Modern Food Recipes App - Android Development with Kotlin
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Hello there and welcome to my course, in this course I’m going to teach you how to create a fully functional Android application using the power of Kotlin programming language. We are going to develop Food Recipes application, where we can browse recipes from various different kind of meal and diet types. This App Design will be a lot similar to the one from my Material UI Design course which I made a while ago.
Our application will work with both Remote and local data sources. And for Remote data source we will use a third party API for food recipes, called Spoonacular. I’m going to teach you how to establish connection between your app and the server. So basically we will send GET Request to our API and receive a list of food recipes as a Response. Also our app will be able to handle no internet connection, and store or cache the data locally to our database when it’s needed.
Also from our application we will be able to search recipes from our API directly. So if you have your favorite flavor you can search it here and probably you’ll find many amazing recipes. Next our app will have Favorites Fragment where we can save our favorite recipes for later use when we need them. And finally our app will have it’s fun side, and that is food joke fragment.
However this course is not for Absolute Beginners in Android Development, at least you need to have a basic knowledge about most popular Android Architecture components, and Kotlin programming language in general. This is not going to be easy task especially if you haven’t worked before simultaneously with API and local database. Still don’t get discouraged everything is learnable here, if you are motivated enough of course.
One more thing, so this course will be an ongoing project which means that I will post updates on a regular basis, whenever we find a new bug, or whenever some code cleanup is required. Which is why I want to involve all of you who watch this course to work together with me in making this app even better. I’m going to give me you more details about that at the end of this course of course.
So what are you waiting for, let’s get started developers!
Source code: Visit my Github profile (stevdza-san)
1IntroductionVídeo Aula
Source Code (Github):
2Application DesignVídeo Aula
3Application PreviewVídeo Aula
4Project Structure OverviewVídeo Aula
5Introducing with APIVídeo Aula
API Endpoint example:[YOUR-API-KEY]&type=snack&diet=vegan&addRecipeInformation=true&fillIngredients=true
6API Response ExampleVídeo Aula
API Endpoint example:[YOUR-API-KEY]&type=snack&diet=vegan&addRecipeInformation=true&fillIngredients=true
7Github RepositoryVídeo Aula
24Create MyApplication classVídeo Aula
25Create NetworkModuleVídeo Aula
ApplicationComponent::class is now deprecated. We now use SingletonComponent::class instead.
I have posted an updated video about that at lecture number 143. -
26Inject RemoteDataSource classVídeo Aula
27Create and Inject Repository classVídeo Aula
28Create NetworkResult classVídeo Aula
29Create and Inject MainViewModel classVídeo Aula
@ViewModelInject annotation is deprecated, I've made a video about it in the last section of this course.
45Create DatabaseModuleVídeo Aula
46Create and Inject LocalDataSourceVídeo Aula
47MainViewModel - Offline CacheVídeo Aula
48RecipesFragment - Read from DatabaseVídeo Aula
49ObserveOnce - Extension FunctionVídeo Aula
50Database InspectorVídeo Aula
51Placeholder Image - ErrorVídeo Aula
52Create RecipesBinding classVídeo Aula
54About BottomSheetVídeo Aula
55Design RecipesBottomSheetVídeo Aula
56Navigate to RecipesBottomSheetVídeo Aula
57Customize Chip StyleVídeo Aula
58Create and Inject DataStoreRepository classVídeo Aula
59Modify and Inject RecipesViewModelVídeo Aula
60RecipesBottomSheet - Persist Selected ChipsVídeo Aula
I've made an update video in the last section of this course, because setOnCheckedChangeListener is deprecated now.
61Handle Return from BottomSheet - Safe ArgsVídeo Aula
62Bottom Sheet - RecapVídeo Aula