200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training - Part 2 (Yoga Alliance)
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Welcome to the Bodsphere’s 200-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course! (Certification by Yoga Alliance)
This Course provides an opportunity to deeply enrich your practice and understanding of Yoga. This comprehensive YTT will give you a strong foundation for yoga philosophy and practice through detailed videos, readings, workbooks, handouts, and lectures. It is also WORLD’s FIRST 200-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training on Udemy!
IMPORTANT: The Course is divided into TWO PARTS and one has to complete both the Parts to be eligible for the Certification. There is one Final Quiz towards the end of PART 2!
Bodsphere’s 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (PART 1) includes:
400+ Pages Yoga Teacher Training Manual
10+ Practical Classes to work on Strength, Flexibility, Mobility
History & Philosophy of Yoga
Vedas & Upanishads
Paths of Yoga
Different Definitions of Yoga
All about Chakras
Access to Patanjali Yoga Sutras Videos (€140 value)
eBooks on different topics related to Yoga (€225 Value)
All about Ashtanga Yoga (8 Limbs of Yoga)
Anatomy & Physiology
Ayurveda – The Science of Life
Bodsphere’s 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (PART 2) includes:
Alignments, Pose Variations, Benefits & Contraindications of 50+ Asanas (Poses) – Standing, Sitting, Side, Prone & Supine
Guided Meditations to experience the pure bliss, peace, relaxation and positivity
Mantra Chanting to go within
Introduction to Yoga Nidra – A powerful Yogic technique
Importance of Pranayama and Energy Channels
7+ Pranayama Techniques (Breathing Techniques) for a better living and rejuvenated body & mind
Teaching Methodology – All about conducting a Yoga Session (Instructions, Tone, Body Language, Communication, Seating arrangement, Time and a lot more)
eBooks on different topics related to Yoga
Two Free Yoga Resume Templates
Free Sample New Yoga Client Intake & Health History Form
Free Yoga Cover Letter Template
Sample Waiver of Liability
Access to Yoga Inspiration Class Playlists
100+ Creative Yoga Class Theme Ideas
eBooks on different topics related to Yoga (€225 Value)
Two Free Yoga Resume Templates (€200 Value)
Free Sample New Yoga Client Intake & Health History Form (€180 Value)
Free Yoga Cover Letter Template (€50 Value)
Sample Waiver of Liability (€140 value)
Access to Yoga Inspiration Class Playlists
100+ Creative Yoga Class Theme Ideas (€50 Value)
You will also receive wonderful resources with this course:
400+ Pages Yin Yoga Teacher Training Manual
Yoga Instructor’s Cover Letter
Yoga Resume Templates
100+ Creative Yoga Class Themes PDF
Yoga Liability Waiver and Release
10+ Recommended Books
10+ eBooks on different topics related to Yoga (€550 Value)
NOTE: There are live sessions over Zoom in order to complete the 200-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training apart from the study material provided here on Udemy.
All of our resources are exclusive to Bodsphere! This course will provide you with all of the skills, tools and knowledge you need to confidently and safely teach Yoga classes. What matters is your learning and growth!
Happy learning and continue growing on this beautiful path of Yoga!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have completed the 200-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training (PART 1 and 2), You can move towards the ADVANCED Practice of Yoga through our 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training on Udemy. Our both the courses on Udemy – 200 Hours and 300-Hours are different courses. 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training is for those who want to advance to the highest on their Yogic journey! The curriculum and the content is a lot advanced as compared to the 200-Hrs. The 200-Hrs sets the foundation of every Yoga Teacher and 300-Hrs will take it to the next level altogether!
The certification will be of 300-Hrs after completing the 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training. If you have already done the 200-Hrs before, You will become 500-Hrs Yoga Teacher!
For a strong base as a Yoga Teacher, We would recommend opting for the 200-Hours first before going for the 300-Hours Yoga Teacher Training!
