Export Finance, Priority Sector, Retail Loan & Documentation
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Welcome to this course Export Finance, Priority Sector, Retail Loan & Documentation
Reserve Bank of India makes it necessary for Bank Employees involved in specialised job like Credit Administration to undergo Certification Program Certified Credit Professional offered by IIBF before April 1, 2018. This is necessitated to improve Bank’s Man Power Capacity in step with recommendations put forward by ‘Committee on Capacity Building’ .
This course is an Unofficial Guide to ‘Certified Credit Professional Course of IIBF’. I have created lectures to discuss topic by topic of Module D of said course as follows
Export Finance
Priority Sector Lending
Government Sponsored Schemes
NABARD Schemes
Retail Loans
Types of Charges
My experience as Team Leader, Credit Processing Cell in Mid Corporate Group of State Bank of India helped me a lot to deliver lectures with practical insights. Other modules were published as separate courses.
This is a self paced learning course. Use your headsets for effective listening.
See you inside the course.
1Introduction to Export FinanceVídeo Aula
2Types of Pre-shipment CreditVídeo Aula
3Introduction to Export Packing Credit (EPC)Vídeo Aula
4Borrowers eligible for EPCVídeo Aula
5Disbursement of EPCVídeo Aula
6Liquidation of EPC - GeneralVídeo Aula
7Liquidation of EPC - Packing credit in excess of Export ValueVídeo Aula
8Liquidation of EPC - Exporter clients having good track recordVídeo Aula
9Running Account Facility - EPCVídeo Aula
10Rupee EPC to Specific Sectors / SegmentsVídeo Aula
11Rupee EPC to Sub-SuppliersVídeo Aula
12Rupee EPC to Construction ContractorsVídeo Aula
13Export of ServicesVídeo Aula
14Preshipment Credit to Floriculture, Grapes and other Agro ProductsVídeo Aula
15Export Credit to Processors / Agri Export ZonesVídeo Aula
16Export Credit Insurance Whole Turnover Packing CreditVídeo Aula
17Export Credit Against Proceeds of Cheques / Drafts - Advance Payment for ExportsVídeo Aula
18Customer service and simplification of proceduresVídeo Aula
19Running Account Facility under PCFCVídeo Aula
20Forward ContractVídeo Aula
21Sharing of EPC under PCFCVídeo Aula
22Diamond Dollar Account SchemeVídeo Aula
23Post Shipment Rupee Export FinanceVídeo Aula
24Advances against Undrawn Balances on Export BillsVídeo Aula
25Advances against Retention MoneyVídeo Aula
26Purchase / Discount of Export Bills (DP/DA Bills)Vídeo Aula
27Negotiation of Export BillsVídeo Aula
28Export on Consignment BasisVídeo Aula
29Export of Goods for Exhibition and SaleVídeo Aula
30Advance against Duty Drawback EntitlementVídeo Aula
31ECGC Whole Turnover Post Shipment Guarantee SchemeVídeo Aula
32Interest rate on Rupee Export CreditVídeo Aula
33Interest on Post Shipment CreditVídeo Aula
34Interest on Post Shipment Credit adjusted from Rupee ResourcesVídeo Aula
35Time limit for Realisation and Repatriation of Export ProceedsVídeo Aula
36Post shipt Export Finance in Foreign CurrencyVídeo Aula
37Gold Card Scheme for ExportersVídeo Aula
38Sanction of Export Credit FacilitiesVídeo Aula
39Crystallization of Export BillsVídeo Aula
40Important matters related to Export CreditVídeo Aula
41Foreign Currency AccountVídeo Aula
42What is EEFC A/c?Vídeo Aula
43Setting up of Offices abroad and acquistion of Immovable PropertyVídeo Aula
44Advance Payment against ExportsVídeo Aula
45Sanction of Export Credit FacilitiesVídeo Aula
46Crystallization of Export BillsVídeo Aula
47Important matters related to Export CreditVídeo Aula
48Priority Sector LendingVídeo Aula
49Categories of Priority Sector LendingVídeo Aula
50Agriculture CreditVídeo Aula
51Farm CreditVídeo Aula
52Agirculture Infrastructure CreditVídeo Aula
53Agriculture ancillary activitiesVídeo Aula
54Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesVídeo Aula
55Manufacturing EnterprisesVídeo Aula
56Service EnterprisesVídeo Aula
57Housing LoansVídeo Aula
58Social InfrastructureVídeo Aula
59Renewable EnergyVídeo Aula
60Other Loans under Priority SectorVídeo Aula
61Loans to Weaker Sections under Priority SectorVídeo Aula
62Bank Loans to MFI for Onlending - Part 1Vídeo Aula
63Bank Loans to MFI for Onlending - Part 2Vídeo Aula
64Non Achievement of Priority Sector TargetsVídeo Aula
65Government Sponsored SchemesVídeo Aula
66Deebdayal Antyodaya Yojana - NRLM (Introduction)Vídeo Aula
67Deebdayal Antyodaya Yojana - NRLM (Scheme)Vídeo Aula
68Deebdayal Antyodaya Yojana - NRLM (Eligibility criteria for SHG for loans)Vídeo Aula
69Deebdayal Antyodaya Yojana - NRLM (Quantum of Loan)Vídeo Aula
70Deebdayal Antyodaya Yojana - NRLM (Credit Terms)Vídeo Aula