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Introduction to International Security

Introduction to International Security: Your Path to Understanding Global Threats and Solutions
159 Alunos Inscrito
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  Tempo de leitura 8 minutes

In an unpredictable world where new threats arise daily, understanding the core issues of international security has never been more crucial. From terrorism and nuclear proliferation to climate change and global health crises, these challenges affect everyone, often in ways we can’t immediately see. But knowing the underlying forces—and how world leaders and organizations address them—can transform your perspective and empower you with the knowledge to navigate and discuss today’s most pressing issues with confidence.

Why Study International Security?

Imagine being able to explain why global powers approach security so differently, or knowing how policies shape responses to issues like terrorism, pandemics, or climate change. Many feel lost or frustrated trying to keep up with the latest threats and policies, overwhelmed by complex, conflicting information. This course bridges that gap, offering a structured introduction to the main theories, ideas, and debates shaping International Security today.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed for beginners with a deep curiosity about world affairs and a desire to make sense of today’s security landscape. You don’t need any prior university-level knowledge. We’ll start with the basics and build a solid foundation that gives you the tools to think critically and confidently about international security issues—no matter your background.

What You’ll Discover in This Course

1. Foundational Concepts in International Security

  • Defining International Security and Security Studies: Understand what “security” truly means in an interconnected world, where threats come from both traditional and unexpected sources.

  • The Historical Evolution of Security Studies: Learn how the field has developed over time, reflecting changing global dynamics and new types of threats.

2. Major Theories of Security and Global Stability

  • The Realist Tradition: Explore why states prioritize power and survival, and how this focus drives military and diplomatic strategies around the world.

  • The Liberal Tradition: Understand the liberal approach that values cooperation, alliances, and international institutions in ensuring global security.

  • Securitization Theory: See how issues like terrorism, pandemics, and migration are “securitized” and treated as urgent security concerns.

  • Human Security: Shift the focus from state security to individual safety, examining threats such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation.

3. A Deep Dive into War and Conflict

  • Defining War and Its Historical Context: From traditional wars between nations to civil conflicts and proxy wars, learn the distinctions and historical roots of armed conflict.

  • Causes and Motivations for War: Examine what drives nations or groups to war and the patterns that predict conflict.

4. The Global Threat of Terrorism and Nuclear Weapons

  • Defining Terrorism and Understanding Its Roots: Discover why terrorism persists, including the social, economic, and political drivers behind it.

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Combating Terrorism: Explore the difficult choices facing nations as they try to balance security with civil rights and ethical standards.

  • Nuclear Proliferation and the NPT: Learn about the history and goals of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the strategies in place to limit the spread of nuclear weapons.

5. New Threats in the 21st Century: Non-Traditional Security Issues

  • Climate Change and Pandemics as Security Threats: Go beyond conventional security and learn why climate change and pandemics are considered serious security risks with global implications.

  • Non-Traditional Security Threats: Discover other emerging threats, such as cyber security and resource scarcity, and their potential impact on international stability.

Why This Course Matters Now More Than Ever

International Security isn’t just about understanding military conflicts—it’s about grasping the complex web of threats that can destabilize nations and disrupt global peace. In an era defined by global pandemics, environmental crises, and cyber warfare, security studies are evolving fast, and this course brings you up to speed on all the critical issues. You’ll learn to analyze today’s most pressing global issues through a framework that empowers you to make sense of the world’s most important conflicts and crises.

Practical Skills You’ll Gain

  • An understanding of key theories and frameworks used in international security

  • Insights into the ethical challenges and real-world dilemmas in counterterrorism and warfare

  • The ability to articulate how nuclear agreements and disarmament efforts impact global peace

  • Tools for analyzing emerging threats in a globalized world, including pandemics and environmental crises

How You’ll Learn

This course is packed with resources to support your learning journey:

  • Printable Handouts, Study Guides and Quizzes: Reinforce your understanding with quizzes that test your grasp on key concepts.

  • Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Apply what you learn to current events and real-world scenarios, from the impacts of climate change to the complexities of international treaties.

Gain the confidence and skills to analyze global security issues—Enroll today and take your first step into the world of International Security.

My Promise to You

I promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.

I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course.

From My Students:

  • “The course was very informative and helpful, and I will apply the knowledge I gain. The lecturer was incredibly fantastic. He explain all the concepts and the definitions of all the topics.”

  • “Dr. Zwolski truly has teaching skills. He is a straightforward professor and his videos are both interesting and valuable.”

  • “The course is really informative and provides a very in-depth analysis of several complex topics which otherwise would have been quite difficult to understand. The simplified analysis of various important speeches too help me understand the thinking patterns of a country’s culture, thus making future moves more predictable. Overall, this course is totally worth the money and is really good irrespective of your geopolitical knowledge/prior exposure.”

  • “The instructor is a good lecturer. Interesting material presented clearly and concisely.”

  • “I’m just a 14 year old high school student who loves to know about current affairs and global conflicts. Mr. Zwolski’s course helped me to understand the origins and key concepts of “Geopolitics” without having any university degree or any experiences in this field.”

  • “I really enjoy listening this guy’s lecture. I could sit for hours listening to him lecture and learning new things about International Relations.”

  • “The lectures have been made very simple to understand! Kamil is doing an amazing job!”

  • “Crisp and clear videos, to the point, can be watched easily on the mobile phone.”

  • “Wow! If your reading the comments and debating on whether or not to take this course,TAKE IT! If you read The Economist, Forbes, taking classes on International relations, or stationed on a foreign base, this class is for you! After this you should be able to decipher mainstream media news outlets! Semper Fi!”

  • “I applied to do M.A in International Relations and this course helped me to pass the interview examination as i don’t have any back ground in the subject.”

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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