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International Relations Theory: Realism

Master the World’s Oldest Power Theory: International Relations Realism
499 Alunos Inscrito
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  Tempo de leitura 9 minutes

Master the World’s Oldest Power Theory: International Relations Realism

Frustrated with shallow explanations in news and media? Want to understand global issues beyond the headlines?

This in-depth course on “International Relations Theory: Realism” reveals the timeless insights of realist theory—the world’s most enduring lens for understanding power, conflict, and diplomacy. With a comprehensive journey through the thoughts of classical thinkers like Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, as well as modern perspectives from Morgenthau to Mearsheimer, you’ll learn to analyze today’s pressing issues with new depth and clarity.

Why Realism Matters: Understanding Power, Conflict, and Human Nature

In a world of constant geopolitical shifts, many wonder why crises repeat and power struggles endure. Without a firm grasp of realism, today’s events can feel confusing and chaotic. Realism exposes the underlying patterns that drive state behavior, illuminating the timeless pursuit of power and survival that shapes international relations.

Imagine understanding the realist reasons behind US foreign policy, the rise of China, and global power dynamics—ideas that go far beyond news coverage. By the end of this course, you’ll have the confidence to discuss and write about global issues with profound insights grounded in the most powerful theory of international relations.

What You’ll Learn in This Course

Through engaging video lectures, carefully curated readings, and practical exercises, this course provides a thorough grounding in realism. You won’t just hear about theories—you’ll see their real-world impact, gaining the tools to analyze international events with clarity and depth.

Highlights of Your Learning Experience

  • Realist Thinkers, Explained: You’ll learn from the words of Thucydides, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Morgenthau, Waltz, and Mearsheimer, exploring how their ideas laid the foundations for understanding conflict, power, and the nature of international relations.

  • Real-World Case Studies: See realist theory applied to pressing issues, including:

    • The realist analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic

    • Insights into US foreign policy, from NATO expansion to Middle East interventions

    • The strategic rise of China and what it means for global power balance

  • Classical Realism to Modern Applications: Discover the evolution of realism from classical thought to neorealism and offensive realism, and understand how each branch applies to the international system and modern conflicts.

  • Practical Academic Guidance: Get expert tips on incorporating realist theory into your essays, articles, or academic research, empowering you to write with authority and precision.

Comprehensive Course Tools

  • Printable Handouts: Keep essential ideas at your fingertips with clear, concise handouts for each section.

  • Study Guides: Boost retention with quizzes, short-answer keys, and glossaries for each key topic.

  • Multiple Choice Quizzes: Track your progress as you learn, ensuring you understand key concepts before moving forward.

  • Review Section: Revise material with a special and dedicated Review Session

  • Essay tips: 6 Tips for Writing Essays and Dissertations

Key Lessons in Realism: From Ancient Thinkers to Modern Conflicts

In this course, you’ll explore the following:

1. The Origins of Realist Thought

  • Understand the foundation of realism, starting with Thucydides’ “strong do what they can” principle that unveils how power dynamics influence all political decisions, a key concept that underpins all realist theory.

2. Machiavelli: Realism’s Dark Character

  • Delve into the mind of Niccolò Machiavelli, often seen as the darker face of realist thought. His belief that it is “much safer to be feared than loved” reveals a core element of realism: that a state must prioritize survival and power over idealism or morality. Machiavelli’s insights have shaped centuries of realpolitik, illustrating why political leaders often make ruthless decisions for security.

3. Hobbes and the Brutal State of Nature

  • Discover Thomas Hobbes’ concept of the ‘state of nature’, which he described as a place where life is “solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.” Hobbes argued that in an anarchic world, states must prioritize power to survive, providing a foundational idea that shaped Morgenthau’s classical realism and Waltz’s structural realism. Understanding Hobbes’ insights is key to grasping why security remains the ultimate goal in realist thought.

4. Classical Realism and the Human Condition

  • Learn from Morgenthau’s belief in flawed human nature and his core idea that politics is driven by the quest for power and survival. These concepts will reshape how you view global politics.

5. Neorealism and System-Level Analysis

  • Explore Waltz’s neorealism, where international anarchy (the absence of overarching authority) drives state behavior. Understand why Waltz’s insights remain critical to modern foreign policy analysis.

6. Offensive Realism and the Pursuit of Power

  • Examine Mearsheimer’s offensive realism, which argues that great powers are always on the offensive, constantly seeking security and dominance to prevent threats from other states.

7. Realism’s Role in Modern Conflicts

  • Apply realist perspectives to analyze current issues:

    • The realist view on the rise of China and its implications for the global balance of power

    • The US approach to Middle Eastern conflicts and the strategic reasons behind interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf

    • Realist theories on NATO expansion and its effects on US-Russia relations

8. New Developments in Realist Theory: Neoclassical Realism

  • Delve into neoclassical realism, which blends state-level and system-level analysis to explain how domestic factors can influence state behavior on the international stage.

Become an Informed, Confident Voice in Global Politics

Mastering realist theory will empower you to see through political rhetoric, identify the true drivers behind international actions, and discuss global issues with authority. You’ll no longer rely on superficial explanations or fleeting news narratives—this course gives you the tools to understand the real motives behind international power plays.

Join the Course on “International Relations Theory: Realism” Today.

Step into a new world of political insight and understand global power like never before. Enroll now and transform your understanding of world affairs through the lens of realism!

My Promise to You

I promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.

I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course.

From My Students:

  • “The course was very informative and helpful, and I will apply the knowledge I gain. The lecturer was incredibly fantastic. He explain all the concepts and the definitions of all the topics.”

  • “Dr. Zwolski truly has teaching skills. He is a straightforward professor and his videos are both interesting and valuable.”

  • “The course is really informative and provides a very in-depth analysis of several complex topics which otherwise would have been quite difficult to understand. The simplified analysis of various important speeches too help me understand the thinking patterns of a country’s culture, thus making future moves more predictable. Overall, this course is totally worth the money and is really good irrespective of your geopolitical knowledge/prior exposure.”

  • “The instructor is a good lecturer. Interesting material presented clearly and concisely.”

  • “I’m just a 14 year old high school student who loves to know about current affairs and global conflicts. Mr. Zwolski’s course helped me to understand the origins and key concepts of “Geopolitics” without having any university degree or any experiences in this field.”

  • “I really enjoy listening this guy’s lecture. I could sit for hours listening to him lecture and learning new things about International Relations.”

  • “The lectures have been made very simple to understand! Kamil is doing an amazing job!”

  • “Crisp and clear videos, to the point, can be watched easily on the mobile phone.”

  • “Wow! If your reading the comments and debating on whether or not to take this course,TAKE IT! If you read The Economist, Forbes, taking classes on International relations, or stationed on a foreign base, this class is for you! After this you should be able to decipher mainstream media news outlets! Semper Fi!”

  • “I applied to do M.A in International Relations and this course helped me to pass the interview examination as i don’t have any back ground in the subject.”

Waltz: Neorealism and Anarchy
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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