Appium -Mobile Testing (Android/IOS) from Scratch+Frameworks
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Course Last Updated -Jan 3rd Appium 2.0 Version and Java V21.
Top Rated/Ranked Popular APPIUM Course with Life time Q/A Support on Udemy with highest Students Enrollment
“Learn Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Automation (Android+ IOS) Even If You’ve Never Programmed Before.
80,000+ Potential students already enrolled and 5 start reviews all the way
On course completion You will be Mastered in Mobile Automation Testing in both Android&IOS and can implement Successfully it in your workplace or will surely land on High Paying Job .“Decide the Quality of Course by watching Preview Lectures and Students Reviews”
What makes this Course Unique in the Market?
Videos will be updated on regular basis based up on latest released versions of APPIUM
This is the most Popular Appium course ever you will find online with Top User ratings
I have explained every concept in great details from Scratch so that any one can master in this tool on course completion
We will be designing and implementing Industry Standard frameworks using Appium with TestNG Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Apache Log4J2, Extent Reports
Detailed demonstration on end to end CI/CD implementation using Appium for both iOS and Android
Understand parallel execution on real Android and iOS devices using Cloud Infrastructure
Only course which explains many Appium tips and tricks needed to clear Interviews or complete the Assignments given in the projects
High level Topics Include:
Appium Features
Appium Internal Architecture
Configuration setup for running tests on Android and IOS Simulators/Emulators
Configuration setup for running tests on Android and IOS real devices
How to Automate Native (Android&IOS) Apps using Appium
How to Automate Hybrid (Android&IOS) Apps using Appium
In Depth explanation of Appium API’s/comands and their usage
Mobile Gestures Automation scroll,swipe, longpress, tap, Touch Actions using Appium
Automating Browser Apps using Appium
Tips in inspecting objects on Apps and Mobile browser with uiautomatorviewer and APpium Inspector
Appium Hybrid Framework from Scratch with top design patterns
designing and implementing Industry Standard frameworks using Appium with TestNG Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Apache Log4J2, Extent Reports
Appium Framework CI/D Integration
Appium Cloud Automation on Browserstack
Happy Testing!
4Important Note on Player settingsVídeo Aula
5Download Java, Android Studio & Node softwares for Appium SetupVídeo Aula
6Set Environment variable Paths of all Softwares in WINDOWSVídeo Aula
7Set Environment variable Paths of all Softwares in MACVídeo Aula
8Configure Android Virtual Device/Emulator and Install Appium ServerVídeo Aula
9Setting up Appium Maven project with Java client dependenciesVídeo Aula
10Caution on Compatible testnG Java version along with Plugin InstallVídeo Aula
11Important NoteTexto
12Course Strategy to learn Appium basics for Selenium AutomationVídeo Aula
13Introduction to Java variables and Data types with examplesVídeo Aula
14What are Arrays in Java? How to initialize and retrieve the values of arrayVídeo Aula
15Introduction to For loop to iterate over array of Strings and IntegersVídeo Aula
16Enhanced for loop declaration & using Conditional statements inside the loopsVídeo Aula
17Code downloadTexto
18What is Arraylist and differences between Arraylist and ArraysVídeo Aula
19Strings in Java - How to declare Strings & Important String methodsVídeo Aula
20How to create methods and access methods using Java class objectsVídeo Aula
21what is Inheritance in Java with exampleVídeo Aula
22Code downloadTexto
23Code & Apps download for PracticeTexto
24What is UIAutomator and creating UiAutomator object to define CapabilitiesVídeo Aula
25How to start & Stop Appium Server Programmatically using AppiumServiceBuilderVídeo Aula
26Introduction to Appium Inspector to identify the elements on the AppsVídeo Aula
27Creating Base Class with Util methods and extend it to Child Appium TestsVídeo Aula
28Appium Server not starting programmatically - FIX WORKAROUNDVídeo Aula
29Android Home Not Set error - MAC - Troubleshoot - FIX WORK AROUNDVídeo Aula
30Stay Connected to the Testing WorldTexto
42Introduction to App features and test cases to automateVídeo Aula
43Test Case in Filling the form details for shoppingVídeo Aula
44Verifying toast messages for error validationsVídeo Aula
45Testcase-Scrolling in product list example with Appium Android scrollVídeo Aula
46Testcase-Dynamically selecting Product by scanning list based on textVídeo Aula
47TestCase- Validating Total amount generated functionalityVídeo Aula
48Code optimization with user defined functionsVídeo Aula
49Testcase - Validating Mobile Gestures of App ( Tap, Long Press)Vídeo Aula
50Be a Mentor or Get Guidance from QA CommunityTexto
73Important NoteTexto
74Understand the importance of framework design - Getting started with ProjectVídeo Aula
75Introduction to Page object Factory and design Implementation ideaVídeo Aula
76Create Action methods in the Pageobject file to drive into testsVídeo Aula
77Inherit Android Actions class to page object classes for reusable methodsVídeo Aula
78Part 1 - Implement Page object file for Product Catalogue page with actionsVídeo Aula
79Part 2 - Implement Page object file for Product Catalogue page with actionsVídeo Aula
80Part 3 - Implement Page object file for Cart page with actionsVídeo Aula
81Part 4- Convert IOS test into Page object PatternVídeo Aula
82Part 5- Convert IOS test into Page object PatternVídeo Aula