Assertiveness Basics: The 50-minute Communication Guide
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This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years’ experience in self-improvement training, coaching and counseling.
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In this short, 60-minute guide I will tackle the topic of assertiveness (The initial 30-minute guide has been extended with an extra 30 minutes of assertiveness life examples)
Many people think that assertiveness is only linked to saying NO and therefore they negate everything.
The truth is that assertiveness is actually the ability to behave and communicate with others in a strong and confident way.
Assertive individuals are able to capture people’s attention and convey their message in a convincing manner.
They create harmony during their interaction with others. And this is exactly what I will teach you to do in this course.
Remember, there is no risk involved. Please, watch our preview videos and confirm that this is exactly the course you need.
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1IntroductionVídeo Aula
The majority of people believe that assertiveness is inextricably linked to saying No, so they negate everything. I would modify this by stating that assertiveness is the ability to behave and communicate with others in a strong and confident way.
2Build Your Confidence - Delve deep into your subconscious mindVídeo AulaConfidence is a state of mind that makes you feel at ease in uncomfortable or difficult situations. It is the internal resource that drives you towards achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams. It allows you to communicate assertively and hence initiate healthier relationships.
3The Power of "I" - Deliver messages that clearly reveal your intentionsVídeo Aula
Assertive communication is the competence to deliver messages that clearly reveal your intentions, without destroying the protocol of etiquette.
4Non-verbal Assertiveness - Create the feeling of affinity and harmonyVídeo Aula
The eyes can be used as a powerful tool to define your assertiveness. When you maintain eye contact with others during the conversation, you are telling them that you are sincere and interested in what they have to say.
5Escape The Comfort Zone - Stop being afraid of what people will thinkVídeo Aula
The comfort zone is a psychological state in which you feel comfortable because your level of stress and anxiety is low and you know what to expect.
6Conflicts - Show others that you understand their point of viewVídeo AulaCommunication is the art of interaction both verbally and non-verbally between two or more individuals, during which clear, precise and succinct messages are transmitted.
7Stress Management - Stress may hinder our ability to communicate assertivelyVídeo Aula
Whenever we encounter difficult, uncomfortable or dangerous situations, a sequence of reactions will take place, which leads to the release of specific hormones.
8IntroductionVídeo Aula
One of the reasons why people find it difficult to assert themselves is because they were continually criticized in the past by those who played an important role in their lives.
9Criticism Part 1 - How to avoid the lethal, verbal bullets of criticismVídeo Aula
Your reaction should be based on your knowledge of criticism.
10Criticism Part 2 - Criticism comes in a package with inferiority complexVídeo Aula
Manage your anger properly
11The Final Piece of Advice - Practice, practice, practice and practiceVídeo Aula
Practice makes perfect.
12Life Examples of Assertiveness - Four examples of real life situationsVídeo Aula
1. Tasteless Food
2. Saying "No"
3. The Whiner
4. A Difficult Question
13[EXTRAS] The Online MeetingVídeo Aula
You are supposed to be conducting an online demo that has of course been scheduled for a particular period of time. One of the participants is 20 minutes late and asks you if you could repeat what you had said earlier...
14[EXTRAS] Self-Improvement TrainingVídeo Aula
An acquaintance of mine called me some time in the past and asked whether I knew any self-improvement trainers as his brother was going through a stressful period at work and needed guidance...
15[EXTRAS] The Diligent Food TasterVídeo Aula
Let me give you an example of a situation when I behaved in a passive way. It happened around 20 years ago.
16[EXTRAS] The TV ControllerVídeo Aula
Considering that I have started to compromise myself, let me give you one more example when I found it difficult to react assertively.
17[EXTRAS] The Skype CallVídeo Aula
A few years ago, I call my subordinate on Skype because I wanted him to work on an urgent issue.
18[EXTRAS] Saying "Yes" in The Right WayVídeo Aula
If we agree to help someone, it should be done in such a way that will make both you and the requester feel good.
19[EXTRAS] Learn to Say "No"Vídeo Aula
The majority of people claim that they do not have the courage to protect their rights because it would mean going against people they like or respect.
20[EXTRAS] ChallengeVídeo Aula
Delve into your past and find at least one situation during which you thought your reaction was inappropriate. Start a discussion by outlining your story.
21[eBook] Assertiveness Mastery - Boost Your Confidence & Self-EsteemTexto
Free eBook: Assertiveness Mastery - Boost Your Confidence & Self-Esteem by Dr. Roy Naraine
22[EXTRAS] 10 Actionable Secrets to Master Your Confidence - by Jimmy NaraineTexto
10 Actionable Secrets to Master Confidence & Self-Esteem - by Jimmy Naraine