Health and Nutrition Life Coach Certification (Accredited)
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Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy.
This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 20 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 20 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.
We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 800,000+ happy students from 200 countries.
We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.
The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group.
Are you passionate about health, nutrition, and/or physical fitness?
Do you want to help people enhance their well-being, improve their quality of life, prevent illness, and live a happy, healthy lifestyle?
Would you like to learn proven processes and powerful tools for helping your clients reach their nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness goals?
Would you like to earn a fitness and nutrition certification and become a life coach?
Being healthy and living a happy and fulfilled life is the ultimate goal for billions of people worldwide, making it the perfect time to earn a fitness and nutrition certification by enrolling and becoming a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach.
Learn powerful motivational techniques and hands-on practical tools to guide your clients to support their emotional, behavioral, physical, and nutritional wellbeing.
Develop a strong foundation of health theory related to human anatomy, nutrition, and physical fitness, so that you can be a confident and effective health and nutrition life coach through this nutrition certification.
Learn core, professional life coaching skills, such as how to develop rapport with your clients, work together to set achievable goals, and support them using powerful communication and questioning techniques and hands-on practical tools.
Learn proper interview and screening methods designed to help you determine a client’s needs and their readiness to change. Plus, you’ll receive detailed fitness and nutrition assessments to use with your clients, allowing you to develop a customized step-by-step nutritional and exercise program that will get them the results they are looking for.
Develop a strong understanding of the psychology of behavioral change so that you can help your clients get past self-defeating habits, avoid relapse, and overcome resistance so they can create lasting lifestyle change.
This fitness and nutrition certification program will give you everything you need to design your own health and nutrition life coaching package based on your own experience and knowledge and the areas of wellness that you are passionate about.
At the end of the course you will be a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach and you will become an advocate for healthy living, a health educator, and an active partner that helps each client unlock their potential through healthy lifestyle choices.
In summary this fitness and nutrition certification will provide the following:
This life coaching certification will assist you in creating a step-by-step nutrition and exercise program to use with your clients
This fitness and nutrition certification program will give you the tools to design a custom health coaching package that is focused and in alignment with YOUR unique passions and experience
Begin your fitness and nutrition life coaching practice with done-for-you assessments and proven tools and processes to use with your clients, saving you time, stress, and money.
This fitness and nutrition certification will also provide proven life coaching best practices, including life coaching models, personality theory, health psychology, and professional life coaching communication techniques.
You will also develop a thorough understanding of human anatomy and physiology, nutrient density, macronutrients, micronutrients, and dieting
Through this fitness and nutrition certification you will learn how to screen clients, conduct the initial interview, and assess clients’ readiness, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, core stability, and nutrition
Learn life coaching skills and psychological principals of behavioral change and how to motivate your clients to achieve their fitness, nutrition, and life goals and prevent relapse
This fitness and nutrition certification will leave you feeling confident as a health and nutrition life coach because you have developed a strong foundation both of theory and practical application.
By earning your fitness and nutritional certification you will also have the credibility that your clients are looking for by being able to say that you are a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach.
So, are you ready to help your clients transform their lives through health, nutrition and fitness? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!
Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.
This course is taught by 3 experts in the field of life coaching, fitness and health. Sanda Kruger is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, health life coach and professional dancer. She is a certified fitness professional and is the creator of two original fitness programs, called BellyCore® Fitness and AquaCor®. Joeel and Natalie Rivera have over a decade in the life coaching field and have trained tens of thousands of coaches. They have over 800,000+ students from 200 countries. They have a background in social services, psychology, education and as entrepreneurs. Joeel has a Masters’ in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness.
Copyright Transformation Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved
1Introduction and Meet the InstructorsVídeo Aula
Learn about what is covered in this course, why you would want to be a certified health and nutrition life coach, and meet the instructors.
2What Does a Health Coach Do?Vídeo Aula
This lecture offers you a clearer understanding of what a Health Coach does, how we can make a difference in our lives and out clients lives.
