

You’ll learn the Java programming language fundaments such as Java variables, variable types, relational and logical operators, loops, and methods.  Once the language basics are covered, you’ll then move on to learning Java ObjectOriented Programming concepts – classes, Java Inheritance, and how to create objects from Java classes. 

Next, you’ll learn the most fundamental Java Data Structures, which help programmers store and manipulate programs’ data efficiently and quickly (Arrays and ArrayLists). 

Suppose you are familiar with the Java programming language. In that case, you can always fast-forward to the Android Development part of the course, which introduces the fool Bootcamp for Android App Development.  In the Android App Development part of the course, you’ll focus on building an Android app from the get-go. Thus, you’ll be learning Android concepts such as Android Activities, Android Basic Project Structure, Android Layouts, and XML by actually doing the work, building android apps from scratch!

The goal is to take you through the whole process of learning Android development, from zero to hero, from building simple Android apps to apps that connect to Firebase (remote realtimedatabase). These apps recognize faces on a photo (MLKit Face Recognition) to learn how to build Android map-driven applications!  Along the way, you’ll learn how to store data in android(SQLite and Sharedpreferences).  You’ll learn how to use the fundamental design pattern called MVC – Model-View-Controller to structure your Android projects. You’ll learn how to use the most modern Android libraries and APIs like Android ROOM – an alternative way to save Android data! Finally, you’ll master how to use Android Fragments to make your apps more versatile and run on different device sizes (phone, tablet).

Additionally, you’ll learn how to play sound (Android SoundPool, Android ExoPlayer) and use Android native classes to draw shapes on the screen – by using the Android Canvas class and so much more!

As you can see, this is the course you’ll need to get started in Android Development with Java – this is your Android Development Bootcamp course that will take you from zero to hero!

Start learning in this ultimate Android Development tutorial, where you’ll go deep into Android development tools, such as Android Studio and Android App Development. 

Enroll today and start learning.

See you inside.


Install Android Studio on Windows Machine
Android Development - First Steps
CHALLENGE: Dividing and Multiplying Integers
CHALLENGE: Dividing and Multiplying Integers
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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