Elevate Your Social IQ: The Communication Skills Masterclass
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This dynamic course empowers learners to significantly boost their social IQ and refine their communication skills. Perfect for anyone eager to excel in both personal or professional interactions, this comprehensive course highlights the importance of clear communication and effective listening to forge healthy, meaningful and lasting relationships.
Effective communication is essential for thriving in social settings. It involves understanding instructions, listening without bias, making humble requests, asking respectful questions, and conveying information clearly and concisely. Mastering these skills is fundamental for building meaningful connections without judgment or unnecessary misunderstandings.
This course focuses on all the key elements of effective interpersonal communication, including: How do you communicate clearly and effectively? How can active listening enhance your social interactions? What are the strategies for managing conflicts and disagreements in relationships? How can you build trust and rapport with others through communication?
The course begins by exploring the role of language, attitude, and behaviors in shaping our interpersonal connections. Next, it delves into understanding emotions and creating positive mental states to improve social interactions. Students will learn about the impact of Emotional Intelligence on relationships and how self-awareness plays a crucial role in personal growth.
Some of the key concepts covered in this course include:
– The impact of language on how it impacts our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors
– The relationship between our mental assumptions and our social experiences
– Communication skills for earning trust, managing conflict & influencing people
– Understanding the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) on social relationships
– The role of maturation and responsibility in becoming an attractive character
– A range of language patterns and communication skills to practice right away
– How to understand, and even respect, perspectives that differ from your own
– The psychological principles that counsellors and coaches use in their practice
– How to interact with different personality types and communication styles
Developing strong communication skills requires grasping the nuances of interactions. By honing your ability to listen actively and respond with empathy, you gain a deeper appreciation of others’ perspectives, fostering a harmonious social atmosphere. Expanding your communication repertoire boosts both your confidence and your capacity to influence and inspire others.
This course is brimming with practical insights, equipping learners with the skills to excel in a variety of social interactions. It provokes thoughtful engagement, honest communication, and the building of lasting connections. Regardless of your current communication skills, this course will enhance your interpersonal skills and abilities to connect meaningfully with others.
This course delivers Kain’s 25+ years of experience and industry expertise. His distinctive teaching style, shaped by his military background and extensive international travel, will empower you by the end of the course to communicate confidently and effectively in any situation or environment. In turn, you will build stronger relationships along the way.
Our training materials are captured in HD video, accompanied by an MP3 version of the course, and supplemented with PDF resources to enhance your learning experience. The course is available on-demand, providing a comprehensive framework to contextualize your studies and establish a strong foundation for sharing your newfound skills with others.
ⓘ This training is part of a broader 28-course Achology curriculum. It comes with a full 30-day money back guarantee, so if you’re not satisfied, you can get a refund with no questions asked.
1Introduction Video and Course WelcomeVídeo Aula
In this opening lesson, your instructor, Kain Ramsay, will introduce you to the course structure, a few introductory ideas, and this will help enable you to manage your expectations effectively throughout the next 15+ hours of on-demand video-based teaching and demonstrations.
2Identifying Your Communication and People GoalsVídeo Aula
Identifying Your Communication and People Goals
Among the most important life skills, we can develop is the ability to communicate clearly. Effective communication is the process of transferring information in a way that is understood.
By viewing communications from the position of agreement or disagreement, our assumptions heavily influence what we interpret in a communication. Never try to communicate 'right; instead communicate 'real'.'
3How to Get MORE From this Training Course!Texto
To gain even more benefit from this online training experience beyond just watching the pre-recorded instructional videos, here are some of the different ways you can achieve this. Access 100's of articles, 100's more FREE video tutorials, and browse the inspiring Achology Quotes website!
4How to Ask Questions About the Udemy Website?Texto
This brief onboarding article offers basic course instructions and directs you to Udemy Support for any questions or issues you might encounter while using the Udemy website.
5The Foundational Assumptions of Communication (Part 1)Vídeo Aula
The Foundational Assumptions of Communication (Part 1)
We can evaluate the effectiveness of our communication by evaluating the depth of connection we have with the people in our lives. We will either communicate with the intention of impressing others or connecting with them.
Every day, we communicate not only by what we say but also by what we commit to. The truth is that no one way of communicating is right or wrong; there are just a variety of degrees of difference. This video is part 1 of 2.
