Stress Management: Transforming Stress Into Positive Growth
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Stress IS the number one cause of illness, depression, ADHD, ADD and so many diseases because it causes the immune system to shut down. This predisposes the body to be attacked by cancer cells, viruses, and all sorts of harmful biochemicals that it would otherwise have defenses against. To reverse stress properly it must be addressed on the many areas of the mind, body, and emotions that interfere with well being and burden relationship with tension and acting out. This is why the course helps students so much, using the Science of Quantum Embodiment® the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects are addressed that reduces the constrictions and returns wellness and empowerment by redirecting your inner pharmacy and creating new neural networks in your brain. This in turn reopens the immune system as the parasympathetic nervous system engages the endocrine and respiratory systems to rerun homeostasis and empowerment. Fortunately, by using the alchemy based tools and strategies of Quantum Embodiment® the “lead” of your negativity and stress can be transformed into new reservoirs of empowering energetic “gold.”
Stress poisons the joy of life. Stress turns living into a struggle and is the number one reason people are which predisposed people to illness, depression, ADHD and unsatisfying relationships.
1How stress weakens the nervous system and interferes with brain functioningVídeo Aula
How stress weakens the nervous system and interferes with brain functioning to predisposes you to depression, ADHD, anger and poor relationships.
2Integrating the knowledgeTexto
3The importance of recognising the stressful triggers in your lifeVídeo Aula
The importance of recognising the stressful triggers in your life to begin the process of improving brain and heart functions while restoring the nervous, immune and limbic systems
4Integrating the knowledgeTexto
5How to expedite your healing processVídeo Aula
How to expedite your healing process by implementing prevention and stress reversal remedies not restore and revitalize your mental physical and emotional health
6Integrating the knowledgeTexto
7How your judgments on people, places and activities damage your well-beingVídeo Aula
How your judgments on people, places and activities damage your well-being and predispose you to unhappiness, frustration and illness
8Developing Awareness of the Messages Your Unconscious Mind/Body SharesTexto
9Learning how to release stress deep mental, emotional and physical stressVídeo Aula
Learning how to release stress deep mental, emotional and physical stress that cause chronic problems of immune deficiencies, emotional instability's and mental incapacities.
10Mastering Your Ego's Poison of Constant JudgementsTexto
11Getting Your Parasympathetic Nervous System Back OnlineVídeo Aula
Getting Your Parasympathetic Nervous System Back Online to Refer The Negative Stress Responses By Learning To Detach Your Brain’s Focus
12Developing Mastery for Detaching From Stressful SituationsTexto
13Shifting Your Brain and Nervous System to Remove Unhealthy InterferenceVídeo Aula
Shifting Your Brain and Nervous System to Remove Unhealthy Interference To Experience Relaxing Neurotransmissions By Clearing Out Blockages Of The Past
14Re-Training Your Mind and Brains for Abiding in the Present Moment with PeaceTexto
15Reducing the Chronic Muscular Tensions and Stress Induced NervousnessVídeo Aula
Reducing the Chronic Muscular Tensions and Stress Induced Nervousness By Building New Synaptic Connections Through Miracles Mindedness
16Mastering Living in a State of Miracle MindednessTexto
17A Special Class Demonstrating How to Return Your Body to HomeostasisVídeo Aula
A Special Class Demonstrating How to Return Your Body to Homeostasis by Releasing Pent Up Frustrations and Resentments To Redirect Your Inner Pharmacy To Inner Peace
18Developing Mastery for Resetting Your Body's HomeostasisTexto
19How To Activate Emotionally Uplifting BiochemicalsVídeo Aula
How To Activate Emotionally Uplifting Biochemicals through Retraining The Unconscious Mind/Body
20Integrating the knowledgeTexto
21Rewiring The Brain To Create NeurogenesisVídeo Aula
Rewiring The Brain To Create Neurogenesis By Implementing Quantum Strategies to Overcome Inner Conflicts and Enhance Your Ability to Experience Greater Acceptance and Happiness
22Mastering The Quantum Embodiment Tools For Living a Life in Peace and AcceptanceTexto
23Clearing Your Brain Of Stress Induced PatternsVídeo Aula
Clearing Your Brain Of Stress Induced Patterns Causing Agitation and Imbalance To Return Inner Peace and Attract More Peace Into Your Life
24Creating Space to Enhance Wellness and EmpowermentTexto
25Activating Serotonin, Dopamine and Oxytocin neurotransmittersVídeo Aula
Activating Serotonin, Dopamine and Oxytocin neurotransmitters Through Initiating the Relaxation Response
26Integrating the knowledgeTexto
27Implementing The First Key Prescription For Switching On Your Inner PharmacyVídeo Aula
Implementing The First Key Prescription For Switching On Your Inner Pharmacy To Quickly Return Homeostasis
28Deepening The Relaxation State of MindTexto
29Breaking Old Patterns of PTSDVídeo Aula
Breaking Old Patterns of PTSD To Re-energize and Re-vitalize your Unconscious Body/Mind
30Mastering The Quantum Embodiment Tool for Self Energizing and Self EmpoweringTexto
31Releasing Stuck Energies Causing Ischemia of the cardiovascular SystemVídeo Aula
.Releasing Stuck Energies Causing Ischemia of the cardiovascular System and Emotional Hijacking of the Limbic System Resulting In Anger, Emotional Sensitivity and Dysfunction
32Using Quantum Embodiment Tools for Embracing Your TruthTexto
33Facing, Embracing and Escaping From Stuck Patterns of Inner StressVídeo Aula
Facing, Embracing and Escaping From Stuck Patterns of Inner Stress, Conflict and Resentment Causing Depression and Anxiety
34Restoring Your Inner Strength and Using Epigenetics to Return You To HomeostasisTexto
35Facing,Embracing and Escaping From Stuck Patterns of Inner Stress,Vídeo Aula
Facing,Embracing and Escaping From Stuck Patterns of Inner Stress, And Feelings Of Being Controlled and Manipulated By Others
36Integrating the knowledgeTexto
37Recognitions, Preparation and Prevention of Slipping Back Into Old StressVídeo Aula
Recognitions, Preparation and Prevention of Slipping Back Into Old Stress Producing Habits
38Developing Self-Reliance and Self KnowledgeTexto
39A Fast and effective strategy For Reversing The High Levels of Blood SugarVídeo Aula
A Fast and effective strategy For Reversing The High Levels of Blood Sugar and Cortisone release To Activate Your Inner Pharmacy To Release Feel relaxed and Good Biochemicals.
40Developing Mastery in Your Life To Transform Stress into Positive GrowthTexto