How to Write Space Adventure (SF Sisters)
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Do you want to write a book?
In particular, do you want to learn about writing a book in the genre of Science Fiction, Space Adventure?
Do you love classic SF?
This is one of two courses in which I’m going to show you some of the familiar conventions and tropes of 20th century SF. I’m going to show you how to approach plot, characters, world and story to create a convincing, optimistic vision of the future, at the same time as a satisfying read. But I’m going to apply, as I expect you to apply, experience and judgment to those conventions and tropes. I’m going to show you what’s wrong with the way that both classic and contemporary SF is written, show you how to adapt the tropes and conventions so they will be meaningful to readers.
You will learn:
What makes it SF
How to define your rules for following the conventions of SF writing
How Space Adventure world building depends on character and story
How to create the right kind of characters for Space Adventure
How the characters in Space Adventure interact
How to conceive and design the plot of a Space Adventure
How to bring drag this old genre into the 21st century
In addition, there are numerous practice activities to consolidate your knowledge and ensure that you can see how to put it into practice in your own novel writing.
All the images used in the course are either original or NASA images in the public domain.
1General Introduction to Science FictionVídeo Aula
This lesson is present in both this and the Space Opera course, with a small variation. This is an introduction to classic SF, a little of the history and the basic conventions.
2General Introduction to Space AdventureVídeo Aula
This lesson digs into the work of the authors who defined the genre, to find the common values at the core of Space Adventure; the foundation that makes it instantly recognizable as a genre.
3About this CourseVídeo Aula
This is a course outline, explaining the structure and the general content of each lesson. You can download a more detailed outline from the lesson resources.
4Relative Hardness in Space AdventureVídeo Aula
There's a lesson with this name in both courses, but the lessons themselves are different, and mutually complementary. They deal with the sometimes thorny issue of what makes some science fiction harder and some softer.
5Genre Porting and Relative HardnessTexto
6A Word About the FutureVídeo Aula
This lesson is almost identical to the lesson of the same name in the sister course. In it you'll learn about Science Fiction's uncertain relationship with the future and with futurology.
7Lighthousing - how to encourage the right people to read your SFTexto
8Word Building PrinciplesVídeo Aula
There are some fundamental differences in the approach to world building between Space Opera and Space adventure. The Adventure genre has its own archetypal settings. Developing your story universe requires a more detailed understanding of both your story and your characters.
9Space Adventure Character CreationTexto
10World Building DecisionsVídeo Aula
Just as in Space Opera there are key decisions to take about your story world – but whereas in Space Opera, you can think about them in isolation, in Space Adventure it’s essential to know what effect your science and technology will have on the story and on the characters.
11Worldbuilding from Major TechnologiesTexto
12Space Adventure Character ArchetypesVídeo Aula
A narrow character focus means starting from one character – or a very small number of characters – and working outwards from there.
13Refining A characterTexto
14Space Adventure Characters in Groups!Vídeo Aula
There are differences in character dynamics in Space Adventure that are much less about drama and much more about practicality. This lesson and its assignment also focus on the way character choice influences, and is influenced by, the story itself.
15Compatibility of the GroupTexto