Copywriting Public Relations - master PR publicity skills
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How to master PR – for start-ups and copywriters
Freelance copywriting
This course will benefit freelance copywriters. That’s my profession and PR has been central to my client services.
- How to develop a professional online/offline media plan
- How to find the trusted bloggers, the editors, publications and freelance journalists that specialize in your area of interest. Focus is everything.
- How to find journalists with a tight deadline ‘on heat’ for information on your specialization
- How to write and USE online press releases, traditional press releases, and sales-lead generating ‘pseudo’ press releases.
- How to schmooze bloggers and the press
- How to create a story when there is no story
- How to find out well in advance which topics are going to get the ‘special feature’ treatment by printed journals and online portals
- Links to free software that will boost your productivity
- Why and how you should create an online Press Room
- Understanding keywords, where to use them and where NOT to use them (and almost every other course seems to get this wrong!)
- How not to confuse hyper-activity with effectiveness – and how to measure your success accurately
- And lots more
Become the online and offline ‘Voice’ in your sector – fast
Two key strategies mark out successful start-ups from the also-rans. One is an effective online media strategy, the second is a strong PR strategy. Achieve both, and you will quickly become a trusted, respected ‘Voice in your Industry’. And both can be achieved on a very, very tight budget.
I’ve been involved in a number of start-ups, growing fledgling companies into multinational operations, and achieving their exit strategies. In this course I use real-life client examples from the software sector, including a four-man start-up that achieved free national and international prime-time TV coverage in its first 12 months. A going-nowhere software house that became world leader in the pharmaceutical sector. A husband and wife company that went on to a stock exchange flotation. Start-up security companies that both became leading multinationals.
This course is a perfect accompaniment to my course ‘Become a copywriter – quit the commute and make money from home’.
1Free taster lesson - Case StudiesVídeo Aula
See how other start-up clients have made the big time, with PR a central plank to their growth strategy. Some novel approaches.
2Free taster number 2 - how to find key bloggers, journalists, publicationsVídeo Aula
It's all very well talking about focus, but how do you find the bloggers, the journalists, editors, portals and journals that focus specialize in writing the stuff YOUR marketplace is reading. Dead easy - and free.
3WELCOME - and how to use this courseVídeo Aula
Welcome on board - and learn how to download handouts and your final Certificate of Completion
4Connect With The CommunityTexto
5In the beginning - birth of the press releaseVídeo Aula
A nice relaxed start to the course, learning how it all began.
6Case studiesVídeo Aula
Learn how some of my own clients have used PR to grow from nothing to becoming world players.
7Forward Features - how to find out what editors and portals plan to publishVídeo Aula
Industry portals and the press plan their special features well in advance. In the session, we learn how to find out what they are planning to publish - giving us time to plan how we can get maximum coverage.
8NOTES - Forward FeaturesTexto
You may view these notes in the window to the left (just scroll down them) or, better still YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THEM TO PRINT OFF: USE THE DOWNLOAD OPTION BELOW...
9How to find bloggers and journalists looking for YOUR inputVídeo Aula
It's all very well talking about focus, but how do you find the bloggers, the journalists, editors, portals and journals that focus specialize in writing the stuff YOUR marketplace is reading. Dead easy - and free.
10NOTES - Finding bloggers, journalists and magazinesTexto
You may view these notes in the window to the left (just scroll down them) or, better still YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THEM TO PRINT OFF: USE THE DOWNLOAD OPTION BELOW...
11Schmoozing Bloggers and the Press - little blue pillsVídeo Aula
In this session we learn of nine things that bloggers and journalists love. See how many of them you can incorporate in your next release
12NOTES - Schmoozing the mediaTexto
13Your own, on-line News RoomVídeo Aula
Differentiate yourself from your competitors by making your website media-friendly. Yes - become a FRIEND of the press (on-line and off).
14NOTES - your own online News RoomTexto
You may view these notes in the window to the left (just scroll down them) or, better still YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THEM TO PRINT OFF: USE THE DOWNLOAD OPTION BELOW...
15Understanding KeywordsVídeo Aula
16NOTES - Understanding KeywordsTexto
You may view these notes in the window to the left (just scroll down them) or, better still YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THEM TO PRINT OFF: USE THE DOWNLOAD OPTION BELOW...
17Google's keyword plannerVídeo Aula
18NOTES - Google's Keyword PlannerTexto
You may view these notes in the window to the left (just scroll down them) or, better still YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THEM TO PRINT OFF: USE THE DOWNLOAD OPTION BELOW...
19Anatomy of a Press ReleaseVídeo Aula
20NOTES - Anatomy of a Press ReleaseTexto
21White Papers - Marketing's best kept secretVídeo Aula
White Papers are a sure way of becoming a Voice in your Industry. They're also a great way of generating sales leads.
22NOTES - White Papers - marketing's best kept secretTexto
23Pseudo Press ReleasesVídeo Aula
In this session we stray away from pure PR to an aspect of sales lead generation that uses 'mock' press releases.
24NOTES - Pseudo Press ReleasesTexto