Google Sheets - The Comprehensive Masterclass
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
This is the only Google Sheets course you’ll ever going to need: Because it’s going to teach you everything you need to know. From data collection, automation, to proper data analysis and visualization.
What will happen by the end of the course:
You’ll be a confident spreadsheet user
You’ll be the one that brings solutions to the table instead of problems
You can tackle complex data analysis with ease
You’ll create interactive and compelling dashboards in Google Spreadsheets
You’ll know the right way to approach a problem
What you’ll learn to get there:
Properly input and collect data and navigate large Google spreadsheets
Best practice and useful (& sometimes hidden) Sheets features
Sort, Filter, create Filter views and clean data in Google spreadsheets
Lookup functions in Google Sheets such as VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, FILTER & SORTN.
Essential Summarization Functions like SUM, COUNT, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS etc.
Branching functions like Google Sheets IF and IFS functions.
Combining data from other Google Sheets with IMPORTRANGE
QUERY Function to create ANY analysis you want (You’ll learn the key to getting this right)
Pivot tables, Charts & Slicers in Google Sheets to present your data
How to automate your work with macros & Google Apps Script
How you will learn:
Lots of challenges & exercises
Practice activities where you need to find the mistakes
You get access to ALL the files I use. The START files so you can follow along with me and the SOLUTION files in case you get stuck.
If you’re a current spreadsheet user take the pre-assessment quiz to discover your weak spots.
I promise, we’ll have fun!
Why Learn Google Sheets?
The way we’re using spreadsheets is changing. More of our work and collaboration is done through online channels, our spreadsheets are also moving online. Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet program that offers solutions many companies need right now.
In the past the main requirement companies had was for professionals to have solid knowledge in Microsoft Excel. Now they are looking for more.
As a business professional it’s important to master the important applications. You don’t need to know them all. Just the important ones.
And something else you may not know …
You can apply MOST of the knowledge you learn in this Google Sheets course to Microsoft Excel as well!
There are many helpful and time-saving Google Sheets formulas and features. We tend to forget what these are if we don’t use them. This course will give you the practice you need to be able to apply the best solution for the task at hand. This way you can do more in less time.
Why Take This Specific Google Sheets Course?
This Comprehensive Google Sheets Masterclass is simply like no other Google spreadsheet course out there. I don’t say that lightly.
This course will get you confident and comfortable designing simple to complex spreadsheets. You’ll go beyond Sheets basics. As you go through the course, you’ll be able to apply what you learnt immediately to your job.
You’ll master new formulas and learn new function so you can find better ways to setup your existing spreadsheets. Management loves efficiency.
In this course you’ll solve dozens of practical real-world examples. They’ll help you think outside the box so you can work smarter not harder.
5Sheets Basics for a Smooth StartVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll cover how to open a blank Google Sheet, how to create a new spreadsheet, and how to hide and unhide a Google sheet. We’ll also look at how to save and move a spreadsheet, and how to find a Google sheet in Google Drive.
6Cells, Rows & ColumnsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll take a closer look at the difference between a cell and a range in Google Sheets. We’ll also learn about rows and columns, how to enter information, and how you can wrap text in a cell.
7Productivity Tips & File Sharing (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn about some useful productivity tips for Google Sheets. We’ll create a shortcut to Sheets, we’ll make Sheets available offline, and we’ll share and email a spreadsheet.
8Useful Menu & Toolbar OptionsVídeo Aula
Now it’s time to get more familiar with the menu and the toolbar in Google Sheets. We’ll look at merging cells, and how you can format the content in your cells. We’ll also learn how to insert images and checkboxes.
9Language & Spreadsheet Settings (Important)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn about important spreadsheet settings for your Google Sheet. We’ll define the locale of the spreadsheet and how this setting affects the appearance of numbers, currencies and dates in your spreadsheet. We’ll also learn how to change the display language of Google Sheets.
10Version Recovery & Edit HistoryVídeo Aula
Let’s learn about Version Recovery and Edit History in Google Sheets. With these amazing features you can go back in time and restore an older version of the same spreadsheet, and even assign a name to a certain version. We’ll also cover how to show the edit history of a certain cell.
11Activity: 5 Minute TimerTexto
12Quiz: Test Your Knowledge - Getting StartedQuestionário
13Data Entry, Data Types & Autofill in Google SheetsVídeo Aula
Now it’s time to learn about data entry in Google Sheets. We’ll cover important data types and how you can use Autofill instead of manually entering data.
14Common Formulas in Google SheetsVídeo Aula
Now we’ll cover how to write a formula in Google Sheets and common calculations you’ll need. We’ll also learn about Paste Special options like paste as values, paste format only, and paste transposed.
15Important Functions in Google Sheets (Sum, Count, Counta, CountUnique)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll get familiar with the important functions SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT(A), and COUNTUNIQUE.
16Relative Vs. Absolute ReferencingVídeo Aula
Now it’s time to learn about Relative versus Absolute referencing. We’ll cover why this is such an important concept when it comes to writing formulas in Google Sheets.