3Different Ways to Use This Material as a CoachVídeo Aula
Depending on your career, background, and personal experience, you can use the material covered in this health and nutrition certification in a variety of ways.
4What Are Health and Wellness?Vídeo Aula
This lecture will offer you definitions and a description of what Health and Wellness are and also types of wellness we can experience throughout our lives.
5How to Use This CourseVídeo Aula
Important details about how this course is organized and how to earn the official health and nutritoin certification.
6REQUIRED: Terms of Use + Coaching DisclaimerTexto
Important information about life coaching.
8Questions, Resources and Meet the InstructorsTexto
9All Course Documents in One Handy PlaceTexto
10About the MASTER Wellness Coach CertificationTexto
11Coaching vs Therapy vs Medical AdviceVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go over the difference between coaching, therapy, and medical advice. Understanding the difference between the three is essential and mandatory as a coach both ethically and legally.
12Emotional Intelligence: Understanding Your EQVídeo Aula
Do a quick assessment of your emotional intelligence (EQ) to determine your strengths as a life coach!
This lectures offers you a description of the SWOT Analysis as a powerful tool in order to assess yourself and your clients when is about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
14DISC Model of Understanding Personality TypesVídeo Aula
The DISC model of understanding different personality types is a great tool to help you assess the personality style of your clients.
15The GROW Model of CoachingVídeo Aula
Do you believe your level of intelligence and talent are fixed or do you believe you can improve in any area? Find out why this question is perhaps the most important question that will determine your experience of life, and why it's so important as a coach.
16The Wheel of LifeVídeo Aula
This activity helps both you and your clients evaluate, and see visually, what areas of your client's life have the strongest need for attention, as well as how the different aspects of his or her life affect each other.
17The Power of VisualizationVídeo Aula
Your brain doesn't know the difference between what you visualize in your mind and what is happening in real life! Find out why visualization has the power to trick your brain into feeling the way you want.
18What is Health PsychologyVídeo Aula
In this lecture we'll talk about the importance of understanding the psychology of change related to changing health behaviors such as diet and exercise.
19Assessing Readiness for Change (The Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change)Vídeo Aula
Learn how to assess your clients' readiness for change, how far they are along, and what may be holding them back (using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change)
20Social Cognitive TheoryVídeo Aula
In this lecture we'll explore how people learn, including how we learn from models, process what we observe, and why we either do or don't adopt what we've learned.
21Health Belief ModelVídeo Aula
Learn why people make the decisions they do related to their health (including why they would continue to keep destructive health patterns) so you know how to help your clients develop a mindset that supports their progress.
22Developing Self-EfficacyVídeo Aula
Learn proven life coaching strategies to help your clients develop a strong belief in their ability to make lasting change and reach their goals.
23The Importance of Having a Growth MindsetVídeo Aula
Learn why and how to determine if your client has a growth mindset. There is nothing more important to success at lifestyle change and reaching potential than the belief that you are capable of CHANGING and improving.
24You Can Change Your BrainVídeo Aula
Learn how your brain works and what is going on inside of you when you have thoughts and emotions, including learning that you can change and grow your brain!
25You Are Not Alone: Identifying Your 3 TeamsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn how to identify your teams and your team members, which are important for your success.
26How to Build Your TeamsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about networking, which is a great method to meet new clients and new team members and grow your circle of influence.
27How to Communicate Effectively with Your Team MembersVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn important guidelines in how to communicate with your partners, clients and other team members.
28Why Do Goals Matter?Vídeo Aula
In this lecture, you get to identify the Why? behind every change and discover if your and your clients' motivation is intrinsic or extrinsic.
29Setting Meaningful Goals (The BIG WHY)Vídeo Aula
The most important part of goal setting is often overlooked, which is making sure your client knows their BIG WHY!
30Health Goals with an Emphasis on the PastVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn to identify goals focused on something that happened in the past, going on the idea: I want to be all that I used to be or do something I used to do.
