Heartfulness Meditation- Evolution of Consciousness w/ Daaji
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It is never too late to learn meditation as Meditation is natural to us. Whether you are a beginner willing to learn to meditate or an experienced practitioner keen to evaluate more effective meditation techniques. Heartfulness meditation is a heart-based practice that brings a simple yet effective way to integrate meditation into your lifestyle. Across the globe, millions of people have experienced the benefits of Heartfulness Meditation. The four basic techniques taught in this course are:
· Relaxation
· Meditation
· Cleaning
· Prayer
These guided techniques will help you relax, focus, rejuvenate, reduce stress, and change through daily meditation. This course is designed to be a practical and experiential session that starts with a short and easy Relaxation that further helps you experience Yogic transmission in Meditation. A significant and vital part of this course is the Cleaning technique through which, you can get rid of all the complexities and impressions in the form of impurities and heaviness gathered in the system. Heartfulness has a global network of trainers who train free of charge.
This has become the Best-Seller Course on Udemy ever since its launch!
As of February 2018, we have added subtitles in the following languages: English, Hindi, Tamil, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, and Romanian.
How Heartfulness Meditation is Changing the Lives of Millions of People across the Globe:
“It’s excellent. We can feel how experienced is the teacher in the field of spirituality and meditation. His simple explanations and examples give ample opportunity to understand the concepts. It’s also a very practical course where one can actually experience immediately what has been taught. Very well-designed course. Thank you.”
-Marion Marceau
“Daaji’s instructions and comments were so helpful – I really felt a difference from when I meditate on my own.”
-Trudi Richards
“The course is very comprehensive. With examples of applications in the real-world it gives one the confidence that it is doable.The instructor is very good. Experienced, engaging and had answers for almost all possible questions that a beginner might have with regard to the process. The in-depth explanations are a good refresher for even the experienced person.”
-Sharada Murthy
“Der Kurs ist einfach toll. Zusätzlich zu der bekannten Theorie ist es toll es von Daaji selbst noch einmal zu hören. Die Meditationen sind sehr tief. Vielen Dank Daaji.”
-Isabel Skudelny
“Calmness and peace develop incredible fast and warmth felt in the heart soothes it in a way never felt before.”
-Joerg Musmann-Maeter
“La préparation puis le ressenti de la méditation : quelque chose de très subtil”
-Claudine BRIATORE
I am often asked these questions:
How do I become a better person?
How do I improve my relationships?
How to move from thinking about myself to feeling about others?
Is there a way to transform intellect into wisdom?
Can ego make way for humility?
How to be peaceful?
The answers lie in the infinite skies of super-consciousness and the deepest oceans of sub-consciousness. as an expanded consciousness is the gateway to inner perfection and peace.
Join me on this journey of personal transformation. Awaken the inner potential by accelerating your practice of meditation with the Yogic transmission. This 10-session course is practical yet simple. We will have guided meditation sessions and thought experiments. It is perfectly suited to address the excruciating demands of our fast lifestyles today.
I invite you to leave your beliefs at the door as you enter this experiential practical journey, we call Heartfulness.
1An Introduction to Heartfulness MeditationVídeo Aula
"As our perspective changes so do our aspirations", says Daaji. In this short ten minute introductory module, Daaji lays the ground work for an experiential and practical approach to meditation.
The introduction ends with a video on "Why do you meditate?". This is a great starter module to kick off this course for beginners as well as the experienced practitioners.
2Guided relaxation and meditation - The Heartfulness wayVídeo Aula
In this class, Daaji will take you through a guided relaxation and meditation. This is a practical session that will help you experience the effects of meditating with Transmission. Keep a journal handy to make notes and observations of your experience.
Tip: Please set aside 35 minutes for this session. Also stay away from phones and other distractions during this class.
3Download the "Heartfulness: Daily Meditation" App - Android & iOS Mobile appVídeo Aula
Would you like to meditate with a trainer anytime, anywhere in the globe? That's exactly why we built the "Heartfulness: Daily Meditation" app.
From wherever you are, the app connects you with a meditation trainer and helps you practice in real time.
Download it today! (available on iOS and Android) - Please note that the new meditation app is now - Heartfulness: Daily Meditation App by Heartfulness. Please search for it with that name.
4Meditation is simple and naturalVídeo Aula
"Meditation is a transformative exercise to settle the mind in a very relaxed way", says Daaji. In fact, meditation is as natural to us as breathing! People often confuse meditation with concentration. In this class, Daaji offers some important clarifications and commentary on meditation. The concept of yogic transmission is also explained further in this lesson.
5Guided session 2: Relaxation & MeditationVídeo Aula
Daaji takes us through another practical session of guided relaxation and meditation. Have your journal handy for this session. Before starting the class, make a note of how you feel. At the end of the session observe the difference in your awareness and update your journal. This session will take about 35 minutes, so free up your schedule.
Tip: Try to find a quiet spot, away from the distractions of phones and other noises.
6Cleaning: Detox the complexities & impuritiesVídeo Aula
This is perhaps one of the most important classes in this course. Daaji shares an interesting thought experiment in this lesson. Next time you are on a flight or a bus observe your thoughts. Lets say you are seated and you see your passengers streaming in. Observe your thoughts..."Oh! he looks angry", "That's a nice bag", "Grumpy face" and the list of judging others goes on...