6The Foundational Assumptions of Communication (Part 2)Vídeo Aula
The Foundational Assumptions of Communication (Part 2)
We can evaluate the effectiveness of our communication by evaluating the depth of connection we have with the people in our lives. We will either communicate with the intention of impressing others or connecting with them.
Every day, we communicate not only by what we say but also by what we commit to. The truth is that no one way of communicating is right or wrong; there are just a variety of degrees of difference. This video is part 1 of 2.
7The Art of Communicating From the HeartVídeo Aula
The Art of Communicating From the Heart
There is a meaning to every communication. Social effectiveness and healthy relationships come from learning how to communicate principles in an open and ambiguous manner that is not constrained by our own subjective perspectives.
Any communication that is less than caring, kind, clear, and deliberate can easily result in misunderstanding, misdirection, confusion, and upset.
8The Four Stages of MisinterpretationVídeo Aula
The Four Stages of Misinterpretation
Some people allow misinterpretation to destroy their relationships, their families, and their careers. In this video, we'll examine a model we can use to better understand communication phases and why communications tend to go south.
Sometimes, there is nothing wrong with our communication; it's just that people judge and misunderstand - and there is nothing people can do to change this.
9Insights: The Albert Mehrabian FormulaVídeo Aula
Insights: The Albert Mehrabian Formula
Albert Mehrabian, a world-renowned psychologist, proposed that three factors determine our perception of people: the words they use, their tone of voice, and the body language they exhibit.
Our communication is not only a matter of what we say but also of how we say it through our tone of voice and body language. To interact with people successfully, it is crucial to learn and employ discernment.
10Communication Foundations: 9 Types of ListeningVídeo Aula
Communication Foundations: 9 Types of Listening
It is common for people to think about communications in terms of the words they can use to impress others, how they can persuade others or manipulate them into their own opinion.
It is important to note that communication is about much more than what we say; listening is a crucial aspect of communication. Listening constitutes half of all communication, and there are a number of types.
11Communication Foundations: Focus on Discriminative ListeningVídeo Aula
Communication Foundations: Focus on Discriminative Listening
Whether you’re networking, starting a new job or trying to land a client, strong listening skills can help you effectively communicate in professional settings.
You can benefit greatly from learning about the different types of listening, all of which are important to understand both in personal relationships and at work. In this video, Kain offers further insights regarding discriminative listening.
12Core Conditions for Respectful CommunicatingVídeo Aula
Core Conditions for Respectful Communicating
Carl Rogers, a psychologist from the 1940s, created a paradigm shift by proposing that people grow the most when they are listened to and understood.
He suggested that there are core conditions that must be in place to maintain respectful communications that help to bring out the best in people and which lay a solid foundation through which we can listen to others well. Respectful communication is when we listen carefully and respond kindly to others, even if we don’t fully understand them.
13Demonstration: The Core Conditions for Respectful CommunicatingVídeo Aula
Demonstration: The Core Conditions for Respectful Communicating
There are times when seeing a demonstration of how something works in practice helps us to apply information to our personal lives more easily. In this video, you'll have the opportunity to watch Kain demonstrate the three core conditions while in an undirected dialogue with Karen.
14Nine Attitudes of Unconditional Positive RegardVídeo Aula
Nine Attitudes of Unconditional Positive Regard
Some people live their lives reactively, reacting to things and events in their lives. We have all been guilty of jumping to the worst-case conclusion of others rather than trying to comprehend their perspective.
The best way to understand people is to understand why they do the things they do. People become influential when we help them identify patterns and trends in their lives.
15The Four Basic Styles of Verbal CommunicationVídeo Aula
The Four Basic Styles of Verbal Communication
The majority of the time, we will not trust people who haven't shown us that they are interested in understanding us. It is through communication and dialogue that we can cooperate and connect with each other. As a means of improving the effectiveness of our communications, it is imperative that we understand the differences between the four main styles of verbal communication.
16The Prerequisites of Positive Social InfluenceVídeo Aula
The Prerequisites of Positive Social Influence
The fact remains that we are all constantly communicating; not all of it is verbal. Many people wish to have a positive impact on their relationships. When we communicate, our ability to control ourselves emotionally is what gives us influence. To become more influential in our relationships, we need to understand the prerequisites of positive social influence.