17Challenge: Find the Mistake! Data Doesn't Add Up!Vídeo Aula
In this challenge you need to find a mistake. There is something wrong with a calculation: The numbers do not add up.
18Key Takeaways: The BasicsTexto
19Useful Features for Report DesignVídeo Aula
20Useful Shortcuts (Pro Tips)Vídeo Aula
Now it’s time to learn some important and useful shortcuts to work faster in Google Sheets. We’ll also learn how to enable compatible spreadsheet shortcuts to be even more efficient.
21Conditional Formatting (Steer Attention to What Matters)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn how to apply conditional formatting in Google Sheets. This way we can dynamically highlight the important parts in the data.
22Challenge: Conditional Formatting with Checkboxes and EmailsVídeo Aula
Now it’s time for a little challenge in Google Sheets. You’ll have to conditionally format with a color scale, highlight incorrect email addresses in a dataset, and test if the formatting you applied is dynamic.
23Data Validation & Drop-down ListsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn about data validation and how you can easily create drop-down lists in Google Sheets. By using these techniques you’ll be able to reduce data input errors in your spreadsheets.
24Working with Excel & CSV Files (& Importing Data)Vídeo Aula
We’ll cover how you can work with data from Excel or CSV files in Google Sheets. We’ll also learn how you can convert these files to Google Sheets format. When importing from a CSV file we’ll learn about separator types and how you can even append data to an existing Google Sheet.
25Getting Data from Other Google Sheets (ImportRange)Vídeo Aula
Now it’s time to look at how we can import data from other Google Sheets files. We’ll learn how to use the IMPORTRANGE function to do it in a dynamic way.
26Best Practice in Designing Functional Spreadsheets (Pro Tips)Vídeo Aula
27Test Your Knowledge - Useful FeaturesQuestionário
28Key Takeaways: Best Practice & Useful FeaturesTexto
29Sort Feature & What You Shouldn't DoVídeo Aula
We’ll look at the Sort Feature in Google Sheets and how you can use it to sort your values based on a single column or based on multiple columns. I’ll also show you what you need to watch out for and what you shouldn’t do when you use Sort.
30Filter & Filter View in SheetsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn how to quickly find what you need with Google Sheets Filter feature. We’ll also cover how you can create Filter Views. This way you can filter without impacting the original sort order of your data.
31Calculations on Filtered Results - SubTotal (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
We’ll learn how to make calculations on filtered data with the Subtotal function in Google Sheets.
32Challenge: Delete Empty Rows in DataVídeo Aula
In this challenge your task is to clean the data in a spreadsheet. You need to delete the empty rows and get a list of all incomplete records.
33Split Text, Remove Duplicates and Trim SpacesVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn how to split text to multiple columns and how to remove duplicates in Google Sheets to get a distinct list of values. We’ll also cover how to trim whitespace.
34Find & Replace Values (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
We’ll cover how to find and replace values in Google Sheets. We’ll also learn about Regular Expressions (Regex) in Google Sheets to even find and replace based on a pattern in your data.
35Challenge: Which Items Does Each Customer Order?Vídeo Aula
In this challenge you need to figure out which unique items each customer orders based on an existing dataset. In the process you will also have to extract the color from the item description.
36Key Takeaways: Data Cleaning & Management ToolsTexto
37Important: How to Properly Read & Understand FunctionsVídeo Aula
We’ll start out with the important concepts when it comes to functions in Google Sheets. We’ll cover the 3 types of functions, discuss the importance of the function signature and how you can properly mix text and cell references. In addition we’ll also cover how to select a suitable range for your dataset.
38Unique & Sort FunctionsVídeo Aula
Instead of using the Sort and Remove duplicate features in Google Sheets we’ll now look at the UNIQUE and SORT functions. This way the results are dynamic and automatically update as soon as the source data changes.
39SUM(IFS) by Criteria (also COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn how to summarize data by one or more criteria. We’ll use Google Sheets built-in functions SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS, MAXIFS and MINIFS.
40Challenge: Summarize by Criteria & COUNTUNIQUE(IFS)Vídeo Aula
Now it’s time to solve the challenge from the previous lecture. We’ll use a more complex formula in Google Sheets with COUNTIFS and a cell reference. In addition, we’ll use COUNTUNIQUE and COUNTUNIQUEIFS to find distinct positions in our dataset.
41Rounding Values (the Right Way)Vídeo Aula
We’ll learn how to round values up and down in Google Sheets the right way.
42Logical & Information Functions (TRUE & FALSE)Vídeo Aula
In Google Sheets you can use logical and information functions on their own but they can also be embedded in other functions. We’ll learn about Boolean Values and how we can use them in formulas.
43IF Function (IF, Then)Vídeo Aula
Now it’s time to learn about the IF function in Google Sheets. It returns a value depending on a logical expression. We’ll also cover how we can combine the IF function with the logical AND & OR operators.
44Nested IF & IFS Functions (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
We’ll learn how we can account for multiple conditions. This is when you will need a Nested IF or the IFS function.
45Error Types & How to Handle ErrorsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will learn about the different error types that are common in Google Sheets and how to handle these errors.