31Health Goals with an Emphasis on the PresentVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn to identify the goals focused on present reasons, on the now.
32Health Goals with an Emphasis on the FutureVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn to identify the goals focused on the future, for example you or your clients may want a certain ideal body weight or to participate in a certain event like a marathon.
33Setting Achievable Goals (Creating an Action Plan)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will give you a blue print to help clients create short and long term goals that result in actionable steps and create long term success.
34SMART GoalsVídeo Aula
Not all goals are created equal! SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Framed. In order to increase your odds of accomplishing your goals, it’s “smart” to ensure they take into account what research has proven to be the key factors for successfully reaching goals.
35Small Changes Lead to Big ResultsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go over the power of small changes and how that is what creates big results!
36Celebrating with Your ClientVídeo Aula
The best way to stay motivated is to enjoy the journey! By taking time to celebrate your accomplishments, you’ll feel inspired to keep working toward that next milestone. Celebrating your success will help you feel gratitude for what you’ve accomplished. Learn strategies, such as reward systems and unplugging, that will keep you fired up.
37Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to SuccessVídeo Aula
Learn how to help your clients overcome the top 5 barriers to success: lack of confidence, unrealistic goals, motivation, time commitment, and lack of support.
38Overcoming Fear of ChangeVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go over how to overcome fear of change. Fear of change is one of the top reasons that people will self sabotage and create excuses for not moving forward.
39Overcoming Road Blocks and Set BacksVídeo Aula
Use these proven strategies to help your clients prepare in advance for possible road blocks or set backs that commonly occur when people are trying to create life change: set realistic expectations, plan in advance, be flexible, and look for lessons.
40Willpower, Triggers, and CuesVídeo Aula
Most of human behavior is an automatic, unconscious reaction to cues and triggers in our everyday lives, which is why it is so important to help our clients identify the triggers for their unwanted or unhealthy behaviors and create powerful new cues to keep them on track.
41The Power of Pain and PleasureVídeo Aula
Every action we take is either toward pain or away from pleasure. This powerful life coaching activity will help your clients get to the root of their desires and motivations and make sure they are seeing more value in making the desired changes than they see in avoiding uncertainty and staying the same.
42Establishing Rapport and Setting ExpectationsVídeo Aula
As a coach, the most important step to ensure success is to develop strong rapport with your client right away and make sure expectations are clear.
43Establishing Rapport Using MirroringVídeo Aula
Learn powerful mirroring techniques to develop a strong connection with your clients.
44Making a Positive First ImpressionVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will address a few simple ways in creating a great first impression when meeting with a new or existing client or another team member.
45Active ListeningVídeo Aula
Giving your client your full attention is not only polite, it's vital to your success as a coach. Find out how!
46Reflective ListeningVídeo Aula
Explore the power of reflective listening, aka paraphrasing.
47Empathetic ListeningVídeo Aula
Empathetic listening goes beyond just listening and helps you connect at a deep level to your client by truly understanding their perspective.
48Types of Coaching QuestionsVídeo Aula
Explore different types of questions, such as expanding and reflective, that can enhance your effectiveness as a coach, as well as other types of questions to avoid, such as leading questions and "why".
49Probing QuestionsVídeo Aula
Probing questions help you dig deeper into the beliefs and assumptions behind what your client is saying.
50Systems of the Human BodyVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about the systems of the human body and which ones of them are important to focus on as a health coach.
51Understanding How Muscles WorkVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about the characteristics of the skeletal muscle.
52Joints and LeversVídeo Aula
In this section you will learn about the human body main joints and the human levers.
53Movement AnalysisVídeo Aula
In this section you will learn the terms and the moves that we can do with our joints and muscles in order to live a healthy life.
54Balance, Posture and AlignmentVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will address the proper balance and posture and talk about the correct spinal alignment for a healthy lifestyle and to prevent injuries.