17The Pre-Communicating 'Full Cycle' ModelVídeo Aula
The Pre-Communicating 'Full Cycle' Model
Only by increasing our self-awareness are we able to better identify the aspects of ourselves that we should better manage; only through doing this are we able to become more capable of managing ourselves and becoming more socially aware of those around us.
Reflection before a communication will influence your ability to prepare yourself for that communication. In other words, how well you prepare for communication will determine how well you deliver.
18Six Factors that Undermine Relational ConnectingVídeo Aula
Six Factors that Undermine Relational Connecting
This lesson might change how you view communication. Most people see communication as being important, but it’s often in the back of our minds or viewed as something that “just happens.”
Putting communication at the front of your mind and becoming more aware of how you communicate can have many positive effects. This teaching will explore the factors that undermine healthy connecting.
19Understanding Human NeedsVídeo Aula
End of Section One Check-In
We solidify our learnings when we take time to self-reflect and apply the principles we're learning about in the context of our own lives. Throughout this video, there are a series of questions that you can use to consider your main learnings from this section of the course.
20Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?Vídeo Aula
Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?
We've examined various principles of healthy communication so far, which have laid the foundation upon which we will build as we examine the "how" of communication in this section.
The concepts we'll cover in this teaching will help you become a more effective communicator even before you open your mouth. It is only ever useful to communicate with someone who is receptive to communication.
21A Practical Guide to Conversational InfluenceVídeo Aula
A Practical Guide to Conversational Influence
Each of us has a communication style that is either directive or non-directive. In directive communications, a person assumes what they know is truth and forces a message upon others.
In non-directive communications, the approach is usually more subtle to improve reception and to provoke awareness. This teaching will help you to understand the differences between the two.
22A Discussion of Directive and Non-Directive CommunicationsVídeo Aula
A Discussion of Directive and Non-Directive Communications
People sometimes use directive methods of communication, which can often lead to the other party shutting down because they feel judged. A more effective approach we can take is non-directive in nature - through which we have the opportunity to ask questions of intrigue, speak to the voids that people have in their lives and highlight the opportunity they have for growth.
23Insights: The Three Levels of DiscerningVídeo Aula
Insights: The Three Levels of Discerning
Discernment is the ability to perceive accurately or judge well. In the case of judgement, discernment can be psychological, moral or philosophical in nature. Discerning is about reading people and recognizing where they are; it's different from assuming we know what is true for another person. Our perception of a person can be gleaned from their words as well as their body language and voice.
24Fundamentals of Human ReceptivityVídeo Aula
Fundamentals of Human Receptivity
Being overly directive with people and judging them is not a good way to become socially effective. In order to be effective socially, we must be willing to open our hearts to others, accept their perspectives, and take an active interest in learning about others. A seed needs cultivated soil to thrive, similarly, we can cultivate a healthy culture in our communications by being open and nonjudgmental.
25Understanding Belief Possibility SpacesVídeo Aula
Understanding Belief Possibility Spaces
Various categories of information might be included in our communications, but it's important to understand from which categories people tend to disconnect.
Facts are rarely argued against, but people always differ in their interpretation of more abstract concepts (e.g. spirituality, god, mental health, etc.). Let's not become hard-hearted to the words that people use, but rather remain curious.
26A Discussion about Unpacking the Meaning of WordsVídeo Aula
A Discussion about Unpacking the Meaning of Words
It is natural for different words to mean different things to different people. The problem here is that many people fail to understand that all human beings view the world differently and that two people may use the same phrase in a discussion but have two entirely different meanings. The following discussion provides you with a basis for building more connected interactions with people.
27The Five Primary Styles of CommunicationVídeo Aula
The Five Primary Styles of Communication
Although there are some who believe that personalities and communication styles are fixed, the truth is that these things can and do change over time - personalities and communication styles are fluid in nature.
We do not have a particular style of communication; we just have habits that will change over time. In sum, assertive communication is born from mature self-esteem and is free from manipulation.
28The Seven Stages of Human Relationships (Part 1)Vídeo Aula
The Seven Stages of Human Relationships (Part 1)
To be able to communicate effectively, we must learn to better understand other people - and we do this by understanding how different people view themselves. When the ego speaks, authenticity is not present, so it's vital that we learn to identify our own ego in order to be able to communicate effectively with others.
This video is part 1 of 2.
