Learn Tarot Card Reading: The Ultimate Tarot Reading Course
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Most tarot courses only list out the meanings of each card…
However, with hundreds of potential interpretations to memorize, it can quickly become overwhelming – like you’re endlessly cramming for a test on definitions, without ever really grasping their significance!
Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way to learn tarot more intuitively? Instead of pure memorization, imagine if you could relate to each card personally and recognize their unique essence, almost as if they were individual personalities you knew in real life…
For example, what’s the difference between the Eight of Cups and the Six of Swords? Both symbolize traveling or moving on, but how are they different?
Here’s how I’m going to REALLY teach you tarot reading:
Start with the basics: so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Similarities and differences: introducing some similar cards, so you don’t get confused immediately.
Timing is everything: learn how to read timing in tarot.
Meet the personalities: Like speed dating, except with the tarot cards.
Hidden symbolism: Time to get out our magnifying glass and spot the hidden symbolism.
Meanings by association: Let’s group the cards together into different topics like love, teamwork and success.
Yes or No Questions: Master the art of binary questions!
Tarot spreads: How to choose the right card spread for your reading.
Example readings: Let’s do some readings together!
Tarot History: Understand the ancient stories behind decks and important cards!
Final Test: For your confidence, let’s test your knowledge!
This is how I learned to read tarot – learning to read tarot cards should be fun!
1Answering Beginner QuestionsVídeo Aula
Let's get started by answering some frequent questions from beginners!
2Getting Your First Tarot DeckVídeo Aula
Your first tarot deck is something incredibly powerful, that you will always treasure. Here's how to respect your tarot deck, cleanse it, bond with it and where to store it.
3Getting Started QuizQuestionário
Let's double-check that you get started in the right way!
4Your Tarot Deck OverviewVídeo Aula
Let's start with an overview of how a tarot deck is structured.
5The SuitsVídeo Aula
Having a majority of cards from one suit in a reading can influence the overall meaning.
6Court CardsVídeo Aula
Pages, knights, queens and kings. The court cards are just as important as the major arcana.
7Preparing For a ReadingVídeo Aula
Why psychic protection is important. Learn how to shuffle the deck properly and pick your cards without confusion.
8Tarot Basics ChallengeQuestionário
Let's see if you're ready to start attempting tarot reading!
12Kings vs Queens & Knights vs PagesVídeo Aula
How the kings and queens, or the knights and pages differ from each other.
13The Four AcesVídeo Aula
Discover the subtle differences and similarities between the four aces.
14Eight of Cups vs Six of SwordsVídeo Aula
A common misunderstanding. Understanding the subtle differences between the eight of cups and the six of swords.
15Major Arcana vs Minor ArcanaVídeo Aula
Tthe hidden meaning when you get a reading that mainly consists of major arcana cards or minor arcana cards.
16Sitting vs Standing vs RidingVídeo Aula
What cards that depict people sitting, standing or riding a horse mean and why this has a significance when interpreting a tarot reading.
17Court CardsVídeo Aula
How to predict timing using the court cards.
18SuitsVídeo Aula
Wands, swords, cups and pentacles. Each suit has a significance when predicting timing.
19Major ArcanaVídeo Aula
Some cards within the major arcana can tell us a lot about timing.
20Minor ArcanaVídeo Aula
Some cards within the minor arcana give us clear information about timing.
21LeadersVídeo Aula
There are leaders with masculine energy, feminine energy and spiritual energy.
22Mean-SpiritedVídeo Aula
Some personalities are just nasty!
23Relationship StatusVídeo Aula
Find out if they are single, or in a relationship.
24WitchesVídeo Aula
Find out if they are a witch!
25Other PersonalitiesVídeo Aula
Finding out about other interesting personalities.
26Planets, Clouds, ThunderVídeo Aula
The symbolic meaning of planets, clouds and thunder.
27Different AnimalsVídeo Aula
The symbolic meaning of different animals.
28Mountains, Waves, Trees, Flowers, FruitVídeo Aula
The symbolic meaning of mountains, waves, trees, flowers and fruit.
29Crowns, Wreaths, Balance Scales, Lanterns, BuildingsVídeo Aula
The symbolic meaning of crowns, wreaths, balance scales, lanterns and buildings.
30As Above So Below, Infinity, Nudity, AngelsVídeo Aula
The symbolic meaning of "as above so below", nudity and angels
31Inner Strength & PatienceVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to inner strength and patience. You may get these cards if you or your querent is going through a challenging time. These are positive signs to keep going, stay strong and be patient.
