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60316 avaliações

Become a Product Manager | Learn the Skills & Get the Job

The most complete course available on Product Management. 13+ hours of videos, activities, interviews, & more
Cole Mercer
265.517 Alunos Inscrito
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  Tempo de leitura 2 minutes

Updated December 2024: Over 4,000 students who have taken this course have gotten jobs as Product Managers! Students now work at companies like Google, Zynga, Airbnb, Wal-Mart, Dell, Booking. com, Jet. com, Vodafone, HomeAway, Boeing, Freelancer. com, Wayfair, & more!

The most updated and complete Product Management course on Udemy! You’ll learn the skills that make up the entire Product Management job and process: from ideation to market research, to UX wireframing to prototyping, technology, metrics, and finally to building the product with user stories, project management, scoping, and leadership. We even have interviews with real life PMs, Q&A sessions with students, and a comprehensive guide to preparing and interviewing for a Product Management job

Right now, there are over 3,000+ job listings worldwide that are looking for Product Managers, that pay on average $100,000 / year.

The demand for Product Management is increasing at an insane rate. More and more companies are finally figuring out how important this discipline and this role is to their success. 

But how exactly do you get into the field? There aren’t any degrees in Product Management & there are no certifications. Most Product Managers get into the field through luck or connections. That ends here – we’ll get you up to date on ALL the skills you need to learn Product Management AND have the best chance at getting the job you want. There’s no more ambiguity to it. We’ll show you what you need to know and what you have to do – all taught from a Product Management insider.

Students aren’t required to know anything beforehand – we’ll teach you the fundamentals, how to apply them, how to develop into an advanced product manager, and finally how to maximize your chances to get a job as a Product Manager.

Your instructors:

Cole Mercer has been a Senior Product Manager at Soundcloud, Bonobos, Mass Relevance, and has taught the Product Management course at General Assembly in Manhattan, NYC.

Evan Kimbrell is a Top rated Udemy instructor with 11 courses on everything Entrepreneurship. His courses have over 630,000 students, 32,000+ 5 star reviews, and an average rating of 4.9 / 5.0.

Introduction to Product Development
Ideas and User Needs
Competitive and Market Analysis
Customer Development
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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