29The Seven Stages of Human Relationships (Part 2)Vídeo Aula
The Seven Stages of Human Relationships (Part 2)
To be able to communicate effectively, we must learn to better understand other people - and we do this by understanding how different people view themselves. When the ego speaks, authenticity is not present, so it's vital that we learn to identify our own ego in order to be able to communicate effectively with others.
This video is part 2 of 2.
30The Seven Stages of Human Relationships: A DiscussionVídeo Aula
The Seven Stages of Human Relationships: A Discussion
There are several levels of relationship, as you now know. Each stage has its own particular features and risks associated with it. Understanding something about these kinds of stages can assist you in being prepared for these people when you are connecting with them. In this video, Kain and Karen host, a discussion about the different stages of relationship development people go through.
31Developing Judgmental Accuracy Through Cognitive GrowthVídeo Aula
Developing Judgmental Accuracy Through Cognitive Growth
All communications are affected by perception. In the same way that a map is merely a visual representation of the area covered, it is not accurate; our perception is just a lens through which we are viewing; it is not the truth.
If we wish to become more accurate in our discernment of other people, then we have to commit ourselves to the endurable process of cognitive growth.
32Reflecting on the Health of Your 'Tongue'Vídeo Aula
Reflecting on the Health of Your 'Tongue'
You will speak what is in your heart. If you hold bitterness inside, your words will be shaped and moulded by it. In order to become effective communicators and gain the trust and respect of other people, we need to take care of what we say.
Our words have consequences. When we consider the effects of our tongue, our actions, and our behaviour, we become more effective socially.
33Reframing Meanings, Perception and InterpretationVídeo Aula
Reframing Meanings, Perception and Interpretation
A powerful discipline to develop in life is reframing. If we reframe our interpretation of a situation or interaction, we will automatically change our perception of it. By changing how we perceive something (or someone), we will naturally change how positively or negatively we relate to it.
34Demonstration Discussion - The Reframing Game (Part 1)Vídeo Aula
Demonstration Discussion - The Reframing Game
On a more light-hearted note, Kain and Karen engage in ‘The Reframing Game’ and attempt to demonstrate how important it is to learn to communicate in a way that other people can be naturally receptive to.
People can only relate to how they perceive you, so if you can learn to reframe your communications habitually, you will naturally become more relatable to other people.
35Demonstration Discussion - The Reframing Game (Part 2)Vídeo Aula
Demonstration Discussion - The Reframing Game (Part 2)
On a more light-hearted note, Kain and Karen engage in ‘The Reframing Game’ and attempt to demonstrate how important it is to learn to communicate in a way that other people can be naturally receptive to.
People can only relate to how they perceive you, so if you can learn to reframe your communications habitually, you will naturally become more relatable to other people.
This is the 2nd part of the previous video.
36The Factors that Undermine Healthy ConnectingVídeo Aula
The Stages of Evolution in all Healthy Relationships
Intimate relationships are the prize of social acuity and healthy communication. In a relationship, some people focus on being treated as an equal and having their needs met, but the relationship scales to one of acceptance and intimacy when both parties prioritize the well-being of the relationship rather than just their own needs. This lesson is relevant to all people, the world throughout.
37The Stages of Evolution in all Healthy RelationshipsVídeo Aula
The Stages of Evolution in all Healthy Relationships
Intimate relationships are the prize of social acuity and healthy communication. In a relationship, some people focus on being treated as an equal and having their needs met, but the relationship scales to one of acceptance and intimacy when both parties prioritize the well-being of the relationship rather than just their own needs. This lesson is relevant to all people, the world throughout.
38Empowered and Disempowered Relationship DynamicsVídeo Aula
Empowered and Disempowered Relationship Dynamics
There are several types of people who operate within a disempowered relationship dynamic, which can be described as a drama triangle. The alternative is to operate in the growth triangle, where individuals are encouraged to take more responsibility for designing the lives they want.
39How to Build Conflict-Resistant ConnectionsVídeo Aula
How to Build Conflict-Resistant Connections
Each of us can model how we want to be treated in our relationships. When we decide what we're willing to tolerate from others, we establish healthy relationship boundaries. To maintain conflict-resistant relationships, trust must be established and maintained at all times. Keeping boundaries is not about keeping others out, but about sometimes keeping ourselves in!
40End of Section Two Check InVídeo Aula
End of Section Two Check In
Reflection allows us to consider how we can apply the principles we're learning in the context of our own lives. This lecture offers you several questions which serve as a basis for your own self-reflection.