Healing From An Affair: For the Betrayed & the Unfaithful

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Developed by a highly sought-after licensed therapist, author, podcaster, relationship coach, and affair recovery expert with over a 20 years of experience.
30 video lessons with over 2.5 hours of training
10+ worksheets for both partners to complete throughout your training
The instructor is available for questions
The course will help get out of the chaos and confusion in the early days and weeks after an affair is discovered.
I know what it feels like to break your partner’s trust. To feel like you’ve lost all respect, status & admiration and to worry that things could never go back to the way they were. But I’m here to tell you: all is NOT lost.
For the past 20+ years, I’ve worked as a licensed marriage therapist helping thousands of couples find their way back to happy, strong & secure relationships. Through a series of core principles and proven strategies, I will teach you how to create an environment where trust can grow.
Repairing broken trust isn’t easy and takes time. Let me help you do something about it now so you can get back to love sooner rather than later.
Follow these steps to start rebuilding trust and confidence in your relationship today:
1) Enroll in this course
2) Watch ALL video lessons and do the exercises with your partner
3) Practice what you’ve learned daily to create an environment where trust can grow again
I’ll see you in the first lesson!
Geoff Steurer | MS, LMFT
“I like how straightforward and honest that you are about each topic. It was no added fluff it was straightforward and to the point. I liked how each lesson seem to hit on something we were struggling with.” – Student
“The course helped me understand what my wife was feeling. It was especially helpful in teaching me how to appropriately respond.” – Student
“I wanted to reach out to you and tell you how grateful I am to this course you created. At times it has felt like you wrote it just for me” – Student
“You move at a pace that gives the person time to think, make decisions, etc. And your presentation asks questions that if you really want this to work you can’t avoid! Well, done-thank you for letting me do this. I believe it will bring great results!” – Student