Can we get rid of the spectrum of likes and dislikes that imprison us?
Can we see things as they are free from the burden of our past?
Can we re-program our existence to live each moment with purity and simplicity?
The answer lies in the most vital element of the practice "Cleaning".
Go ahead and explore this amazing class to learn how to create purity and simplicity within.
7Guided Session 3: Learn the Cleaning TechniqueVídeo Aula
An excellent practical guided session on how to clean the system. In this class Daaji will teach you how to create purity and simplicity in the system. At the end of a long day, Cleaning will help you revitalize the system. For those of you who have demanding lifestyles and challenging work environments, this guided exercise will be an invaluable resource to refresh and rejuvenate.
After the cleaning, you will be guided to meditate. At the end of the session, you will be able to clearly establish the potent effects of cleaning.
Tip: Have your journal handy and stay away from the phone and other distractions.
9Summary: Text and technique for prayerVídeo Aula
Daaji starts with a review of the practices to date, and describes the active meditative state that emerges out of meditation and continues throughout the day. He then introduces the need to connect with something higher in order to evolve – to aspire for a higher state than the current one.
He explains the three main concepts that are included in the Heartfulness prayer – the goal we aspire for in a spiritual practice, what is blocking me from achieving that goal, and the need to submit to a higher consciousness in order to reach there. Then he walks us through the prayer, and reminds us that this is a universal prayer for all humanity that attracts Grace. He explains to us when to practice the prayer, so that we make most use of our time, including during our sleeping hours, so that we continue to access higher and higher levels of consciousness.
10Can consciousness be transmitted?Vídeo Aula
Daaji addresses the questions: What is yogic transmission? How it is transmitted? By whom? He defines the fact that “To receive transmission is to receive the essence of the Source itself,” and explains how it is directed into the heart of a seeker.
The main effect of transmission is to illuminate consciousness. Daaji defines consciousness as the canvas on which the mind, intellect and ego have an interplay. Expansion of consciousness is a result of the evolution of mind, intellect and the ego.
What is the role of Transmission in this evolution?
Let us leave you with a thought: "We know speech, heat, radio waves can all be transmitted. Can consciousness be transmitted too?"
Enjoy this thought provoking conversation with Daaji!
11Guided session 4: MeditationVídeo Aula
After the in depth commentary on Yogic Transmission, Daaji conducts a guided meditation session. Now, with the knowledge of the key elements of the practice, we hope this meditation session helps you foster a deeper experience.
Tip: Set aside 30 minutes. Keep your journal handy. Stay away from the distractions of your phone and any other disturbances.
12Stay still after the meditationVídeo Aula
Do we walk on freshly laid concrete?
Do we sit on wet paint benches?
After meditation, we create a fragile and subtle state within. Let this inner state settle. Create a balance within and outside. Use your journal to develop observation.
13Naturally developing a rhythmVídeo Aula
Our body has a natural rhythm. Aligning the biological clock with your meditation practice helps the body, mind and spirit. There is immense wisdom behind fixing the time and place for your meditation. Similarly doing your evening cleaning right after getting back home from work will ensure that you interact with your loved ones joyfully.
In this class Daaji shares some very important tips and techniques to get your practice rhythm going.
14Guided session 5: Relaxation & MeditationVídeo Aula
15The most common issue : Thoughts!!Vídeo Aula
Daaji describes the nature of thoughts and what to do about them during meditation. “We need to regulate the mind,” not suppress thoughts. “In true meditation we transcend beyond thoughts to feelings. Let thoughts come, without repressing them, and gently come back to attending to the light in the heart.”
He shares stories with us, and explains why thoughts come during meditation: “When we meditate, we are face to face with our consciousness.” And what about the rest of the day when we are not meditating? How do we manage our mind then? He also talks about the way our attitude affects our meditation. How open-minded are we?
Daaji then walks us through the process of cleaning before meditating again with yogic transmission.
16Guided session 6: Cleaning and MeditationVídeo Aula
Daaji describes the nature of thoughts and what to do about them during meditation. “We need to regulate the mind,” not suppress thoughts. “In true meditation we transcend beyond thoughts to feelings. Let thoughts come, without repressing them, and gently come back to attending to the light in the heart.”
He shares stories with us, and explains why thoughts come during meditation: “When we meditate, we are face to face with our consciousness.” And what about the rest of the day when we are not meditating? How do we manage our mind then? He also talks about the way our attitude affects our meditation. How open-minded are we?
Daaji then walks us through the process of cleaning before meditating again with yogic transmission.
17Breathing exercises, sleep patterns and moreVídeo Aula
Daaji describes the natural rhythms and cycles that are part of our human existence, including our breathing patterns, radiating and receiving energy, solar patterns, etc. He shares with us how to monitor our health using the natural cycles of breathing, and how to improve our health by managing our sleep patterns, including information about the physiology of sleep.
He also explains how these natural cycles determine the best times of the day to meditate and clean your system, when to be active physically and when to take rest.
Daaji shares how anger and fear activate the sympathetic nervous system, and shows us a simple pranayama breathing technique to calm our mind and body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
18Summary and tips: breathing and sleep patternsVídeo Aula