International Relations Theory: Liberalism
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From Locke to the UN: Discover Liberal Theory in International Relations.
Are you tired of watching global events unfold without truly understanding the forces behind them? Do you seek more than headlines to grasp why nations collaborate, build alliances, and strive for peace?
This course on “International Relations Theory: Liberalism” is your gateway to mastering the most influential progressive theory of international relations. With a focus on peace, cooperation, and institutions, liberalism explains how states and international actors can build lasting relationships for the common good. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to analyze global issues not just through the lens of power struggles, but also through cooperation, diplomacy, and shared values.
Why Liberalism? Understand the Theory Driving Global Cooperation
In today’s unpredictable world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by conflicts, crises, and constant change. But liberalism offers a different perspective: a path toward understanding why nations work together, how global institutions function, and why principles like human rights and international law persist as global goals.
Imagine being able to confidently discuss and analyze global issues—from the UN’s peacekeeping missions to the principles behind the European Union—with a deep knowledge of liberalist theory. By the end of this course, you’ll have the tools to explore world events through a hopeful, solution-focused lens grounded in centuries of progressive thought.
What You’ll Learn in This Course
This course provides an in-depth exploration of the liberalist theory of international relations, from its origins with early thinkers to its application in contemporary global politics. With real-world examples and practical tips, you’ll gain knowledge and confidence to discuss global issues from a progressive, cooperative standpoint.
Course Highlights
Classical Liberal Thinkers: Discover the foundations of liberalism through the ideas of John Locke, David Hume, Hugo Grotius, and Immanuel Kant. Understand their contributions to the concepts of human rights, international law, and peace.
Modern Liberal Thinkers: Learn how Norman Angell, Woodrow Wilson, Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye, and Francis Fukuyama developed and expanded liberalist thought, influencing the design of international institutions, soft power, and democratic peace theory.
Real-World Applications: Gain practical insights into how liberalism is applied in today’s world through case studies on:
European Integration and the EU
The United Nations and its role in international peacekeeping
The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and its significance in global governance
Key Concepts Explained:
Democratic Peace Theory: Understand why liberal theorists argue that democracies are less likely to go to war with each other.
Soft Power & Smart Power: Learn Joseph Nye’s revolutionary ideas on how countries can exert influence through attraction, not coercion, and how these concepts shape modern diplomacy.
Neoliberalism vs. Neorealism: Understand the distinction between neoliberal and neorealist theories and how liberalism fosters cooperation in a world often marked by competition and conflict.
Course Features
Real-World Examples: Apply liberalist theory to contemporary issues, including global peacekeeping, the European Union’s role, and the global challenges of human rights and international law.
Practical Academic Tips: Receive 6 practical tips on how to incorporate liberalism into your academic essays and dissertations, ensuring you can write with authority on international relations topics.
Comprehensive Course Tools
Printable Handouts: Keep essential ideas at your fingertips with clear, concise handouts for each section.
Study Guides: Boost retention with quizzes, short-answer keys, and glossaries for each key topic.
Multiple Choice Quizzes: Track your progress as you learn, ensuring you understand key concepts before moving forward.
Essay tips: 6 Tips for Writing Essays and Dissertations
Key lessons in Liberalism: From Classical Thinkers to Modern Ideas
Here’s what you’ll discover as you dive deep into liberalism:
1. The Founders of Liberalism
John Locke: Understand how Locke’s work on natural rights and limited government forms the basis of modern human rights theories.
David Hume: Explore Hume’s ideas on international cooperation and how human nature can lead to peaceful interactions.
Hugo Grotius: Discover the origins of international law and how Grotius championed the idea of a global legal framework to govern the behavior of states.
Immanuel Kant: Grasp Kant’s vision for international peace through perpetual peace, democratic governance, and the rule of law.
2. Modern Liberalism and Its Key Thinkers
Norman Angell: Understand why Angell argued that war is economically irrational, and how international institutions help prevent conflict.
Woodrow Wilson: Learn why Wilson’s Fourteen Points and his vision of the League of Nations marked the turning point for liberal internationalism in the 20th century.
Robert Keohane: Dive into neoliberal institutionalism, focusing on the role of international organizations in facilitating cooperation between states.
