Flutter Bloc Essential Course (English)
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[All source code has been updated based on flutter 3.x and flutter_bloc 8.1.4, lint rules have been applied, and class modifiers have been applied to state and events.]
To provide better service and improve communication skills in English, AI-dubbed lectures are added at the end of the course. You can choose bsed on your preference. Thank you so much. I hope my lectures are helpful for you to expand your knowledge.
In the Flutter Bloc Essential course, you can learn in depth about Bloc, the popular Flutter state management solutions.
In particular, it covers only the most recent version, version 8.0 or higher.
If you want to deepen your understanding of the Flutter Bloc and put all the concepts into practice, then this course is for you.
The lecture was carefully composed to ensure a balance between theory and practice.
And under the belief that repetition is the most important learning method, whenever there is a new concept, we will test the concept by making a small app, and through real-world apps such as TODO, Weather, and Firebase Authentication app, the concepts will come together comprehensively.
In particular, we repeatedly practice the combination of Cubit and Bloc when creating TODO, Weather, and Firebase Authentication apps.
TODO App (4 implementations): 1. Combination of Cubit and StreamSubscription, 2. Combination of Cubit and BlocListener, 3. Combination of Bloc and StreamSubscription, 4. Combination of Bloc and BlocListener
Weather App (4 implementations): 1. Combination of Cubit and StreamSubscription, 2. Combination of Cubit and BlocListener, 3. Combination of Bloc and StreamSubscription, 4. Combination of Bloc and BlocListener
Firebase Authentication App: Cubit + Bloc + StreamSubscription
This is a quick look at everything covered in the course.
Cubit/Bloc concept
BlocProvider, BlocListener, BlocConsumer, RepositoryProvider, MultiBlocProvider, MultiBlocListener, MultiRepositoryProvider
BuildContext extension methods: read, watch, select
Passing extra information to Cubit/Bloc: function argument and event payload
Cubit/Bloc-to-Cubit/Bloc communication: StreamSubscription, BlocListener
Bloc Access and value named constructor: anonymous route access, named route access, generated route access, global access
Observing Cubit/Bloc
The Event Transformation feature of Bloc
Hydrated Bloc
TODO App: 4 implementations through various combinations of Cubit, Bloc, StreamSubscription, and BlocListener
Weather App: 4 implementations through various combinations of Cubit, Bloc, StreamSubscription, and BlocListener
Firebase Authentication App: Combination of Cubit, Bloc, and StreamSubscription
5Section OverviewVídeo Aula
6(Notice) Updating source code and applying lint rulesTexto
7The state style used in the tutorialVídeo Aula
8Injecting Cubits/Blocs into widget tree and Accessing Cubits/BlocsVídeo Aula
9Listening to state changes (listen: true option, BlocBuilder)Vídeo Aula
10BlocListener & BlocConsumerVídeo Aula
11BuildContext extension methodsVídeo Aula
12First app to use BlocVídeo Aula
13Theme setting app: Passing additional information to Bloc's eventsVídeo Aula
14Theme setting app: context and Builder widgetVídeo Aula
15Theme setting app: Cubit versionVídeo Aula
16(Note) Bloc to Bloc CommunicationTexto
17Cubit to Cubit communication using StreamSubscriptionVídeo Aula
18Cubit to Cubit communication using BlocListenerVídeo Aula
19Bloc to Bloc communication using StreamSubscriptionVídeo Aula
20Bloc to Bloc communication using BlocListenerVídeo Aula
21Bloc Access: contextVídeo Aula
22Bloc Access: Anonymous Route AccessVídeo Aula
23Bloc Access: Named Route AccessVídeo Aula
24Bloc Access: Generated Route AccessVídeo Aula
25Observing Cubits/BlocsVídeo Aula
26(Notice) The breaking change in the way of observing Cubits/BlocsTexto
27(Deprecated) Observing Cubits/BlocsVídeo Aula
28Event TransformerVídeo Aula
29(Notice) Related to Hydrated BlocsTexto
30Hydrated BlocVídeo Aula
31(Notice) Hydrated Bloc version upgradeTexto
32(Deprecated) Hydrated BlocVídeo Aula
33Repository ProviderVídeo Aula
34Cubit vs. BlocVídeo Aula
35TODO App OverviewVídeo Aula
36TODO App StructureVídeo Aula
37Packages, folders and app skeltonVídeo Aula
38Todo model and Filter enumVídeo Aula
39TodoFilterCubitVídeo Aula
40TodoSearchCubitVídeo Aula
41TodoListCubitVídeo Aula
42ActiveTodoCountCubitVídeo Aula
43FilteredTodosCubitVídeo Aula
44Injecting Cubits into widget treeVídeo Aula
45TodoHeader widgetVídeo Aula
46CreateTodo widgetVídeo Aula
47SearchAndFIlterTodo widgetVídeo Aula
48ShowTodos widgetVídeo Aula
49TodoItem widgetVídeo Aula
50Reducing search volumesVídeo Aula
51todo_cubit refactoring using BlocListenerVídeo Aula
52Bloc + StreamSubscription: TodoFilterBloc, TodoSearchBlocVídeo Aula
53Bloc + StreamSubscription: TodoListBlocVídeo Aula
54Bloc + StreamSubscription: ActiveTodoCountBlocVídeo Aula
55Bloc + StreamSubscription: FilteredTodosBlocVídeo Aula
56Bloc + StreamSubscription: Apply changes to UIVídeo Aula
57Applying EventTransformer to searchVídeo Aula
58todo_bloc refactoring using BlocListenerVídeo Aula
59TODO App further considerationsVídeo Aula
60(Notice) Service Provider ReplacementVídeo Aula
61Weather App OverviewVídeo Aula
62Packages, app folder structure, app page skeletonVídeo Aula
For the APPID key value in the .env file of the open_weather_cubit starter file, give the key value issued by openweathermap.
63ModelsVídeo Aula
64Weather API Services - 1Vídeo Aula
65Weather API Services - 2Vídeo Aula
66Weather RepositoryVídeo Aula
67Weather CubitVídeo Aula
68SearchPage widget - FormVídeo Aula
69HomePage widget 1 - initial, loading, errorVídeo Aula
70HomePage widget 2 - Platform aware dialogVídeo Aula
71HomePage widget 3 - weather loaded stateVídeo Aula
72TempSettingsCubitVídeo Aula
73ThemeCubitVídeo Aula
74open_weather_cubit refactoring using BlocListenerVídeo Aula
75open_weather_bloc (Bloc + StreamSubscription)Vídeo Aula
76open_weather_bloc_listener (Bloc + BlocListener)Vídeo Aula
77Weather App Further ConsiderationsVídeo Aula
78Firebase Authentication App OverviewVídeo Aula
79(Notice) Firebase Project SetupTexto
80firebase project setup using flutterfire_cliVídeo Aula
81folder structure, modelsVídeo Aula
82Page skeletonsVídeo Aula
83AuthRepositoryVídeo Aula
84AuthBlocVídeo Aula
85SigninCubitVídeo Aula
86SigninPage widget - 1Vídeo Aula
87SigninPage widget - 2Vídeo Aula
88SignupCubit, SignupPage widgetVídeo Aula
89HomePage widgetVídeo Aula
90ProfileRepository, ProfileCubitVídeo Aula
91ProfilePage widgetVídeo Aula
92Firebase Authentication App Further ConsiderationsVídeo Aula