46Named Ranges (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
In Google Sheets we can define named ranges to make formulas easier to read.
47Challenge: Average Sales between Selected DatesVídeo Aula
In this Challenge you need to calculate the average quantity sold between selected periods. In addition, find out if the average quantity during the selected period was higher or lower than the average quantity sold over the entire period.
48Key Takeaways: Essential Functions to SummarizeTexto
49Overview of Helpful Lookup FunctionsVídeo Aula
Quick introduction to helpful lookup functions in Google Sheets.
In this lecture we will cover 2 very common lookup functions in Google Sheets: VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. With these functions we can lookup values from another list. I’ll show you the main rules on how to apply these formulas.
51Approximate Match Lookup (Replacement for IFS - Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
I’ll show you 2 alternatives to lookup an approximate match in Google Sheets. We’ll use the IFS function and the much more efficient version with VLOOKUP.
52FILTER Function to Return Multiple Match ResultsVídeo Aula
If you need to get all matches from a dataset in a dynamic way, then the FILTER function in Google Sheets is your best choice.
53Lookup Pictures & Images (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll learn how easy it is in Google Sheets to lookup images.
54SortN for Ranking (account for ties)Vídeo Aula
With the SORTN function in Google Sheets you can restrict the number of results you want back after you sort your data based on a condition. We’ll also cover the different tie modes you can apply in the SORTN function.
55Challenge: Find the Mistakes in the Formulas & Correct ThemVídeo Aula
In this Challenge you’ll need to find the mistakes in several formulas that are not working or are returning errors.
56Key Takeaways: Lookup & Filter FunctionsTexto
57! XLOOKUP - the More Flexible Lookup FunctionTexto
58Useful & Easy Text FunctionsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll cover some very useful text functions in Google Sheets. We’ll change the case of data to upper, lower and proper case. We’ll also use the Left, Mid and Right functions to extract text from a cell. We’ll also look at the Trim function to remove blank spaces from your data.
59Search & Substitute Text (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
Instead of using the Find and Replace feature you can use the Search and Substitute functions in Google Sheets. By using these functions, you can look and replace text in a dynamic way.
60Split & Join Values to / from Multiple ColumnsVídeo Aula
With the Split function in Google Sheets we can split text from a single column to multiple columns by specifying a delimiter. The Join function allows us to concatenate the elements in multiple columns using a specified delimiter.
61Challenge: Sort Multiple Words Inside a CellVídeo Aula
Your task in this Challenge is to sort the names for team members inside a cell in ascending order.
62Essential Date FunctionsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll first look at how dates are stored in Google Sheets. Then we’ll learn about the essential date functions you can apply.
63Time Calculations (Calculating Hours Worked)Vídeo Aula
This lecture is about inputting and working with time properly and how you can calculate hours worked in Google Sheets.
64Test Your Knowledge - Text & Date FunctionsQuestionário
65Key Takeaways: Useful Text FunctionsTexto
66Detect Language and Translate Your SpreadsheetsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will learn how to use Google Translate functions to translate spreadsheets automatically into different languages. We’ll also cover how we can detect the language in a spreadsheet with a function.
67Image Function (Pro Tip: Create QR Codes)Vídeo Aula
With the Image function in Google Sheets you can bring images to your spreadsheet from any website. In addition, the Image function can be used to dynamically create scannable QR codes.
68Import Tables From the Web (IMPORTHTML)Vídeo Aula
The ImportHTML function in Google Sheets allows you to import tables and lists from websites.
69Import Any Data from the Web (IMPORTXML)Vídeo Aula
With the ImportXML function in Google Sheets you can import any data from any website. The data does not have to be formatted as a table or a list.
70Stock & Currency Data with GOOGLEFINANCEVídeo Aula
With the GOOGLEFINANCE function in Google Sheets you get to import data about stocks, mutual funds, and currency exchange rates.
71Challenge: Did You Invest in the Right Stock?Vídeo Aula
In this challenge you need to calculate which stocks in a portfolio were a good choice and which ones resulted in a loss.
72Key Takeaways: Google Functions & More ResourcesTexto
73Sharing Files & Collaboration ToolsVídeo Aula
In this video we’ll look at the different options you have in Google Sheets to share and collaborate on your spreadsheets.
74Publishing Sheet or Chart (& Embedding in a Web Page)Vídeo Aula
We’ll cover how you can publish the information in your Google Sheet to the web. We’ll learn how we can publish the spreadsheet as a link and how we can embed it as a part of a website.
75Protection: Sheet & Cell LevelVídeo Aula
Now let’s take a look at how you can protect your Google Sheets and how you can protect the information in certain ranges or cells.
76Prepare for Print / PDF (& Page Breaks)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we’ll look at the different options to print your Google spreadsheet or to save it as a PDF document.
77Challenge: Prepare Proper PDF LayoutTexto
78Use Google Forms to Collect Data (Pro Tip)Vídeo Aula
With Google Forms you can collect data with online surveys and link them directly to your Google spreadsheet.
79Key Takeaways: Collaborate, Protect & Collect DataTexto