Learn to draw fashion with Adobe Illustrator CC Intermediate
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Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to draw fashion flats. Develop your skills to enable you to produce creative, accurate product designs quickly and to standards required for retail and manufacturing.
In this intermediate level 2 course, you will learn further tools and features that take your fashion flats from basic to detailed and professional.
- For students that have a basic working knowledge of drawing fashion with Adobe Illustrator or for students that have completed the Level 1 Beginners Illustrator 4 Fashion course.
- Learn how to add detailed design features to your drawings such as fabric fills, patterns ribbing, draping and shading.
- Learn to create reusable brush libraries of trims and stitching such as sequins, buttons, zippers and overlock stitching.
- Garment drawing workshops
Learn essential skills required by the fashion industry
Having spent over a decade implementing and training software technologies into fashion brands and retailers across the globe, I spent a lot of time working with the designers. Over the years there seemed to be a common theme in the design room – lots of designers were using Illustrator well but many either couldn’t use it at all or couldn’t use it very well. They also didn’t adhere to any drawing standards or best practises so had problems such as not being able to easily edit each other’s drawings, create colourways quickly or create reusable components properly, making them inefficient.
Illustrator 4 Fashion training has been specifically tailored for fashion, with the needs of the industry in mind. The training can be taken by company design employees, freelance designers, fashion design students and anyone else looking to learn or improve their fashion drawing with Adobe Illustrator.
Course Overview
Most Adobe Illustrator manuals and online training courses are industry generic with many modules not relevant to fashion drawing. It can be hard to know which features to learn and how to develop techniques to draw professional fashion designs. Illustrator 4 Fashion only teaches you the features and techniques relevant to drawing fashion flats, illustrations and garment components.
The Illustrator 4 Fashion course is split into 3 levels; beginner, intermediate and advanced. This level 2 intermediate course is aimed at students that have a basic working knowledge of fashion drawing with Adobe Illustrator. This course builds on the foundations learnt in Level 1, progressing to more advanced skills and techniques to bring fashion flats to life. Students will learn how to build powerful trim and brush libraries to improve design efficiency and accuracy. Level 2 also looks more in depth at the use of colour, patterns, fabric fills and embellishments, to add dynamism and realism to drawings. The final section of this course features a selection of garment drawing tutorials, putting the skills and techniques learnt in the first part of the course into real life practise.
Every lecture includes supporting Illustrator work files so that students can follow the lecture exactly.
2Join ToolVídeo Aula
In this lecture we learn how to join paths using the join tool.
3Shape Builder ToolVídeo Aula
In this lecture we learn how to manipulate paths and objects using the shape builder tool.
4Sheer ToolVídeo Aula
In this lecture we learn how to skew objects and patterns using the sheer tool.
5Width ToolVídeo Aula
In this lecture we learn how to widen paths using the width tool.
6Blob Brush ToolVídeo Aula
In this lecture we learn how to paint objects using the blob brush tool.
7Brush Panel and Paintbrush ToolVídeo Aula
Topics covered in this lecture are:
- Brush types
- Paintbrush tool
- Brush panel
- Brush libraries
- Applying brushes
- Modifying brushes
- Creating brushes
- Saving brushes
- Loading brushes
8Symbol Panel and Symbol Sprayer ToolVídeo Aula
Topics covered in this lecture are:
- Using symbols
- Creating symbols
- Editing symbols
- Replacing symbols
- Symbol tools
9Pathfinder PanelVídeo Aula
- Topics covered in this lecture are:
- Unite
- Minus front
- Exclude
- Divide
10Pattern OptionsVídeo Aula
Topics covered in this lecture are:
- Pattern fills
- Scaling patterns
- Rotating patterns
- Moving patterns
- Creating patterns
- Pattern options
- Saving patterns
11Transparency PanelVídeo Aula
Topics covered in this lecture are:
- Transparency
- Blending modes
12Drawing ModesVídeo Aula
Topics covered in this lecture are:
- Draw normal
- Draw behind
- Draw inside
13Building Trim Symbol Libraries - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will cover how to draw the following components:
- Zip pull
- Belt buckle
- Button
- Button hole
- Bows
- Sequin
- D-ring
14Building Trim Symbol Libraries - Part 2Vídeo Aula
Continued from Building Trim Symbol Libraries - Part 1
15Building Brush Libraries - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will cover how to create the following brushes:
- Blanket stitch
- Topstitching
- Flatlock
- Elastic casing
- Drawstring
- Zip teeth
- Brushes from images
16Building Brush Libraries - Part 2Vídeo Aula
Continued from Building Brush Libraries - Part 1
17Building Brush Libraries - Part 3Vídeo Aula
Continued from Building Brush Libraries - Part 2
18T-Shirt - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we revisit the t-shirt we drew in the beginners course workshop and enhance it with the following techniques:
- Pattern fills
- Pattern swatch (stripes)
- Pattern options (star print)
- Random repeats (daisy print)
- Clipping masks (plaid)
- Shapebuilder tool
- Pattern with clipping mask
- Stitches using brushes
- Live Paint
For students that did not complete the level 1 beginners course, please see the downloads area for this lecture where you will find a t-shirt drawing Illustrator file so that you can follow along.
19T-Shirt - Part 2Vídeo Aula
Continued from T-Shirt - Part 1
20ShirtVídeo Aula
In this lecture we revisit the shirt we drew in the beginners course workshop and enhance it with the following techniques:
- Shading with the blob brush
- Creating button and button hole symbols
- Edit symbol instances
21JeansVídeo Aula
In this lecture we revisit the jeans we drew in the beginners course workshop and enhance it with the following techniques:
- Fabric fills
-Pattern swatches from raster files
- Wash and embellishments effects
- Draw inside
- Bristle brush
- Art brush
- Scatter brush
- Blending and transparency
22Jogging Bottoms - Part 1Vídeo Aula
Techniques and functions:
- Pen tool
- Modify anchor points and bezier curves
- Reflect tool
- Average and join anchor points
- Pencil tool (modify lines)
- Layers
- Profiles
- Outline stroke/dashed stroke (topstitching)
- Pattern Brush (elastic waistband and hem, drawstring)
- Clipping Mask (elastic waistband and hem)
- Blob brush (shading)
- Transparency
23Jogging Bottoms - Part 2Vídeo Aula
Continued from Jogging Bottoms - Part 1
24Sport Jacket - Part 1Vídeo Aula
Techniques and functions:
- Pen tool
- Modify anchor points and bezier curves
- Reflect tool
- Average and join anchor points
- Pencil tool (modify lines)
- Layers
- Profiles
- Outline stroke/dashed line (ribbing and topstitching)
- Clipping mask (ribbing)
- Paint brush (zip tape)
- Sheer tool (pockets)
- Gradient panel
- Align panel
- Shapebuilder tool (colour blocking fill)
- Live paint (colour blocking fill)
- Blob brush (shading)
- Transparency
25Sport Jacket - Part 2Vídeo Aula
Continued from Sport Jacket - Part 1
26Sport Jacket - Part 3Vídeo Aula
Continued from Sport Jacket - Part 2
27Drapey Top - Part 1Vídeo Aula
Techniques and functions:
- Pen tool
- Modify anchor points and bezier curves
- Reflect tool
- Average and join anchor points
- Convert anchor points
- Pencil tool
- Layers
- Draw inside mode
- Brush libraries (topstitching)
- Symbol libraries (sequins)
- Symbol sprayer tool
- Symbol shifter tool
- Symbol stainer tool
- Profiles
- Width tool
- Blob brush (shading)
- Transparency
28Drapey Top - Part 2Vídeo Aula
Continued from Drapey Top - Part 1