300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training - Part 1 (Yoga Alliance)
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Welcome to the Bodsphere’s 300-Hrs Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course! (Certification by Yoga Alliance)
This Course provides an opportunity to deeply enrich your practice and understanding of Yoga. This comprehensive YTT will give you a strong foundation for yoga philosophy and practice through detailed videos, readings, workbooks, handouts, and lectures. It is also WORLD’s FIRST 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training on Udemy!
IMPORTANT: The Course is divided into THREE PARTS and one has to complete all the three parts to be eligible for the Bodsphere Yoga School’s Certification. There is one Final Quiz towards the end of PART 3!
Bodsphere’s 300 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (PART 1) includes:
500+ Pages Yoga Teacher Training Manual
Philosophy of Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Agamas
Upavedas: The Subsidiary Vedas
History & Philosophy of Yoga
The Philosophy of Bhagavad Gita – Song of the God
Paths of Yoga, Antahkarana (4 Functions of the Mind)
Shad Darshanas: 6 Systems of the Indian Philosophy
Indriyas: The Senses
Characteristics of Guru – Shishya/ Disciple
Chitta Bhumis (States of the Mind)
Philosophy of Hatha Yoga and the Ashtanga Yoga
The Theory of Trigunas: The Three Qualities
All about Chakras, Yogic Diet
eBooks on different topics related to Yoga and by different authors (€450 Value)
eBook – Theories of the Chakras by Hiroshi Motoyama
eBook – The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele
eBook – Scientific Keys Volume I – The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga
eBook: 196 Patanjali Yoga Sutras (€150 Value)
Anatomy & Physiology
Ayurveda – The Science of Life
Student’s Assessment and tons of Q&A
Bodsphere’s 300 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (PART 2) includes:
Alignments, Variations, Modifications, Benefits & Contraindications of 85+ Asanas (Poses)
Advanced Standing Asanas
Advanced Sitting Asanas
Advanced Backward Bending Asanas
Advanced Forward Bending Asanas
Advanced Twisting Asanas
Advanced Inverted Asanas
Advanced Arm Balancing Asanas
Advanced Prone and Supine Asanas
Usage of the Props in Advanced Asanas
Tons of Resources and eBooks on different topics related to Yoga and by different authors
eBook – Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda
eBook – Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
eBook – Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by B.K.S. Iyengar
eBook – Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health by B.K.S. Iyengar
Free Yoga Cover Letter Template (€50 Value)
100+ Creative Yoga Class Theme Ideas (€50 Value)
Two Free Yoga Resume Templates (€200 Value)
Templates of Resume, Cover letter, Yoga Schedule, Yoga Planner, Yoga Journal and many more (€100 Value)
Teaching Methodology – All about conducting a Yoga Session (Instructions, Tone, Body Language, Communication, Seating arrangement, Time and a lot more)
Bodsphere’s 300 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course (PART 3) includes:
70+ Intermediate and Advanced Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama Classes
5+ Warm Up Classes
Yin Yoga’s Practical Classes
All about Yoga Wheel (With Practical Classes)
Guided Meditations to experience the pure bliss, peace, relaxation and positivity
Mantra Chanting to go within
Yoga Nidra (A Powerful Yogic Technique) and its Classes
8+ Advanced Pranayama Techniques (Breathing Techniques) for a better living and rejuvenated body & mind
Advanced Hasta Mudra Pranayama
All about Surya Namaskar A/B/C (Sun Salutations A/B/C) with detailed information
Kumbhaka (Breath Retention)
The Yogic Mudras (Gestures) and Bandhas (Locks)
eBooks on different topics related to Yoga – Mantras, Chakras and many more
eBook – Mudras: Yoga in your Hands (€50 Value)
eBook – Bandhas: The Energy Locks (€50 Value)
eBook – Meditation Scripts (€20 Value)
eBook – Chakras and Sun Salutations (€50 Value)
3 different eBooks on Sun Salutation (A/B/C) (€150 Value)
eBook – Mantras: Words of Power (€50 Value)
Bonus Lectures
You will also receive wonderful resources with this course:
500+ Pages Yoga Teacher Training Manual
Yoga Instructor’s Cover Letter
Yoga Resume Templates
100+ Creative Yoga Class Themes PDF
15+ Recommended Books
10+ eBooks on different topics related to Yoga and by different authors (€800 Value)
NOTE: There are live sessions over Zoom in order to complete the 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training apart from the study material provided here on Udemy.
All of our resources are exclusive to Bodsphere! This course will provide you with all of the skills, tools and knowledge you need to confidently and safely teach Yoga classes. What matters is your learning and growth!
Happy learning and continue growing on this beautiful path of Yoga!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Our both the courses on Udemy – 200 Hours and 300-Hours are different courses. 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training is for those who want to advance to the highest on their Yogic journey! The curriculum and the content is a lot advanced as compared to the 200-Hrs. The 200-Hrs sets the foundation of every Yoga Teacher and 300-Hrs will take it to the next level altogether!
The certification will be of 300-Hrs after completing the 300-Hrs Yoga Teacher Training. If you have already done the 200-Hrs before, You will become 500-Hrs Yoga Teacher!
For a strong base as a Yoga Teacher, We would recommend opting for the 200-Hours first before going for the 300-Hours Yoga Teacher Training!
16What is Yoga?Vídeo Aula
17Ancient Gurukul SystemVídeo Aula
18Who is a Guru?Vídeo Aula
19Who is Sadhaka?Vídeo Aula
20Yogah Chitta Vritti NirodhahVídeo Aula
214 Primary Elements of SadhanaVídeo Aula
22Types of Cries (Crying for Lack VS Crying for the Divine in Devotion)Vídeo Aula
23Seva (Selfless Service) and the Types of SevaVídeo Aula
24Brahma Muhurta: Most Auspicious TimeVídeo Aula
36Introduction of Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
37Artah - Distressed (4 Types of Devotees)Vídeo Aula
38Artharthi - Desirous (4 Types of Devotees)Vídeo Aula
39Jijnasu – Inquisitive (4 Types of Devotees)Vídeo Aula
40Jnani - Knowledgeable (4 Types of Devotees)Vídeo Aula
41Qualities of a JnaniVídeo Aula
42Qualities of a SthitaprajnaVídeo Aula
43Cosmic Union and Brahma Vidya: Bhagavad Gita and RamayanaVídeo Aula
44What is Surrender?Vídeo Aula
45Anger as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
46Desires, Peace and State of Mind as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
47The Eternal Soul as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
48Karma Yoga and the Fruits of Action as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
49Law of Impermanence as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
50Gradation of Superiority as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
51The Act of Surrender as per Bhagavad GitaVídeo Aula
77Introduction of Indriyas: Instruments of the SoulVídeo Aula
78Jnana Indriyas: Organs of Perception and KnowledgeVídeo Aula
79Karma Indriyas: Organs of ActionVídeo Aula
80Ubhaya Indriyas: Both Sensory & Motor Organs (Mind)Vídeo Aula
81Relationship between Indriyas (Senses) and YogaVídeo Aula