Complete Microsoft SQL Server Database Administration Course
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
Microsoft SQL Server continues to be one of the world’s most popular and top databases. Database is a heart of IT which is needed to stored all critical data and information.
If you want to become SQL database administrator then this is the PERFECT course for YOU. This training course will provide you all the necessary skills you need to be a successful database administrator. The “Complete Microsoft SQL Server Database Administration Course” is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of database administration using Microsoft SQL Server. This course is ideal for IT professionals, database administrators, and anyone interested in learning about SQL Server infrastructure. It covers key aspects such as installation, configuration, maintenance, security, and performance tuning of SQL Server databases
Here is the course outline:
Section 1 – Introduction
Introduction to Database
What is SQL?
Introduction to MS SQL Server
Different editions of MS SQL
Section 2 – Download, Install and Configure Windows
MS SQL Server prerequisite
Lab setup
What is virtualization?
Download and Install VMWare Workstation Player
Optional – Download and Install Oracle VirtualBox
Create a Virtual Machine
Download and Install Windows Server
Virtual Machine Management
Section 3 – Download, Install and Configure MS SQL Server
Prerequisites for MSSQL Installation
Download MSSQL and SQL Server Management Studio
Install and Configure MSSQL
Install SQL Server Management Studio
Download and Install AdventureWorks Database
Section 4 – Database Fundamentals and Design
What is Data and Database?
How is data stored?
What is a Table, COLUMN and ROW ?
What is a key? primary, foreign, unique keys etc.
What is Relational Database and Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?
What is a Transaction and ACID properties?
Database Normalization AND Different forms of Database Normalization
Create your first Database, Table and Populate table with data…
Section 5 – Introduction to SQL Commands
Welcome to Basic SQL Commands
What is a SQL Statement and types of SQL statements
DML Statement with examples
DDL Statements with examples
DCL Statement with examples
TCL Statement with examples
Section 6 – Query and Manipulation of Data using SQL
Create TABLE(s) and Temp Table(s)
What Is a View?
SELECT Statement in detail
Operators, Expressions and Conditions
Select from two tables – JOINS
Different Types of JOINS
What is a Sub Query?
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and Truncate Statements
What is a Store Procedure?
Function, Trigger and INDEX
Clustered ,Non-clustered Indexes and Index Design considerations
Index Fragmentation and Lab for Index
Section 7 – Microsoft SQL Database Administration
Overview of MSSQL Management Tools
Exploring SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Exploring SQL Server Configuration Manager
MSSQL System Databases, DO’s and DONT’s of System databases
What is master, etmpdb, msdb and other system databases?
Section 8 – Deep Dive into MSSQL Working
What are Pages , Extents, Page Architecture and PFS?
MSSQL Architecture
MSSQL Database Architecture
Operation and working of transaction log
Configuring user Database
Best practices while creating user Database
Section 9 – MSSQL Backup and Restore
Backup of a Database, Importance for DBA and Different Media used for Backups
Recovery Models in MSSQL and how that impact backups an restore
Full and differential backups
Transaction Log Backups, Log Backup Chain and Tail-log Backup
Lab for Full, Differential and Transaction Log Backups
Restore and Recovery Overview
Full, Differential and Transaction Log database restore
Point in time restore of a database
Complete Backup , Restore and Restore in Time Lab
MS SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB command
Page Level Restore / Recovery using Full Backups
Creating Maintenance Plan Backups/Re-indexing etc.
