Master Flutter By Building A Video And Voice Call App [2024]
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Here you will build a real world app and master app building technique by learning Flutter, Laravel, Firebase and third party SDK for audio and video call app.
Who will take it
Beginners to advanced learners
For landing a job
For colleague thesis
For prototyping
For mastering app building
App functional features
Third party login
Phone number login
Text chat
Image chat
Audio call chat
Video call chat
Sending notification (text, audio and video chat)
Profile page
Notification on text message receive
Notification on audio call
Notification on video call
Sound on initiating audio call
Sound on initiating video call
Save chat history
Third party login would involve Google, Facebook and Apple login. We will also see how to login using phone number. The chatting feature of this is very seamless since we used SQFLITE to save the chatting history locally. First we save chat messages locally and send them to the other end in the background service.
So users feel like the app very fast sending messages. The same happens for sending images. We first save the image locally and then send to other user.
We also save user profile locally, so you don’t have to confirm with Firebase or Laravel for login.
Next time a user logs in, user will feel like it’s fast, since we read the data locally first. The same happens for chatting history. Chat history is read from local storage first.
Flutter framework
We used Flutter framework for building beautiful UI for both iOS and Android. In Flutter framework, we also cover a lot of Dart knowledge and how to use models and classes to work with view and controllers.
Firebase service
We used Firebase for sending users registration and phone number login. We used Firebase also for sending notification. Here in this tutorial you will more complex features of firebase like saving chat history, images, listening to document updates and uploading images.
Laravel framework
Laravel framework we used for building API for authentication. We used it also for saving basic information and communicating with Firebase for sending notification.
Agora SDK
We used Agora SDK for using video and audio call service. Agora provides very stable API for audio and video call.
5Welcome module and controllerVídeo Aula
6Welcome module and binding controllerVídeo Aula
7Welcome module and create libraryVídeo Aula
8Welcome module and viewVídeo Aula
9Welcome module and main.dartVídeo Aula
10Welcome module and onboard screenVídeo Aula
11Welcome module summaryVídeo Aula
20Sign in module and page logoVídeo Aula
21Sign in module and third party login buttonVídeo Aula
22Build sign in page and dynamic name and logo part 0Vídeo Aula
23Sign in module and phone number login part 1Vídeo Aula
24Sign in module and phone number login part 2Vídeo Aula
25Set up firebase with CLIVídeo Aula
26Sign in module and handleSignIn() part 1Vídeo Aula
27Sign in module and handleSignIn() part 2Vídeo Aula
28Sign in module and handleSignIn() part 3Vídeo Aula
35Message module and create routeVídeo Aula
36Message module and middlewareVídeo Aula
37Message module and basic page part 1Vídeo Aula
38Message module and head barVídeo Aula
39Message module and hear bar profile iconVídeo Aula
40Message module and more on profile iconVídeo Aula
41Message module and UserItem classVídeo Aula
42Message module and show online iconVídeo Aula
43Profile module and set upVídeo Aula
44Profile module and body sectionVídeo Aula
45Profile module and show profile photoVídeo Aula
46Profile module and show edit iconVídeo Aula
47Profile module and complete buttonVídeo Aula
48Profile module and dialogue buttonVídeo Aula
49ProfilePage and logout part 7Vídeo Aula
50Profile module and logout buttonVídeo Aula
51Profile module and minor changes in the UIVídeo Aula
52Install laravel locallyVídeo Aula
53Mac OS create MySQL database and set upVídeo Aula
54Mac OS install laravel-admin packageVídeo Aula
55Laravel-admin package set up and configurationVídeo Aula
56Laravel basic understanding of the frameworkVídeo Aula
57Database server and local storage connectionVídeo Aula
58phpMyAdmin users table editVídeo Aula
59MySQL Workbench edit users tableVídeo Aula
64LoginController module and login method part 1Vídeo Aula
65LoginController module and postman test part 2Vídeo Aula
66LoginController module and Postman test part 3Vídeo Aula
67LoginController module and access token and Postman test part 4Vídeo Aula
68LoginController module and work on update access token part 5Vídeo Aula
71Saving user profile data during login and remove during logoutVídeo Aula
72Understand how saving user profile works for better app performanceVídeo Aula
73UserStore class login, logout and middlewareVídeo Aula
74Create message page button (this part was missing from the original upload)Vídeo Aula