Flutter BLoC TDD & Clean Architecture | Project Based [2024]
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This is course where we will cover what is clean architecture in detail with step by step example. We will also talk about why it important and how it plays an important role for big projects and how a team can collaborate with their projects if the project is done using clean architecture and how each of the project is dependent.
This course comes in two parts. Students need to buy both parts separately.
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This app cover 100 TDD and detail explanation of Clean Architecture with BLoC, Provider and Cubit
This app uses firebase as backend and chatting. All data is saved in the firebase and the login also happens through firebase. You get notifications in different cases.
You may get notification for joining a group and notification is a new course or exam is uploaded.
There’s an admin side of this app, where you may upload courses to firebase and the app reads that immediately. You may upload many exams or courses.
The exam result comes out automatically and immediately. Students can review their result and recheck the test.
You will have a screen video player section which could be fullscreen or half screen. You get to play video from a link or local storage.
Profile center provides name, password and avatar change.
This course also covers dedicated TDD section clear examples. So the first 6 hours of this course we take a look at a dummy app to know about TDD and clean architecture.
Main features
Social login
View course
Join group chat
Auto create group chat
Leave group chat
Upload video from backend
Play video from local storage
Profile center (create, delete, update with image)
Receive notification
Clear notification
Onboarding screen
Firebase integration
Admin panel
Upload exam
9Create a dummy projectVídeo Aula
10Create user entityVídeo Aula
11Understand dart objects and compare with referenceVídeo Aula
12Install dartz package and understand Either conceptVídeo Aula
13Create failure and typedefVídeo Aula
14Dart callable call functionVídeo Aula
15Done with domain layer usescases create userVídeo Aula
16Domain layer usecases get_userVídeo Aula
17Understanding unit testVídeo Aula
18Create test part 1Vídeo Aula
19Create test part 2 and finish stubbingVídeo Aula
20Create test part 3 and added expect() functionVídeo Aula
21Create test part 4 and add verify() functionVídeo Aula
22Create test part 5 and run itVídeo Aula
23Test summary in text formatTexto
24Create test get_users and done with Domain layerVídeo Aula
30Data layer and implementation part 1Vídeo Aula
31Data layer and implementation section part 2Vídeo Aula
32Authentication repository implementation test part 1Vídeo Aula
33Authentication repository implimentation test 2Vídeo Aula
34Authentication repository implimentation exception test 3Vídeo Aula
35Authentication Repository done with APIException test 4Vídeo Aula
36Authentication remote data source implementation testVídeo Aula
37Work on http client test for remote data source part 1Vídeo Aula
38Http post request 200, 201 and 400 status code part 2Vídeo Aula
39Http get request test part 3Vídeo Aula
40Not found test part 4Vídeo Aula
41Presentation layer use cases with BloCVídeo Aula
42Presentation layer cubit and usecasesVídeo Aula
43Cubit authentication testVídeo Aula
44BLoC and Cubit test passVídeo Aula
45Cubit create user passVídeo Aula
46Cubit get user test passVídeo Aula
47Cubit get users test passVídeo Aula
48Inject dependencies and connect all the layersVídeo Aula
49Summary in text formatTexto
50Work on homepageVídeo Aula
51Create our first userVídeo Aula
60Auth domainVídeo Aula
61Auth modelsVídeo Aula
62Auth repo implementationVídeo Aula
63Auth remote resourceVídeo Aula
64Firebase and testing and see the problemsVídeo Aula
65Solutions to the problemVídeo Aula
66Auth remote source testVídeo Aula
67Auth BLoC set upVídeo Aula
68Auth BLoC test and implementationVídeo Aula
69Auth depedency injectVídeo Aula
70Auth routingVídeo Aula
71Sign in uiVídeo Aula
72Firebase email authentication setupVídeo Aula
73Sign up uiVídeo Aula