How To Create & Sell Your Own Guided Meditations from Home
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When you listen to meditation audio’s, have you ever wondered just how much more powerful and meaningful they would be if they were guided by your own voice instead of someone else’s voice?
Have you ever considered creating and sharing a meditation on a subject that you’re passionate about so that others could benefit from your knowledge and insight?
Thanks to modern technology, creating and sharing your very own digital downloads is now easier than ever before.
- 2,900+ Students
- 50+ Student Reviews
“Clear and engaging. Happy someone’s chosen to cover this rare but fascinating topic.”
-Lena Morgan
“Excellent Instructor delivered knowledge and skill in clear concise manner.”
-Foster Smith
“This course was excellent. I went from being a novice to having a working understanding of how to produce a usable meditation tape. I can’t wait to get started. Every step of the process has been broken down and explained. Great teacher.”
-Denise Jones
“Everything you need to know about creating guided meditations, along with how to mix the music with the voice, then prepare your product for the public to enjoy. Also included are marketing tips from someone who’s created and sold guided meditations! I loved the concise step by step approach. Billy is a true expert in this field, and the knowledge he shares in this course is invaluable. Billy, thank you for creating this and sharing your knowledge.”
-Karl Jeffery
In this course, we have created a step-by-step guide that will show you how you can write, record, and distribute your very own meditation on any topic of your choosing using nothing more than a laptop, a microphone and an Internet connection.
Not only that, we’ll also show you how you can leverage social media to market your meditations to your ideal target audience and begin to build a fan base of followers.
Here’s what you’ll be able to DO after you enroll in this course:
- PREPARE and create a guided meditation script
- USE microphones correctly to capture good quality voice recordings
- DOWNLOAD, install and operate free recording software
- APPLY audio editing techniques to maintain good sound quality
- Use sound effects to ACHIEVE professional sounding results
- SOURCE background music to further enhance the aesthetics of your meditations
- Apply basic AUDIO MIXING techniques
- MAKE your meditation available for commercial download
- CREATE a Facebook fan page
- Use ADVANCED MARKETING TECHNIQUES for laser targeting your ideal audience
- PREPARE Before You Record Your Script for Best Results
- Use Your VOICE for Greater Impact
ADD Life and Richness to Your Meditation Audios - Using Imagery and Meditation Themes
- USE Language That Mesmerizes Your Listeners
- Profoundly IMPROVE the Experience of Your Listeners Using Brainwave Entrainment Audios
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never recorded before or have limited computer skills.
We’ll walk you through the entire process step-by-step.
All you have to do is look over our shoulder and duplicate the techniques that we teach in each of the lectures.
So, go ahead and enroll in this course now, so you can begin creating and sharing your gifts with the world…and make a great living doing it!
1IntroductionVídeo Aula
The introduction provides students with an overview of the course curriculum
2Choosing Your TopicVídeo Aula
In this lecture I talk about the importance of selecting a good topic for your meditation and share some tips that you can use during your preparation and research
3Identifying Your NicheVídeo AulaIn this lecture I talk about how you can refine your topic by making it niche specific. This is for the purpose of helping you create a meditation that targets specific topics and themes
4Preparing Your ScriptVídeo AulaIn this lecture I share some tips and advice on how to prepare your script. I also talk about how to structure your content properly in order to ensure that your listener reaps maximum benefit
5Sourcing An Affordable MicrophoneVídeo AulaIn this lecture I share some advice on how you can source a good quality affordable microphone. I also recommend some brand names that are best suited for voice recording
6Microphone Set-Up & FunctionalityVídeo AulaIn this lecture I talk about the functionality of microphones. I cover how to set them up and use them properly and also share some tips and techniques that will enable you to capture good quality recordings
7Installing Your Free SoftwareVídeo Aula
In this lecture I show you how to download and install your free recording software. I also show you how to launch the program for the first time and introduce you to the interface
8Software Features & FunctionalityVídeo Aula
In this lecture I walk you through some of the basic features of the software so that you can begin becoming familiarized with the interface. I walk you through each of the tools and explain their functions
