Learn Blockchain By Building Your Own In JavaScript
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- Revisões
In this course you will be building your very own blockchain and decentralized blockchain network by using the JavaScript programming language. By building your own blockchain, you will learn how blockchain technology works under-the-hood, how decentralized blockchain networks function, how the code behind these technologies work, and why blockchain is such a secure and valuable technology.
The blockchain that you build in this course will have all of the following features:
- A proof of work algorithm to secure the network.
- Hashing algorithms to secure the data within the blockchain.
- The ability to mine (create) new blocks that contain data.
- The ability to create transactions and store them in blocks.
- An API/server that will be used to interact with the blockchain from the internet.
- It will be hosted on a decentralized blockchain network.
- A consensus algorithms to verify that the network nodes have valid data and are synchronized.
- A broadcasting system to keep the data in the blockchain network synchronized.
- Many other awesome features!…
When you have completed this course you will have built out your own blockchain prototype in code. You will have a thorough understanding of how blockchain technology actually works and why this technology is so secure and valuable. You will also have a deep understanding of how decentralized blockchain networks function and why decentralization is such an important feature for securing the blockchain. The whole process of storing, securing, and validating data/transactions on the blockchain will become very clear.
7Blockchain IntroductionVídeo Aula
8Constructor Function ExplanationVídeo Aula
9Prototype Object ExplanationVídeo Aula
10Blockchain Constructor FunctionVídeo Aula
11Create New Block MethodVídeo Aula
12Testing Create New Block MethodVídeo Aula
13Get Last Block MethodVídeo Aula
14Create New Transaction MethodVídeo Aula
15Testing Create New Transaction MethodVídeo Aula
16SHA256 HashingVídeo Aula
17Hash Block MethodVídeo Aula
18Testing Hash Block MethodVídeo Aula
19What Is A Proof Of Work?Vídeo Aula
20Proof Of Work MethodVídeo Aula
21Testing Proof Of Work MethodVídeo Aula
22Creating A Genesis BlockVídeo Aula
23Section 1 Wrap-UpVídeo Aula
24Blockchain Source CodeTexto
25Building An API - IntroductionVídeo Aula
26Setting Up ExpressJSVídeo Aula
27Building The API FoundationVídeo Aula
28Installing Postman & Body-ParserVídeo Aula
29Building The "GET /blockchain" EndpointVídeo Aula
30Building The "POST /transaction" EndpointVídeo Aula
31Building The "GET /mine" EndpointVídeo Aula
32Testing The New EndpointsVídeo Aula
33Decentralized Blockchain Network - IntroductionVídeo Aula
34Creating Multiple NodesVídeo Aula
35Testing The NodesVídeo Aula
36Adding The Current Node's UrlVídeo Aula
37New Endpoints OutlineVídeo Aula
38Building "POST /register-and-broadcast-node" Endpoint - Part 1Vídeo Aula
39Building "POST /register-and-broadcast-node" Endpoint - Part 2Vídeo Aula
40Building "POST /register-node" EndpointVídeo Aula
41UPDATE: Installing the "request" libraryTexto
42Testing "POST /register-node" EndpointVídeo Aula
43Building "POST /register-nodes-bulk" EndpointVídeo Aula
44Testing "POST /register-nodes-bulk" EndpointVídeo Aula
45Testing All Network EndpointsVídeo Aula
46Synchronizing The Network - IntroductionVídeo Aula
47Transactions IntroductionVídeo Aula
48Refactoring Create Transaction MethodVídeo Aula
49Building "POST /transaction/broadcast" EndpointVídeo Aula
50Refactoring "POST /transaction" EndpointVídeo Aula
51Testing Transaction EndpointsVídeo Aula
52Updating Mining InformationVídeo Aula
53Updating Mining EndpointVídeo Aula
54Building "POST /receive-new-block" EndpointVídeo Aula
55Testing New EndpointsVídeo Aula
61Block Explorer IntroductionVídeo Aula
62Block Explorer Endpoints OutlineVídeo Aula
63Get Block MethodVídeo Aula
64Building "GET /block/:blockHash" EndpointVídeo Aula
65Get Transaction MethodVídeo Aula
66Building "GET /transaction/:transactionId" EndpointVídeo Aula
67Get Address Data MethodVídeo Aula
68Building "GET /address/:address" EndpointVídeo Aula
69Adding The Block Explorer FileVídeo Aula
70Block Explorer File Source CodeTexto
71Block Explorer File ExplanationVídeo Aula
72Testing The Block Explorer!Vídeo Aula