4Namaskarasana/ Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)Vídeo Aula
5Tadasana (Mountain Pose)Vídeo Aula
6Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)Vídeo Aula
7Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved/ Twisted Triangle Pose)Vídeo Aula
8Utkatasana (Chair Pose)Vídeo Aula
9Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1)Vídeo Aula
10Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2)Vídeo Aula
11Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)Vídeo Aula
12Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend)Vídeo Aula
13Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)Vídeo Aula
14Konasana 1 (Angle Pose 1)Vídeo Aula
15Katichakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist)Vídeo Aula
16Ardh Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)Vídeo Aula
17Padmasana (Lotus Pose)Vídeo Aula
18Vajrasana (Thunderbolt/ Adamantine/ Diamond Pose)Vídeo Aula
19Virasana (Hero Pose)Vídeo Aula
20Ardh Ushtrasana (Half Camel Pose)Vídeo Aula
21Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)Vídeo Aula
22Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)Vídeo Aula
23Yoga Mudrasana (Yogic Seal)Vídeo Aula
24Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)Vídeo Aula
25Vakrasana (Easy Twist Pose)Vídeo Aula
26Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)Vídeo Aula
27Janushirsasana A (Head-to-Knee Pose A)Vídeo Aula
28Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana (Dynamic Spinal Twist)Vídeo Aula
29Ardh Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose)Vídeo Aula
30Baddhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)Vídeo Aula
31Malasana (Yogic Squat/ Garland Pose)Vídeo Aula
32Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)Vídeo Aula
33Marjariasana - (Cat Pose)Vídeo Aula
34Bitilasana (Cow Pose)Vídeo Aula
35Balasana (Child's Pose)Vídeo Aula
38Ashtanga Namaskar Asana (Eight-Limbed Pose)Vídeo Aula
39Ardh Shalabhasana (Half Locust)Vídeo Aula
40Shalabhasana (Locust)Vídeo Aula
41Viparita Shalabhasana (Superman / Woman Pose)Vídeo Aula
42Phalakasana (Palm Plank Pose)Vídeo Aula
43Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)Vídeo Aula
44Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (One-Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose)Vídeo Aula
45Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)Vídeo Aula
46Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)Vídeo Aula
47Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)Vídeo Aula
48Savasana (Corpse Pose)Vídeo Aula
49Uttanpadasana (Raised Leg Pose)Vídeo Aula
50Halasana (Plough Pose)Vídeo Aula
51Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)Vídeo Aula
52Viparita Karani (Legs Up Against the Wall)Vídeo Aula
53Matsyasana (Fish Pose)Vídeo Aula
54Ardh Pawanmuktasana (Half-Wind Relieving Pose)Vídeo Aula
55Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)Vídeo Aula
56Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)Vídeo Aula
57Naukasana (Boat Pose)Vídeo Aula
58Supta Natarajasana (Dancing Shiva Pose)Vídeo Aula
59Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)Vídeo Aula
60What is Mantra?Vídeo Aula
61Invocation to Maharishi PatanjaliVídeo Aula
62What is Meditation?Vídeo Aula
63Benefits of MeditationVídeo Aula
643 Golden Sutras of MeditationVídeo Aula
65How to Meditate?Vídeo Aula
66What is Yoga Nidra?Vídeo Aula
67Guided Yoga Nidra MeditationVídeo Aula
68Morning Meditation to Start your DayVídeo Aula
69Guided Meditation for ClarityVídeo Aula
70Guided Meditation for Stress & AnxietyVídeo Aula
71Guided Meditation to Relax and Calm your MindVídeo Aula
72Mantra MeditationVídeo Aula
735 Elements MeditationVídeo Aula
74Introduction of PranayamaVídeo Aula
75Prana and NadisVídeo Aula
76Nadi Shodhana PranayamaVídeo Aula
77Chandrabhedana PranayamaVídeo Aula
78Surya Bhedana PranayamaVídeo Aula
79Diaphragmatic BreathingVídeo Aula
80Thoracic BreathingVídeo Aula
81Clavicular BreathingVídeo Aula
82Full Yogic BreathVídeo Aula
83Bhastrika PranayamaVídeo Aula
84Bhramari PranayamaVídeo Aula
85Kapalbhati PranayamaVídeo Aula