9Performing A Microphone Sound CheckVídeo Aula
In this lecture I cover how to do a microphone sound check using the basic tools and features that I covered in lecture 8. My main aim here is to ensure you know how to set the right audio levels prior to commencing recording
10Sourcing & Importing Free Background MusicVídeo AulaIn this lecture I show you how you can source royalty free music for your meditation projects. I also show you how to import your downloads into your recording software
11Recording Your ScriptVídeo AulaIn this lecture I share some advice on how to record your script properly. I also share some measures you can take to ensure that you are relaxed and composed prior to hitting the record button
12Basic Audio EditingVídeo Aula
In this lecture I show you some basic audio editing techniques that you can use to smooth out any defects that may inadvertently end up in your recordings
13Intermediate Audio EditingVídeo Aula
Continuing on from the previous lecture, in this lecture I share some more editing techniques that you can easily implement to enhance the aesthetics of your voice recordings
14Advanced Audio EditingVídeo AulaIn this lecture I show how to use the fade in and fade out effect to incorporate more than one background track in your meditations. This is particularly useful for those who may want to create meditations that are long in duration
15Enhancing Your Sound QualityVídeo AulaIn this lecture I talk about the 3 main processing effects that you can use to enhance your sound quality even further. I give a basic overview of each one and explain why they are used in the production of meditation audios
16How To Apply EqualizationVídeo Aula
In this lecture I walk you through some practical examples of how you can apply equalization to your voice recordings to improve their clarity
17How To Apply CompressionVídeo AulaIn this lecture I cover how to apply subtle compression in order to ensure that the volume of your voice recording remains evenly elevated throughout the duration of your meditation
18How To Apply ReverbVídeo AulaIn this lecture I cover how to use reverb in order to give your voice recording a sense of depth and space. I also share some guidelines for ensuring that you don’t over apply sound effects
19Basic Audio MixingVídeo AulaIn this lecture I show you the basic fundamentals of mixing and share some tips with you on how to ensure that your final completed audio file is of a good quality standard
25Introduction To Facebook AdvertisingVídeo Aula
In this lecture I provide an introduction to Facebook advertising and outline why it is such a phenomenally powerful method of laser targeting the type of people who are likely to be interested in purchasing your meditation download
26Creating A Facebook Fan PageVídeo AulaIn this lecture I cover how to set up your very own Facebook fan page so that you can begin developing your brand and growing your audience online
27Selecting An Image For Your Ad CampaignVídeo Aula
In this lecture I show you how to select an appropriate image for your ad campaign and guide you on how to select the correct campaign objective
28How To Laser Target Your Ideal AudienceVídeo AulaIn this lecture I show you how you can utilize the functions of Facebooks ad campaign manager to laser target the ideal audience for your meditation
29Finalizing Your Facebook Ad CampaignVídeo AulaIn this lecture l show you how you can set your own marketing budget and walk you through the final few steps of finalizing your ad campaign
30ConclusionVídeo Aula
31Section IntroVídeo Aula
This lecture provides students with an overview of the section.
32How to Deliver Your Script for Best ResultsVídeo Aula
This lecture covers some starting concepts and best practices as preparation, before you record your script.
33How to Focus Your Listener's AttentionVídeo Aula
This lecture dives into a couple techniques you can use to capture and focus your listener's attention. This is key for adding greater impact and for helping your audience remember certain parts of your message.
34A Simple Way to Lead Your Listener's to Greater Results with Your AudiosVídeo Aula
This lecture is all about tonality and how to use your voice to create better, more meaningful meditation audios. There is also an exercise to help you develop your tonal range.
35How to Add Life and Richness to Your Meditation AudiosVídeo Aula
This lecture covers how to create more vivid, rich experiences for your listeners, through the use of certain themes and imagery in your recordings.
36Language That Mesmerizes Your ListenersVídeo Aula
This lecture covers certain words you can include in your audios for greater depth of experience and enjoyment for your listeners.
37How to Profoundly Improve the Experience of Your ListenersVídeo Aula
This lecture covers how to incorporate brainwave entrainment audios into your recordings for greater effect and to greatly enhance the experience for your audience. There are also several links to further information, in the resource section.