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Flutter Multi Vendor App

Flutter shop | grocery | restaurant | vendor app
190 Alunos Inscrito
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  Tempo de leitura 1 minute

Flutter Multi Vendor app for grocery store, restaurant app, food delivery and e-commerce app. This app is designed to be scalable and a template for following purpose. You may use it for

1. food delivery app

2. grocery app

3. e-commerce app

4. shop app or clothes app

5. accessory app

We will build a mobile app using Flutter which can facilitate the ordering of food from restaurants that are within the close distance range of the client. Clients can get dynamic food recommendations and restaurant recommendations according to their current location. Clients can explore food categories and get served the food that is within delivery distance and if no food is found we recommend them random foods.

The app will provide features to calculate the distance of the restaurant from the client’s current location, calculate the delivery price to order from a restaurant, navigate using maps from the client’s current location to restaurant’s location, calculate the time it takes for an order to be delivered to the client after ordering. Payment system to facilitate payment between the client and the admin. Buyers can rate the experience of purchase, seller, delivery, etc. Food delivery services rely heavily on security email, the app will have an email verification system as well as phone number verification. For deliveries to go through and limit confusion, the address system should have a combination of several map APIs to get the coordinates of the user and the correct format of the address.

Creating the project and Introducing GetX
Restaurant and schemas and test
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