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Complete iOS 16 Developer with swift UI and 10 apps

Learn iOS development with swift UI and building lots of apps.
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  Tempo de leitura 3 minutes

Welcome to complete iOS 16 developer course.

A course that does not just add a few sections of Swift UI rather teaches you complete iOS development fully in swift UI. We truly understand that it can be frustrating to learn from resources that just add a few sections and call it a new course. This course is not like that.

We have designed and recorded this course entirely on the new Swift UI.

We will start with the basics of programming with a swift programming language. We will go through concepts of programming like variables, operators, range, optional binding, forced unwrapping, control flows, functions, class, structs, protocols and error handling. Once the programming basics are complete we will start with building apps. There is nothing like learning while building apps. Each app is designed and planned in such a way that it teaches you 1 concept at a time.

  1. Profile app

This app will teach you the basics of creating apps and will make you familiar with ZStack, HStack and VStack. Within very 1st app you will learn to design beautiful apps.

  1. Slot machine

This app will teach you about custom shape design in iOS. We will learn about the concept of rawValue and creating any shape that you want. Again a beautiful app with some logic as well.

  1. Calculator app

Calculator seems really simple to people but it is not. This calculator is full of animations and tricks for designing a layout. How to calculate screen dimensions and more.

  1. Splash screen

Although this app is small in implementation, but it is very much fun. In this app you will learn about creating a splash screen that usually acts as a branding screen for most apps.

  1. Shopping app

This app focuses more on the UI part. With a beautiful UI, we will learn about creating models and travelling of data between multiple screens. Horizontal scroll view and Vertical scrolling is also covered in this app.

  1. Linkedin UI Clone

Linkedin has got one of the cleanest and most user friendly apps. Building an app like this teaches you a lot about clear design and gives you confidence that you can also build a complex app.

  1. Todo app – User defaults

Todo apps like everyone can do it but don’t take it easy, it’s not that easy. Todo app teaches you about the CRUD operations and that too with UserDefaults. We will also learn about app state management in this app.

  1. API handling with Pokemon app

Handling API is one of the most important jobs as a developer and during your journey as an iOS developer you will be handling a ton of API. In this section we will learn about making a web call to API, handling clean response, handling dirty response and creating a model based on response. Further there will be a small assignment in this section.

Currently we are rolling out this course with these apps. As I get more time, I will surely add more apps to this course.

More datatypes in swift
Advance swift programming concept
Building Project 1 - Profile app
Project 2 - Custom shape and slots
Project 3 - calculator with animation
Project 4 - Splash screen
Building LinkedIn UI Clone
Todo app - Read the docs
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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