Section 10 – MSSQL User Management
MSSQL Security Model
MSSQL Server Authentication Modes
Server Logins
Server Roles
Database Users
Database Roles
Permissions (GRANT , DENY, and REVOKE)
Section 11 – MSSQL Server Agent Management
SQL Server Agent Introduction
SQL Server Agent Jobs and Schedules
Agent Alerts
Database Mail
Activity Monitor
Section 12 – Advanced SQL Server Administration Topics
High Availability and its Types
What Is Replication and Transactional Replication
Transactional Replication Setup (LAB)
Log Shipping and Configuring Log Shipping
SQL Server Encryption and Encryption Types
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and configuration
Section 13 – Course Re-cap
Commands we have learned
1IntroductionVídeo Aula
2Course overviewVídeo Aula
3Introduction to DatabaseVídeo Aula
4What is RDBMS ?Vídeo Aula
5What is SQL ?Vídeo Aula
6Top 5 RDBMS using SQLVídeo Aula
MS SQL Server
7Introduction to Microsoft SQL ServerVídeo Aula
8Different Editions of Microsoft SQLVídeo Aula
10Welcome to Download, Install and Configure WindowsVídeo Aula
11MS SQL Server Pre-requisiteVídeo Aula
12Lab SetupVídeo Aula
13What is Virtualization?Vídeo Aula
14Download and Install VMWare Workstation PlayerVídeo Aula
15Optional - Download and Install Oracle VirtualboxVídeo Aula
16Create a Virtual MachineVídeo Aula
17Download and Install Windows Server (2016)Vídeo Aula
18Fix EFI Network Time out error for VM PlayerVídeo Aula
19Download and Install Windows Server (2019)Vídeo Aula
20Virtual Machine ManagementVídeo Aula
21Download, Install and Configure WindowsQuestionário
22Welcome to Download, Install and Configure Microsoft SQLVídeo Aula
23Which Version Of SQL Server to Install ?Vídeo Aula
24Prerequisites for MSSQL 2016 InstallationVídeo Aula
25Prerequisites for MSSQL 2022 InstallationVídeo Aula
26Download and Install Chrome BrowserVídeo Aula
27Download MSSQL and SQL Server Management StudioVídeo Aula
28Install and Configure MSSQL 2016Vídeo Aula
29Install and Configure MSSQL 2019Vídeo Aula
30Download and Install MSSQL 2022Vídeo Aula
31Install 2016 SQL Server Management StudioVídeo Aula
32Install 2018 SQL Server Management StudioVídeo Aula
33Install 2019 SQL Server Management StudioVídeo Aula
34Download and Install AdventureWorks DatabaseVídeo Aula
35Welcome to Database Fundamentals and DesignVídeo Aula
36What is Data?Vídeo Aula
37What is Database?Vídeo Aula
38How Data is Stored ?Vídeo Aula
39What is a Table, COLUMN and ROW ?Vídeo Aula
40What is a Key ?Vídeo Aula
41What is Primary Key , Foreign Key, Unique Key etc ?Vídeo Aula
42What is Relational Database and Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) ?Vídeo Aula
43What is a Transaction and ACID properties ?Vídeo Aula
44Database Normalization AND Different forms of Database NormalizationVídeo Aula
45Create your first Database, Table and Populate table with dataVídeo Aula
46Database Fundamentals and DesignQuestionário
47Welcome to Basic SQL CommandsVídeo Aula
48What is a SQL Statement and types of SQL statementsVídeo Aula
49DML Statement with examplesVídeo Aula
50DDL Statements with examplesVídeo Aula
51DCL Statement with examplesVídeo Aula
52TCL Statement with examplesVídeo Aula
53Introduction to SQL CommandsQuestionário
54Welcome to Query and Manipulation of Data using SQL CommandsVídeo Aula
55Create TABLE(s) and Temp Table(s)Vídeo Aula
56What Is a View?Vídeo Aula
57SELECT Statement in detailVídeo Aula
58Operators, Expressions and ConditionsVídeo Aula
59WHERE Clause, ORDER BY Clause , HAVING By Clause, GROUP BY ClauseVídeo Aula
60Select from two tables - JOINSVídeo Aula
61Different Types of JOINSVídeo Aula
62What is a Sub Query?Vídeo Aula
63INSERT Statement in detailVídeo Aula
64UPDATE Statement in detailVídeo Aula
65DELETE Statement in detailVídeo Aula
66Difference between DELETE and Truncate StatementVídeo Aula
67What is a Stored ProcedureVídeo Aula
68What is a FunctionVídeo Aula
69What is a TriggerVídeo Aula
70What is an INDEXVídeo Aula
71Clustered ,NonClustered Indexes and Index Design considerationsVídeo Aula
72Index Fragmentation and Lab for IndexVídeo Aula
73Query and Manipulation of Data using SQLQuestionário
74Welcome to Microsoft SQL Database Administration and System DatabasesVídeo Aula
75Overview of MSSQL Management ToolsVídeo Aula
76Exploring SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) (part -1)Vídeo Aula
77Exploring SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) (part -2)Vídeo Aula
78Exploring SQL Server Configuration ManagerVídeo Aula
79MSSQL System Databases, DO's and DONT's of System databasesVídeo Aula
80What is master Database?Vídeo Aula
81What is tempdb Database ?Vídeo Aula
82What is msdb Database ?Vídeo Aula
83Other system Databases (model,distribution)Vídeo Aula
84Microsoft SQL Database Administration and System databasesQuestionário