XCUITest for iOS UI Automation using Swift
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
Course updated on 1st August 2024 with below concepts:
Turn On/ Turn Off Bluetooth
Turn On/ Turn Off Wifi
Widgets Handling
XCUIDevice –> Press Home
Course updated on 1st Apr 2024 with below concepts:
Enter Character By Character into Text Field using KEYS
Course updated on 31st Mar 2024 with below concepts:
How to Delete a value from Text Field using Keys[“Delete”]
Course updated on 28th Mar 2024 with below concepts:
. NSPredicate with Example
Course updated on 24th Jan 2024 with below concepts:
How to capture Coordinates of an Element
How to Perform Drag and Drop Operation
Course updated on 22nd Dec 2023 with below concepts:
Example on Matching – Identifier
How to Handle Cells Objects
Launch IPhoneSetting & Delete Safari History
Convert Integer to String
Generate Dynamic Number
arc4random –> Random Number Generator
Automate SauceDemo login flow on Safari browser
Tap Using Coordinates
Course updated on 14th Dec 2023 with below concepts:
How to identify Multiple Objects / Identify a unique object
We are updating the content based on the students requirements itself, if you feel that some more content needs to be added feel free to share with us so that we will update the content with the requested topics soon.
Course updated on 4th June 2023 with below concepts:
How to delete value from a text field using XCUITest and re-enter a new value
How to capture values from all the text fields and print them to the console.
How to verify a specific value from the list of values and break a loop
How to capture screenshot
Course updated on 20th Apr 2023 with below concepts:
Handling safari browsers using XCUITest
Page Factory Framework with example
Build input file not found info.plist issue and the solution which we need to implement
Course updated on 12th Apr 2023 with below concepts:
Overview on Functions in swift with examples
Welcome to the Best and Latest updated XCUITest UI Automation testing course
This Course is designed for the beginners who is eagerly looking to learn UI Testing in iOS from step by step.
This course will cover all the basics you need to know for UI Testing using iOS.
Once you learned this course you will be stronger in basics and you are all set to automate any iOS app.
What are you waiting for? Just enrol the course and become an UI Test engineer for all iOS apps.
Topics we are going to cover as part of tutorial:
Overview on the training program :
Brief overview on XCUITest and comparison with other tools
Introduction to swift language with basic programs
XCUITest configuration & basic concepts with example
XCUITest advanced concepts with example
Automating applications using XCUITest
If you are a beginners and want to learn some knowledge bytes on XCUITest then you are at right place, we designed this course which covers basics on Swift language first so that you would have some idea on the language and later we started with XCUITest with different examples that also covers basics on XCUITest API. We covered bunch of videos that covers various UI elements that we can easily automate with, for example we covered scenarios to Handle sliders, Date Pickers, Scroll Bars and many more within the sessions itself. At the end of this sessions you will be in a position to kick start your automation work in your project.
Get started with this tutorial and do raise questions whenever you encounter any issues.
Wish you all the best
Thanks & Regards,
Surendra Jaganadam
1Introduction to training programVídeo Aula
2Overview on XCUITestVídeo Aula
3XCUITest vs Appium vs ExpressoVídeo Aula
4Swift - Hello world programVídeo Aula
5Swift - CommentsVídeo Aula
6Swift - Variables & ConstantsVídeo Aula
7Swift - Datatypes with examplesVídeo Aula
8Overview on Operator & Examples on Arithmetic operatorVídeo Aula
9Conditional statements - IF with examplesVídeo Aula
10Switch statement with Range , with TupleVídeo Aula
11Arrays- Append, Insert, contentsOf, Remove Methods, SortVídeo Aula
12Overview on Function with examplesVídeo Aula
13Convert Integer to String | Generate Dynamic Number | arc4random|Vídeo Aula
14XCUITest Prerequisite | Perform Record & Playback using XCUITestVídeo Aula
15Overview on XCUITest APIVídeo Aula
16Object Identification using Debugging ModeVídeo Aula
17Create Basic Script using Debugging Mode featureVídeo Aula
18Object Identification using Accessibility Inspector & Basic Script CreationVídeo Aula
19Tap using CoordinatesVídeo Aula
20Handling SearchBox & Text Fields using boundByVídeo Aula
21Handling Date Picker using otherElements conceptVídeo Aula
22Handling Picker View using adjustVídeo Aula
23Handling Slider using adjustVídeo Aula
24Handling Switches using firstmatch and other elements handlingVídeo Aula
25How to add Assertions to your programVídeo Aula
26How to delete value from a text field using XCUITest and re-enter Part 1Vídeo Aula
27How to delete value from a text field using XCUITest and re-enter Part 2Vídeo Aula
28How to Delete a value from Text Field using Keys["Delete"]Vídeo Aula
func testCharacter(){
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.staticTexts["Text Fields"].tap()
app.textFields.element(boundBy: 1).tap()
app.textFields.element(boundBy: 1).typeText("demo user")
app.keys["delete"].press(forDuration: 2)
29Enter Character By Character into Text Field using KEYSVídeo Aula
NOTE: THIS VIDEO DURATION IS UPTO 5:16sec only , there is an issue with conversion hence its showing as 8mins.
func testCharacterBy(){
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.staticTexts["Text Fields"].tap()
app.textFields.element(boundBy: 1).tap()
30How to Print all the values from the text fields using for loopVídeo Aula
31Compare value with all values from text field and break the loop for a specificVídeo Aula
32How to capture screenshotVídeo Aula
33How to scrolldown, scrollupVídeo Aula
34How to handle swipe left, swipe right on page indicatorVídeo Aula
35How to handle safari browserVídeo Aula
36Handle SauceDemo Login flow on Safari BrowserVídeo Aula
37Handling Cells , IPhoneSetting & Delete Safari HistoryVídeo Aula
38Identify a unique object Part 1Vídeo Aula
39Identify a unique object Part 2Vídeo Aula
40NSPredicate with ExampleVídeo Aula
func testPredicate(){
let app = XCUIApplication()
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "label CONTAINS[c] %@", "ActivityIndicator")
let elementQuery = app.staticTexts.containing(predicate)
if elementQuery.count > 0 {
print("Element displayed")
41Wait for Elements using waitForExistence commandVídeo Aula
42Capture Coordinates of an Element & Perform Drag and Drop OperationVídeo Aula
43Page factory framework with exampleVídeo Aula