Flutter Ecommerce Course Dart | BLoC | Nodejs | Rest API
- Descrição
- Currículo
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Here will focus on mainly how to integrate BLoC with clean architecture. We will cover the new features of BLoC and above. You will learn how to build a scalable app with Nodejs api.
This would come in 3 parts, to finish these course, you need to buy all three together. This is part 1 of 3.
Course features
On boarding screen
Beautiful onboarding screen with sales Moto.
Registration screen
Registration with email and phone number and secured password.
Login feature
Secured login verified from front end backend with JWT features.
Reset password
Email verification on reset password with animation and timer.
View products
View products on detail with multiple thumbnails. We have product category of regular products and new arrivals products.
Product rating
Customers can rate product and view rating of others. Bad rating products are not shown for certain users.
Choose product size & color
You must select your product size and color.
Search product based on filter
You may also do custom search by filtering features.
Email sending on confirmation payment
Once you place an order you get cool email to notify that you have placed an order with detail product and order info.
Cart management
Cool cart management features. You may add or remove items. You may also remove multiple items at the same time on long press.
Placing order
Place order with stripe account and choose multiple items in placement.
Search product based on category & subcategory
Click on a category and see all the related products .
Payment profile
Shows where your current order status is.
Light and Dark mode
This app comes in two mode. Dart and light mode which you can change easily from the profile section.
Clean architecture with BLoC state management .
Backend is MVC pattern.
Powerful rest api.
Backend is done with Express framework and mongodb.
Cron job on orders
The app system checks for unpaid orders and removes then every 24 hours. This is helpful for database management.
Course requirement
You must have at least 6 months of flutter programming experience to take this course.
Through this course you will master Flutter programming, core Dart features and Javascript Express framework with Mongodb.
2Who is this course forVídeo Aula
3What you should know in javascriptVídeo Aula
4What are we building-UI reviewVídeo Aula
5What tools are we usingVídeo Aula
6Tool installationsVídeo Aula
7Setting up our mongodbVídeo Aula
8Server environment setupVídeo Aula
9Kickstarting our serverVídeo Aula
10Storing secrets locallyVídeo Aula
11RoutingVídeo Aula
19Models and schemasVídeo Aula
20Implementing user registrationVídeo Aula
21Implementing loginVídeo Aula
22How login persistence worksVídeo Aula
23Verifying the persisted tokenVídeo Aula
24Handling the forgot password functionalityVídeo Aula
25Verify password reset otpVídeo Aula
26Resetting the user_s passwordVídeo Aula
27User authorizationVídeo Aula
28Automatically refreshing token server sideVídeo Aula
29User functionalityVídeo Aula
30All admin functionalitiesVídeo Aula
31All the models we will needVídeo Aula
32Admin controller implementation 1Vídeo Aula
33Uploading imagesVídeo Aula
34Deleting imagesVídeo Aula
35Advanced mongodb queryingVídeo Aula
36Admin order conclusionVídeo Aula
37Admin products controllerVídeo Aula
46The checkout flowVídeo Aula
47Checkout implementationVídeo Aula
48Handling post-checkout activitiesVídeo Aula
49Handling post-checkout activities 2Vídeo Aula
50How to get the metadata from the checkout sessionVídeo Aula
51Getting user orderVídeo Aula
52Get user payment profile endpointVídeo Aula
67Sign in UIVídeo Aula
68Sign up UIVídeo Aula
69Forgot password UIVídeo Aula
70Verify otp UI-blocVídeo Aula
71Reset password UIVídeo Aula
72plugging the auth interface adapter [login]Vídeo Aula
73Plugging the auth interface adapter [registration]Vídeo Aula
74Plugging the auth interface adapter [forgot password]Vídeo Aula