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Narrative Design Master Class: Write stories for Video Games

Write your story through topics such as World building, Character Development, Dialogue, Plot Theory and more
Emilio Padulo
5.861 Alunos Inscrito
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  Tempo de leitura 3 minutes

Why this course is special

This course is like no other on the market. We’re going to be looking at some very interesting concepts when it comes to Narrative Design.

My Guarantee

For every student that joins the course, they will be able to ask questions about their games and how to go about using their story to help develop their game. I will be available to answer any and all questions for all of my students.

The Course Structure

The course is almost all videos. It will take between 6.5 hours to complete. After you finish this course, you will have a more robust understanding of how to write for your games.

The course is structured into 8 main Sections.

  • Section 2: Introduction to Narrative Design

    In this section, We will be taking a solid look at what is narrative design. Understanding all the fundamentals that go into writing and grasp a deep comprehension of plot theory. We will also look at game genres, player archetypes, mechanics, clarity in writing, and much more.

  • Section 3: Concept / Pitch

    Here, we look at how to generate and cultivate ideas from their initial inception to writing out a full-blown pitch document. This section allows you to create your concept that will be pushed throughout the entire course.

  • Section 4: World Building

    This is my favorite section because here, we will look at the intricacies of building a full-scale world from nothing. We will talk about climate, mood, setting, who inhabits it, is it fantasy, is it science fiction and much more

  • Section 5: Character

    In this section, we flesh out our main protagonist and give them a sense of purpose in the out newly created world. This will allow us to see which of the 4 main types of character we want to create/. We when looking at Character Psychology and the 16 personality types, along with really looking at diversity in video games and how to make it more efficient

  • Section 6: Story

    This section is dedicated to player agency, giving the player a sense of purpose throughout the entire game and respecting their choices. We take a critical look at Linear, Non-Linear and open-world games and their perspective on player agency.

  • Section 7: Dialogue

    Here we will look at dialogue and the importance it represents in-game. How to write dialogue, the 3 main types, and incorporating cutscenes into the game.

  • Section 8: Bringing it all together

    This section brings all previous sections together to understand the fundamentals of narrative design

  • Section 9: Bonus: Breaking into the industry as a Narrative Designer

    In this Bonus Section, we take a look at what tools are at a Narrative Designer’s disposal to break into the industry and start their careers right after finishing this course

Certification of completion when finishing this course 

When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.

How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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