32Decision MakingVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to making a decision. You may get these cards if you or your querent need to make a decision.
33LoveVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to love.
34TeamworkVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to teamwork and a supportive community.
35Possible Narcissism & Toxic RelationshipsVídeo Aula
Cards that could indicate a toxic person or a toxic connection.
36InfidelityVídeo Aula
Cards that could be a sign of deception and infidelity in a love connection.
37Disinterest & Relationship Red FlagsVídeo Aula
Cards that could indicate someone isn't interested in taking a relationship to the next level, or that they may not be genuine.
38VengeanceVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to vengeance. These cards could mean that you or someone else wants their revenge.
39Competition & ConflictVídeo Aula
Cards that could refer to conflict in a certain situations, or possibly competitiveness.
40EntrapmentVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to entrapment. These cards could refer to delays in certain situations, or that you or someone else feels trapped and stuck.
41Cutting TiesVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to cutting ties between people.
42Positive CardsVídeo Aula
Cards that brighten up a reading with positivity.
43Scary CardsVídeo Aula
Cards that seem very scary, but actually exist to bring about better decisions and positive change.
44IntimacyVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to intimacy.
45FailureVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to failure.
46SuccessVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to success.
47Inner childVídeo Aula
Cards that could represent the inner child in a reading.
48Loss & despairVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to a certain loss or a person in a state of despair.
49ManifestationVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to manifestation.
50Change & transformationVídeo Aula
Cards that mean that a change and a transformation on the way.
51Stress & StrugglesVídeo Aula
Cards that refer to the difficulties of stress and struggles.
52TravelVídeo Aula
Cards that represent travel.
53HealingVídeo Aula
Cards that represent healing.
54Guilt & RegretVídeo Aula
Cards that represent guilt or regret.
55Karma & CyclesVídeo Aula
Cards related to karma and cycles.
56Psychic AttacksVídeo Aula
Cards indicating a psychic attack.
57CommunicationVídeo Aula
Cards that represent communication.
58CelebrationVídeo Aula
Cards that represent celebration.
59BreakupsVídeo Aula
Cards that could indicate a breakup.
60YES CardsTexto
Many cards indicate a definite YES to your question.
61NO CardsVídeo Aula
Some cards indicate a definite NO to your question.
62NEUTRAL/MAYBE CardsVídeo Aula
Sometimes the answer isn't set in stone yet. These are cards that give you more clarity.
63YES or NO Readings Cheat Sheet (3 Page Download)Texto
A quick-reference to help you learn faster.
64Why Tarot Spreads?Vídeo Aula
Tarot spreads are really useful, here's how to use them in your readings.
65Single Card PullVídeo Aula
Pulling a single card isn't a tarot reading, but it's certainly a quick and easy way to get some guidance. It's also a fun way to start connecting with your cards as a beginner.
66Three Card Tarot SpreadsVídeo Aula
These are the simple and effective spreads for anyone to get a good reading with no confusion.
67Six Card Tarot SpreadVídeo Aula
An ideal spread, if you want to go in depth with your reading, get more clarification and additional messages.
68The Fan Shape SpreadVídeo Aula
A simple way to lay out and pick the cards.
69The Pyramid SpreadVídeo Aula
Used to gain deeper insights about a specific issue. For example, if you are facing a difficult situation and don't know which path is the best path for you.
70The Celtic CrossVídeo Aula
One of the most popular spreads amongst tarot readers. It is used to gain deeper insights into a specific situation.
71Power of Intuition, Left to Right, Back of the DeckVídeo Aula
Your intuition is part of the reading, not just the cards in front of you. Reading from left to right. The back of the deck provides an overall theme for your reading.
72Position & OrderVídeo Aula
Order and position is important!
73The Visconti-Sforza TarotVídeo Aula
The origins of the first ever tarot deck!
74Tarot de MarseilleVídeo Aula
The origins of the second ever tarot deck!
75The Rider Waite TarotVídeo Aula
The origins of the third ever tarot deck.
76Origins IntroductionVídeo Aula
Intro into understanding the history and meaning of tarot cards.
77Major Arcana OriginsVídeo Aula
Understand the history and meaning of the major arcana.
78Court Card OriginsVídeo Aula
Understand the history and meaning of the court cards.