In this lecture you will learn about the energy production process in the human body and what sources of energy we have for different activities.
56Nutrient Density and BioavailabilityVídeo Aula
In this lecture, you will learn about nutrients, why their density matters and why their bioavailability is the most important factor when choosing foods.
57What to Eat: Organic, Local and SeasonalVídeo Aula
In this lecture, we talk about what foods to choose based on being organic or conventional as well as their source and origin.
58Macronutrients: CarbohydratesVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about carbohydrates, what their functions are in the human body and what food sources you can use.
59Macronutrients: ProteinVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about Protein, their quality, protein sources and protein powders available.
60Macronutrients: FatsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about different types of fats and their characteristics, which ones are good for us and which ones we should avoid.
61Micronutrients: VitaminsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about different vitamins that the human body needs in order to function properly and the best sources for them.
62Micronutrients: MineralsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about minerals and their importance in the human body, as well as the best sources to get them through diet.
63Basic Nutrition For Different Life CyclesVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will talk about special nutrition considerations for different life cycles: childhood, teenager and mature adult.
64Basic Nutrition and Popular DietsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about different nutrition recommendations when applied to today's most popular diets: Keto, alkaline, Vegetarian and Vegan and more.
65Basic Nutrition for Special Conditions ( Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Anemia)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about nutrition recommendations and guidelines when dealing with different medical conditions like Obesity, Diabetes, Anemia, High Blood Pressure, etc.
66Assessing Physical Health and Physical Activity ReadinessVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will talk about the physical health assessments and the Exercise Readiness Questionnaire
67Assessing Readiness to ChangeVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will discuss behavioral change with its excesses and deficits.
68Assessing Body Composition and Discussing it with ClientsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will discuss Body Composition, what is it and how can it be properly measured, as well as how to discuss the results with the clients.
69Warning Signs and Eating DisordersVídeo Aula
Learn how to recognize signs of eating disorders and what to do, as a coach, if your client needs additional professional intervention.
70Physical Fitness and its ComponentsVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will talk about Physical Fitness, its 5 major components and the skill related components.
71Cardiorespiratory Fitness TestingVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will talk about the cardiorespiratory fitness testing and the Rockport Walking Test.
72Assessment of Stability through Static PostureVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go over how to assess stability through static posture by applying the Anatomical position.
73Assessment of Core StabilityVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go ahead and assess the stability and strength of the core muscles.
74Assessment of BalanceVídeo Aula
In the assessment of Balance lecture we will learn about the Stock Stand Balance Test and the Sharpened Romberg Test.
75Assessment of MobilityVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will assess the joint and full body mobility of the clients.
77Introduction to Functional Movement and Resistance TrainingVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will be introduced to the Exercise Plan Development section of the course.
78Cardiorespiratory TrainingVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will explain in detail the 4 levels of cardiorespiratory training for a client: aerobic, efficiency, endurance and power training as well as when is time to introduce them in an exercise program.
79Level 1- Stability and Mobility Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will talk about stabilizing the core muscles through focusing on deep core and pelvis. We will perform a series of simple but very efficient core exercises which you can practice yourself and introduce to your clients.
80Level 1- Stability and Mobility Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will cover the first two important movements in the level 2 Stability and Mobility section: bend and lift movements and Single leg movements.
81Level 2 – Movement Training Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go over the first 2 movements of the 5 important movements for your clients: bend and lift and single leg movements.
82Level 2 - Movement Training Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will go over the next 3 of the 5 important movements: pushing, pulling and rotations.
83Level 3 – Load TrainingVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will introduce the concept of resistance training and we will go over guidelines on when and how to introduce weights training for your clients.
84Level 4 - Performance TrainingVídeo Aula
This level is for clients who are interested in becoming athletes. You will learn a few specific details on how to handle a situation like this.
85Exercise Programming Tips and Wrap UpVídeo Aula
We wrap up the exercise creation section of the course with a few very important conclusions.