Become A Mobile App Developer (iOS / Android / Windows)
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
Mobile app development can be both profitable and fun. In this beginners introductory course you will learn to create and deploy an app to a physical device. You learn how to setup development environments for iOS, Android and windows app development.
We will be using the MVC ( Model View Controller) design pattern which is commonly used in IOS app development and the Xcode integrated development environment to develop an app to run on an apple device. Xcode comes with virtual devices that you can use to test your app. The swift programming language is used to develop iOS mobile apps. The course covers some basic swift programming fundamentals.
Android powers the majority of smartphones on the planet and a growing number of devices, from Android Wear on your wrist to Android Auto for your car. This course is designed to teach anyone how to make a new Android app from scratch.Learn all the basics of the platform and all the skills an Android app developer needs to be successful. Android apps are developed using the Java programming language. The course covers some basic fundamentals of java .
Xamarin is a software platform that enables you to create cross platform apps that will work on the top three platforms (Android, IOS, Windows) using the same codebase . The programming language used by Xamarin is C#.
Xamarin has in a way solved a problem most developers face and that is developing the same app multiple times for each of the top three platforms : Android , IOS and Windows. Without Xamarin developers will have to use different development tools and programming languages to develop the same app for the top three platforms.
10What is SwiftVídeo Aula
11Xcode playground overviewVídeo Aula
12Using commentsVídeo Aula
13Print statementsVídeo Aula
14Operators : Part 1Vídeo Aula
15Operators : Part 2Vídeo Aula
16Variables and Data Types : Part 1Vídeo Aula
17Variables and Data Types : Part 2Vídeo Aula
18Naming DataVídeo Aula
19ArraysVídeo Aula
20FunctionsVídeo Aula
21Creating a functionVídeo Aula
22Creating a function with a parameterVídeo Aula
23Conditional statementsVídeo Aula
24What we will createVídeo Aula
25Creating a new Xcode projectVídeo Aula
26Design your app: Part 1Vídeo Aula
27Design your app: Part 2Vídeo Aula
28Link design to codeVídeo Aula
29Create variablesVídeo Aula
30Add random number generatorVídeo Aula
31Create an array and test appVídeo Aula
32What is AndroidVídeo Aula
33What is Android StudioVídeo Aula
34Android studio installation requirementsVídeo Aula
35Downloading and Installing Android Studio on WindowsVídeo Aula
36Downloading and Installing Android Studio on MacVídeo Aula
37Creating a test android app: part 1Vídeo Aula
38Creating a test android app: part 2Vídeo Aula
39Creating a test android app: part 3Vídeo Aula
40Android Project StructureVídeo Aula
41Opening and closing Android ProjectsVídeo Aula
42Component treeVídeo Aula
43User interfaceVídeo Aula
44Gradle build systemVídeo Aula
45The paletteVídeo Aula
46Constraint layoutVídeo Aula
47Modifying the test appVídeo Aula
48Testing app on multiple devicesVídeo Aula
49What we will createVídeo Aula
50Creating a new Android projectVídeo Aula
51Exploring key filesVídeo Aula
52Creating a variable to hold scoresVídeo Aula
53Testing what we've developed so farVídeo Aula
54Modifying the textview widgetVídeo Aula
55Adding a button widgetVídeo Aula
56Adding java codeVídeo Aula
57Creating a random generatorVídeo Aula
58Creating a single diceVídeo Aula
59Creating three dice with arrayListVídeo Aula
60Adding dice image: part 1Vídeo Aula
61Adding dice image: part 2Vídeo Aula
62Accessing image views in java codeVídeo Aula
63Making images dynamic : part 1Vídeo Aula
64Making images dynamic : part 2Vídeo Aula
65Adding scoring displayVídeo Aula
66Adding scoring logicVídeo Aula
67Using material design buttonVídeo Aula
68Chaining dice image: part 1Vídeo Aula
69Chaining dice image: part 2Vídeo Aula
70Adding some styleVídeo Aula
71adding an iconVídeo Aula
72Deploying app on a physical deviceVídeo Aula
73What is JavaVídeo Aula
74Installing JDK and Netbeans BundleVídeo Aula
75Create a basic java programVídeo Aula
76Basic structure of a Java ProgramVídeo Aula
77What is a Java PackageVídeo Aula
78Primitive data typesVídeo Aula
79Basic OperatorsVídeo Aula
80VariablesVídeo Aula
81ArraysVídeo Aula
82ClassesVídeo Aula
83Running Java Apps outside IDEVídeo Aula