Make Patterns to Sell in Adobe Photoshop - A Masterclass
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Make Patterns to Sell in Adobe Photoshop – A Masterclass
Learn to use Photoshop by making useful designs
Are you ready to learn Photoshop? Do you want to increase your Photoshop knowledge? Do you want to expand your graphic design skills?
This course is for you. It’s a fun and a practical way to learn Photoshop.
Here you’ll “learn by doing” as you make a range of seamless repeating patterns. You can use these patterns for Print on Demand, fabric printing, scrapbook papers, stock images, backgrounds and more. You can even paper a room with them by uploading them to Spoonflower and make your own wallpaper. You can also print these designs on notebooks, pillows, mugs, soft furnishings and more on sites like Zazzle and Redbubble and sell your designs. There are literally hundreds of ways to make use of the patterns you’ll make in this course and you’ll be so proud when you say “I made that”.
Who is your trainer?
Helen Bradley has taught thousands of students to use Photoshop and Illustrator. She doesn’t fluff about and is focused on helping you learn to use Photoshop in a practical and smart way. Her workflows are carefully structured for maximum success and she explains everything so you know the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’ of any process.
Helen has a huge commitment to her students’ learning – she answers all student questions and often adds extra videos to a course to help students with questions that others might also benefit from learning from.
What will you learn?
When you complete this course, you’ll:
– be able to create a range of different types and styles of patterns in Photoshop
– have extended your knowledge of Photoshop tools
– have learned new tips and techniques that you can use every day
– be able to confidently create pattern filled objects for a range of design and commercial uses
Do I hear you say “…but I don’t know how to use Photoshop (and frankly, I’m scared of it)”?
I understand!
I’ve been there.
Photoshop can be really scary to use when you first start out.
… but I’ve created a better way to learn Photoshop. One that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun.
You see, you’ll learn to make patterns you can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you’ll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are learning Photoshop. There’s no waiting! There are no hours of learning before you can get started doing something. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you’ll have your first patterns made!
Do I hear you say “… but I can’t draw”?
No problem! If you can use a mouse you can complete this course.
Quite simply, you don’t need to be able to draw. In fact many designers can’t draw and yet they make fantastic designs and great products.
If you can draw – great! If you can’t draw – don’t worry, you’ll be able to succeed in this course even if drawing isn’t a skill you have mastered.
Are you ready to extend your Photoshop skills?
If you already know the basics of using Photoshop, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You’ll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation and you will learn three very different ways to make patterns in Photoshop. In short, you’ll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you’ve never used before – great! You’ll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow.
Do I hear you say “Please don’t waste my time”?
If there is one thing I hate it’s wasting time and you probably do too.
So, I don’t say “um”, I don’t fluff about, I don’t make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don’t get bored or distracted.
I’m 100% focused on helping you learn.
In short, I’ll get straight to the point and I’ll maximize what you learn in every class.
What version of Photoshop do I need?
For this course around 70% of the patterns can be made in practically any version of Photoshop but around 30% cannot. There are two separate sections in the course to pay attention to if you are using an earlier version of Photoshop. One focuses on the use of Adobe Capture inside Photoshop to make patterns and the other uses the new Pattern Preview tool – both of these sections require you to be using a current version of Photoshop – that is Photoshop CC 2022 or later. That said, I do recommend that, if possible, you upgrade to use the most recent version of Photoshop to get the most from this course.
Will I just learn to make patterns?
Well Yes, and No!
Yes, you’ll learn to make patterns – lots of wonderful seamless repeating patterns. Each pattern has been chosen for a reason, there are the basic patterns like polka dots and stripes which are foundation patterns that everyone should know how to make. You’ll also learn to make checks and chevrons and patterns of overlapping shapes because each pattern teaches different techniques.
In addition to making patterns you will learn to recolor your them and you will learn to assemble a range of designs into an illustration you can use to market your designs. You will also learn what some of the most popular Print on Demand sites will require you to upload so you can sell your designs there.
How will I learn?
This course is made up 100% of video content. You’ll watch my screen as I show you how each pattern is made. I’ll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch.
There are a couple of times you will need a starter photo or image to follow along with me and I will give you those images so look out for them in the lecture resources.
