UPSC General - Volume 2
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The video course for Indian UPSC aspirants with 100+ hours of video lectures is an excellent resource for those preparing for the Civil Services Examination. The Civil Services Examination is one of the toughest exams in India and requires rigorous preparation to crack it. This video course offers a comprehensive and detailed study plan to help aspirants prepare for the exam.
This is Volume 2 and a continuation from Volume 1 of UPSC General course.
Subjects covered here are:
1. Science and Technology and Economic Development
2. Biology
3. Chemistry
4. Biology
5. Liberalisation, Economic Policies, Security, Role of Media
6. Environment, Pollution , Disasters and Management
7. Indian Economy, Planning and Inclusive Growth
8. Agriculture, Food Security and Technology Missions
9. Agriculture, Food Security and Technology Missions
Apart from UPSC, it can also be beneficial to any other regional civil service exam candidates. The study material is designed to help aspirants revise important topics and concepts quickly. The videos are designed to give aspirants a feel of the actual exam and help them assess their preparation level.
The video course is accessible online, which makes it convenient for aspirants to study from anywhere and at any time. It is also available at an affordable price, making it accessible to a wider audience.
In conclusion, the video course for Indian UPSC aspirants with 100+ hours of video lectures is a valuable resource for aspirants who are preparing for the Civil Services Examination. It provides a comprehensive study plan and helps aspirants assess their preparation level through mock tests. Use it while working or even commuting, thus making it a must-have for serious aspirants.
101 Indian Space ProgramVídeo Aula
202 India’s Mangalyaan Or The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM)Vídeo Aula
303 AgniVídeo Aula
404 Brahmos India's Supersonic Cruise MissileVídeo Aula
505 Nuclear Capable Prithvi – II Missile Tested SuccessfullyVídeo Aula
606 Recent Warships of IndiaVídeo Aula
707 World's Largest Telescope At The Highest AltitudeVídeo Aula
808 National Knowledge NetworkVídeo Aula
909 Terms And Concepts In Eco System And EcologyVídeo Aula
1010 Growth in IT sector and its Contribution to Education SectorVídeo Aula
1111 India's Cloud Policy and E GovernanceVídeo Aula
1212 Cloud Controlling or ComputingVídeo Aula
1313 Optical Fibre Network PlanVídeo Aula
1414 IPV6 Internet VersionVídeo Aula
1515 Gravity Waves and IndiaVídeo Aula
1616 Graphene Technology and InternetVídeo Aula
1717 Nanotechnology and its relevance in IndiaVídeo Aula
1818 Mobile Phones And Their Role in E-GovernanceVídeo Aula
1919 Brain Fingerprinting-A New TechnologyVídeo Aula
2020 Education billsVídeo Aula
2121 Distance Education and Technical InstitutionVídeo Aula
2222 National Mission on Education through InformationVídeo Aula
2323 Virtual Labs In IndiaVídeo Aula
2424 Electricity Through Cogeneration - New conceptVídeo Aula
2525 Kepler-16b, Planet With Two SunsVídeo Aula
2626 Solar Power And Solar FlightVídeo Aula
2727 Biomass GasifierVídeo Aula
2828 Artificial Leaf for Hydrogen Fuel and GM Plant as Fish OilVídeo Aula
2929 AstrosatVídeo Aula
3030 CERN Scientists Discover Two New Subatomic ParticlesVídeo Aula
3131 New Antibiotic Discovered in 30 YearsVídeo Aula
3232 Oldest Planet System with 5 Earths FoundVídeo Aula
3333 Role of ISRO in Rural DevelopmentVídeo Aula
3434 Stem Cells from Dead Can Give VisionVídeo Aula
3535 India Launches its Heaviest Commercial Space MissionVídeo Aula
3636 Nuclear Energy -Problems and ProspectsVídeo Aula
3737 20 Satellites Put by ISRO in a New OrbitVídeo Aula
3838 Achievements of India in Space Technology and its ApplicationVídeo Aula
3939 Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems ProjectVídeo Aula
4040 Indias GSLV-Mark III projectVídeo Aula
4141 Li-Fi TechnologyVídeo Aula
4242 Regenerative MedicineVídeo Aula
4343 Technology Vision Document 2035zVídeo Aula
4444 Artificial Rain - Cloud SeedingVídeo Aula
4545 BiosimilarVídeo Aula
4646 Brain FingerprintingVídeo Aula
4747 Hydroponics - Soil less GardeningVídeo Aula
4848 Radioactive Waste and Its DisposalVídeo Aula
4949 Virtual Reality and Its ApplicationsVídeo Aula
5001 Bio sciencesVídeo Aula
5102 Classification of living organismsVídeo Aula
5203 Organisms And Animal ConstitutionVídeo Aula
5304 Simple, Complex and Secretory TissuesVídeo Aula
5405 Genetics, Animal Genetics And Genetic EngineeringVídeo Aula
5506 Jumping Genes And Genetic EngineeringVídeo Aula
5607 Skelatal SystemVídeo Aula
5708 Nutrition and digestionVídeo Aula
5809 Reproduction in PlantsVídeo Aula
5910 ReproductionVídeo Aula
6011 RespirationVídeo Aula
6112 Transport systemVídeo Aula
6213 Excretion of metabolic wastesVídeo Aula
6314 Bio CommunicationVídeo Aula
6415 Muscle movementVídeo Aula
6516 Prookaryotic and Eukaryotic CellsVídeo Aula
6617 Human DeseasesVídeo Aula
6718 Allergies and cancerVídeo Aula
6819 List of Communicable DiseasesVídeo Aula
6920 Non communicable diseasesVídeo Aula
7021 Nature of VirusesVídeo Aula
7122 Parthogenesis In AnimalsVídeo Aula
7223 Control of growth and development of plantsVídeo Aula
7324 Morphology Of Plants And AnimalsVídeo Aula
7425 PhotosynthesisVídeo Aula
7526 Terms And Concepts In Eco System And EcologyVídeo Aula
7627 Minerals in Human BodyVídeo Aula
7728 Vitamins and Human BodyVídeo Aula
7829 All About Zika VirusVídeo Aula