Joseph Nye: Master soft power and smart power, understanding how states can use cultural influence, diplomacy, and values to achieve their goals without resorting to force.
Francis Fukuyama: Explore Fukuyama’s provocative thesis on the “end of history” and the triumph of liberal democracy after the Cold War.
3. Liberalism in Practice
European Integration & the EU: Examine the liberalist theory behind the European Union’s creation and its role in fostering regional stability and prosperity.
The United Nations & International Cooperation: Learn how the UN, as a liberal institution, promotes cooperation, security, and human rights across the globe.
Responsibility to Protect (R2P): Understand the liberal approach to humanitarian intervention and the ethical imperatives behind R2P in preventing mass atrocities.
Become a Thought Leader in Global Politics
By the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of liberalism as it applies to international relations today. You’ll gain the tools to analyze world events, create compelling arguments, and contribute meaningfully to discussions on global cooperation, peace, and human rights.
Don’t just watch world events unfold. Understand them—through the powerful lens of Liberalism.
Enroll now and start your journey towards mastering international relations through the progressive theory of Liberalism!
My Promise to You
I promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.
I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course.
From My Students:
“The course was very informative and helpful, and I will apply the knowledge I gain. The lecturer was incredibly fantastic. He explain all the concepts and the definitions of all the topics.”
“Dr. Zwolski truly has teaching skills. He is a straightforward professor and his videos are both interesting and valuable.”
“The course is really informative and provides a very in-depth analysis of several complex topics which otherwise would have been quite difficult to understand. The simplified analysis of various important speeches too help me understand the thinking patterns of a country’s culture, thus making future moves more predictable. Overall, this course is totally worth the money and is really good irrespective of your geopolitical knowledge/prior exposure.”
“The instructor is a good lecturer. Interesting material presented clearly and concisely.”
“I’m just a 14 year old high school student who loves to know about current affairs and global conflicts. Mr. Zwolski’s course helped me to understand the origins and key concepts of “Geopolitics” without having any university degree or any experiences in this field.”
“I really enjoy listening this guy’s lecture. I could sit for hours listening to him lecture and learning new things about International Relations.”
“The lectures have been made very simple to understand! Kamil is doing an amazing job!”
“Crisp and clear videos, to the point, can be watched easily on the mobile phone.”
“Wow! If your reading the comments and debating on whether or not to take this course,TAKE IT! If you read The Economist, Forbes, taking classes on International relations, or stationed on a foreign base, this class is for you! After this you should be able to decipher mainstream media news outlets! Semper Fi!”
“I applied to do M.A in International Relations and this course helped me to pass the interview examination as i don’t have any back ground in the subject.”
5State of Nature and Law of Nature (1)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Locke's idea of the state of nature and law of nature (Part 1).
6State of Nature and Law of Nature (2)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Locke's idea of the state of nature and law of nature (Part 2).
7Locke and IR liberalismVídeo Aula
Learn about the contribution of John Locke to International Relations liberalism.
8Hume on Laws of NationsVídeo Aula
Learn about David Hume's idea of the laws of nations.
9Hume on Laws of NatureVídeo Aula
Learn about David Hume's idea of the laws of nature.
10Hume and IR LiberalismVídeo Aula
Learn about the contribution of David Hume to International Relations liberalism.
11Practice Your Knowledge of Locke and HumeQuestionário
This quiz will allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of Locke and Hume.
12On the Law of War and PeaceVídeo Aula
Learn about the structure of Hugo Grotius' book On the Law of War and Peace.
13Why Writing On the Law of War and Peace?Vídeo Aula
Learn why Grotius wrote On the Law of War and Peace.
14On the Law of NatureVídeo Aula
Learn Grotius' perspective on the law of nature.
15On the Law of Nature and Natural RightsVídeo Aula
Learn Grotius' perspective on the law of nature and natural rights.
16Grotius and Thirty Years WarVídeo Aula
Learn how Thirty Years War influenced Hugo Grotius.
17The Nature of Natural LawVídeo Aula
Learn Hugo Grotius' perspective on the nature of nature law.
18Grotius and IR LiberalismVídeo Aula
Learn about the contribution of Hugo Grotius to liberal International Relations theory.
