SQL and PostgreSQL: The Complete Developer's Guide
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
Database structure design? It’s here. Query tuning and optimization? You’ll master it. Complex queries? Yes indeed!
This is the only course online that will teach you how to design a database, store complex data, optimize your queries, everything that is needed for operating a production, scalable database!
Every app in the world, whether it is a mobile app built with Flutter, a web app constructed with React, or a plain HTML page, needs to store information in a database. Although there are many different databases you can use, PostgreSQL has been a number-one pick for decades, offering scalable performance, rock-solid uptime, and flexible design systems. This course will teach you everything you need to know about PostgreSQL to use it on your next big project!
Don’t know anything about databases at all? No problem. We begin with an overview of SQL, the language used to interact with PostgreSQL. Through an incredible number of exercises, you’ll get practical, hands on experience working with realistic datasets. You will understand how to store, fetch, and update information with a series of powerful commands.
After gaining experience with elementary operations, you will move on to understanding database design patterns, offering multiple ways to structure your database for efficient data modeling. You’ll see many different scenarios with different types of data, and understand the pros and cons to several approaches.
This course is packed with practice exercises and quizzes. You’ll get immediate practice on all of the different topics and features that you learn! In addition, you’ll understand exactly where to use each of these features in real and practical projects.
Besides getting practical hands-on experience, you’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at how PostgreSQL works internally. We’ll dive into raw data files, investigating how PostgreSQL stores information on your hard drive bit by bit. This knowledge is invaluable when it comes time to start tuning your queries for performance. By having a natural instinct of how PostgreSQL works, you can plan on being able to get every last bit of performance out of your database.
Here is a partial list of some of the topics that are covered in this course:
Apply powerful SQL commands to store, update, and retrieve information
Build relationships between records using foreign keys between tables
Understand PostgreSQL’s numerous data types, and when to use each
Assemble reports of business data by using aggregation pipelines
Work with millions of records to simulate real production queries
Exercise your query logic skills through the use of sets and sorting operators
Compose queries out of smaller reusable units using subqueries
Use different design patterns to efficiently model your data
See how to divide database objects into different schemas to maintain them more easily
Validate your data using simple ‘check’ rules
Construct perfect designs for common features such as ‘like’, ‘follow’, and ‘tag’ systems
Speed up your queries with indexes – you’ll see exactly how they work behind the scenes!
Dive into some of the most complex queries around with recursive common table expressions
Deal with concurrency issues easily by applying transactions
I made this course to be the perfect resource for engineers just getting started with their first database. Master the database itself, and see how to apply it with real designs. Sign up today and master PostgreSQL!
1Join Our Community!Texto
2Course ResourcesTexto
3What is PostgreSQL All About?Vídeo Aula
4Database DesignVídeo Aula
5Database TerminologyQuestionário
6Creating TablesVídeo Aula
7Analyzing CREATE TABLEVídeo Aula
8Inserting Data Into a TableVídeo Aula
9Retrieving Data with SelectVídeo Aula
10Create, Insert, and Select!Questionário
11Calculated ColumnsVídeo Aula
12Calculating Phone RevenueVídeo Aula
13Using Calculated ColumnsQuestionário
14Exercise SolutionVídeo Aula
15String Operators and FunctionsVídeo Aula
16Filtering Rows with "Where"Vídeo Aula
17More on the "Where" KeywordVídeo Aula
18Compound "Where" ClausesVídeo Aula
19A "Where" Exercise OverviewVídeo Aula
20Practicing Where StatementsQuestionário
21A "Where" SolutionVídeo Aula
22"Where" With ListsVídeo Aula
23A More Challenging 'Where'Questionário
24A "Where" With Lists SolutionVídeo Aula
25Calculations in "Where" ClausesVídeo Aula
26Trying Calculations in Where ClausesQuestionário
27Solving CalculationsVídeo Aula
28Updating RowsVídeo Aula
29Deleting RowsVídeo Aula
30Try Updating Records In a Table!Questionário
31A Solution for Updating RowsVídeo Aula
32Practice Deleting RecordsQuestionário
33Solution for Deleting RowsVídeo Aula
34The Plan Moving ForwardVídeo Aula
35Approaching Database DesignVídeo Aula
36Let's Design Some SchemaQuestionário
37One-to-Many and Many-to-One RelationshipsVídeo Aula
38A 'Has One' or 'Has Many'?Questionário
39One-to-One and Many-to-Many RelationshipsVídeo Aula
40Identifying One-to-One and Many-to-Many RelationshipsQuestionário
41Primary Keys and Foreign KeysVídeo Aula
42Understanding Foreign KeysVídeo Aula
43Foreign Keys; How Do They Work?Questionário
44Auto-Generated ID'sVídeo Aula
45Creating Foreign Key ColumnsVídeo Aula
46Running Queries on Associated DataVídeo Aula
47Exercise OverviewVídeo Aula
48Creating and Using Foreign KeysQuestionário
49Foreign Key Creation SolutionVídeo Aula
50Foreign Key Constraints Around InsertionVídeo Aula
51Constraints Around DeletionVídeo Aula
52Commands You’ll Need for the Next VideoTexto
53Testing Deletion ConstraintsVídeo Aula
54Setting Foreign Keys to Null on DeleteVídeo Aula
55What Happens On Delete?Questionário
56Adding Some ComplexityVídeo Aula
57Adding Some DataTexto
58Queries with Joins and AggregationsVídeo Aula
59Joining Data from Different TablesVídeo Aula
60Another Quick JoinVídeo Aula
61Exercise OverviewVídeo Aula
62Practice Joining DataQuestionário
63A Joinful SolutionVídeo Aula
64Alternate Forms of SyntaxVídeo Aula
65Missing Data in JoinsVídeo Aula
66Why Wasn't It IncludedVídeo Aula
67Four Kinds of JoinsVídeo Aula
68Each Join in PracticeVídeo Aula
69Does Order Matter?Vídeo Aula
70Test Your Joining KnowledgeQuestionário
71Exercise OverviewVídeo Aula
72Joins, Joins, Join!Questionário
73Two Possible SolutionsVídeo Aula
74Where with JoinVídeo Aula
75Three Way JoinsVídeo Aula
76A Bit of PracticeVídeo Aula
77Three Way ExerciseQuestionário
78Exercise SolutionVídeo Aula