Join me…
I hope you will join me in this Photoshop class. I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures.
2Pt 1 - Make Your First Pattern - A Pattern of PolkadotsVídeo Aula
Make your first pattern in Photoshop - it is a simple dot pattern and a great place to start building your pattern making skills.
3Pt 2 - Use Your PatternVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn how to put a pattern to use by filling a document with the pattern.
4Pt 3 - Fill a Shape With a PatternVídeo Aula
Learn how to fill a shape with a pattern in Photoshop. You will also learn how to save the filled shape as a transparent background png image to use as an element you can sell.
5Pt 4 - Save Your Master FilesVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn why it is important to save your master pattern files.
6Pt 5 - Save Patterns as External FilesVídeo Aula
Learn how to save your patterns as an external .pat file that will let you recover your patterns if they disappear from Photoshop and also that will let you sell your patterns to other people.
7Pt 6 - What Do You Need To UploadVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn that different web sites have different requirements for the patterns you upload. You will learn how to find out what sites need what.
8Pt 7 - Research Upload RequirementsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will see how to research the upload requirements for the site you choose to sell on. The specifications you discover will impact how you design your patterns so it is a very important step in the design process.
9Pt 8 - Multi-colour Polkadot patternVídeo Aula
10Pt 9 - Stripe PatternVídeo Aula
Learn to create a two colour stripe pattern.
11Pt 10 - Gingham Check PatternVídeo Aula
Learn to make a gingham check pattern.
12Pt 11 - Chevron PatternVídeo Aula
Create a Chevron pattern
13Pt 12 - Diagonal Line PatternVídeo Aula
Create a pattern of diagonal lines.
14Pt 13 - Multi-Colour Stripes and a Madras Check PatternVídeo Aula
Create a Multicolour stripe pattern using a filter on a photograph to sample the colours and make the stripes. Once you have the stripes, learn how to turn these into a madras style check pattern.
15Pt 14 - Pattern of Overlapping CirclesVídeo Aula
Create a pattern of overlapping circles reminiscent of a Japanese style pattern. You will also learn how to use Smart Objects to speed up the design of some patterns.
16Pt 15 - Grid PatternVídeo Aula
Learn how to make a grid pattern. In this case we will look at how you can work backwards from a finished design to work out what you need to make the repeat pattern swatch yourself.
17Pt 16 - Make an Isometric CubeVídeo Aula
Create an Isometric Cube shape that you can make into a pattern.
18Pt 17 - Make an Isometric Cube patternVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn how to make an isometric cube pattern from your isometric cube. Again, we will create the design using a smart object for easier recoloring of the design. We will also make and save a selection to make it easier to recreate different colours for this pattern swatch in future.
19Pt 18 - Multi-Colour Dot PatternVídeo Aula
In this lecture we will make the pattern of multi-colour dots again, this time using the new Pattern Preview tool in Photoshop CC.
20Pt 19 - Leaves PatternVídeo Aula
In this lecture we'll take an image of hand drawn leaves which has been digitized and use it as the basis for a pattern.
21Pt 20 - Use Adobe Capture inside Photoshop to Make PatternsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn how to use Adobe Capture which is embedded inside Photoshop to create pattens from photos.
22Pt 21 - Use Capture to Make Patterns from DrawingsVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn how to prepare an image for use in Adobe Capture to make patterns. You will also learn how to create patterns from drawn images that bear little or no resemblance to the original drawings.
23Pt 22 - Save a Pattern Swatch Created Using Adobe Capture in PhotoshopVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn how to work with patterns that you have created using Adobe Capture. You will learn how to add them to the Patterns panel and how to save them for use on sites like Spoonflower which require you to upload a pattern swatch.
24Pt 23 - Recolor a Black and White PatternVídeo Aula
Learn how to recolor a black and white pattern in Photoshop. In this way you can, for example, turn a pattern of black stripes or chevrons into any color lines and chevrons.
25Pt 24 - Recolor a Color PatternVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn a technique for recoloring a colour pattern. You will learn how to change all the colours in the pattern at once and a second method for isolating the colours in the pattern and changing only selected colours.