19Practice Your Knowledge of GrotiusQuestionário
This quiz will allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of Grotius
20Perpetual Peace: Preliminary Articles (1)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's essay Perpetual Peace, beginning with Preliminary Articles (Part 1).
21Perpetual Peace: Preliminary Articles (2)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's essay Perpetual Peace, beginning with Preliminary Articles (Part 2).
22On Republican ConstitutionVídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's perspective on the role of republican constitution in international peace.
23On a Federation of Free StatesVídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's perspective on the idea of a federation of free states.
24On World CitizenshipVídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's perspective on the idea of world citizenship.
25On State of NatureVídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's perspective on a state of nature.
26Kant on Democratic PeaceVídeo Aula
Learn about Immanuel Kant's contribution to the democratic peace theory.
27Practice Your Knowledge of KantQuestionário
This quiz will allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of Kant
28Angell on International AnarchyVídeo Aula
Learn about Norman Angell's perspective on international anarchy.
29Angell on the Great IllusionVídeo Aula
Learn what Norman Angell's meant by the great illusion.
30Angell on Anarchy and International SecurityVídeo Aula
Learn about Norman Angell's perspective on the relationship between international anarchy and international security.
31Angell on International InstitutionsVídeo Aula
Learn about Norman Angell's perspective on international institutions.
32Wilson's Fourteen Points (1)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Woodrow Wilson's famous Fourteen Points (Part 1).
33Wilson's Fourteen Points (2)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Woodrow Wilson's famous Fourteen Points (Part 2).
34The Liberalism of Woodrow WilsonVídeo Aula
Learn about the contribution of Woodrow Wilson to liberal International Relations theory.
35Carr's Criticism of LiberalismVídeo Aula
Explore the criticism of early liberalism by E.H. Carr.
36Practice Your Knowledge of Angell and WilsonQuestionário
This quiz will allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of Angell and Wilson
37Complex Interdependence (1)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Keohane and Nye's idea of complex interdependence (Part 1).
38Complex Interdependence (2)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Keohane and Nye's idea of complex interdependence (Part 2).
39Complex Interdependence (3)Vídeo Aula
Learn about Keohane and Nye's idea of complex interdependence (Part 3).
40International InstitutionsVídeo Aula
Learn about Keohane and Nye's perspective on the role of international institutions.
41Absolute and Relative GainsVídeo Aula
Learn about the difference between absolute and relative gains in international relations.
42International Institutions: BargainingVídeo Aula
Learn about the key questions of neoliberal institutionalismm, focusing on bargaining.
43International Institutions: DefectionVídeo Aula
Learn about the key questions of neoliberal institutionalismm, focusing on defection.
44International Institutions: AutonomyVídeo Aula
Learn about the key questions of neoliberal institutionalismm, focusing on autonomy.
45Neoliberalism vs. NeorealismVídeo Aula
Learn about the key differences between neoliberalism and neorealism (neo-neo debate).
46Practice Your Knowledge of Keohane and NyeQuestionário
This quiz will allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of Keohane and Nye
47International Regimes: DefinitionVídeo Aula
Learn about international regimes, focusing on definitions.
48International Regimes: ExamplesVídeo Aula
Learn about international regimes, focusing on real world examples.
49International Regimes: PerspectivesVídeo Aula
Learn about international regimes, focusing on competing theoretical perspectives.
50Fukuyama: The End of HistoryVídeo Aula
Learn about Fukuyama's argument about the end of history.
51Fukuyama: Did the History End?Vídeo Aula
Did the history end in 1989? Let's explore this question.
52Nye: Soft PowerVídeo Aula
Learn about Joseph Nye's soft power idea.
53Nye: Smart PowerVídeo Aula
Learn about Joseph Nye's smart power idea.
54Democratic Peace TheoryVídeo Aula
Learn about democratic peace theory.
55Practice Your Knowledge of modern liberal agenda in International RelationsQuestionário
This quiz will allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of modern liberal agenda in International Relations
56European IntegrationVídeo Aula
Let's apply liberalist theory to European integration and the European Union.
57United NationsVídeo Aula
Let's apply liberalist theory to the United Nations.
58Responsibility to Protect (R2P)Vídeo Aula
Let's apply liberalist theory to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) framework.