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1606 avaliações

Piping Design Engineering & Piping Isometrics Masterclass

Everything you need to know to draft , design & fabricate your piping system & piping isometrics like a pro
7.978 Alunos Inscrito
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  Tempo de leitura 3 minutes

Piping System Drafting Design & Fabrication with Isometrics

This 10 hour masterclass is organized into 2 parts :



In part I, we will :

1. Break down for you all the piping system design and construction principles into easily digestible concepts like joining technologies, welding methods, pipe expansion handling, calculation of distances between piping supports and dimensioning of pipe guides and anchors…

2. Illustrate using 3D animations and cross-sectional views the main piping components, state their function, their operating limits, their material of construction and their installation procedures such as pipes, flanges, fittings and valves…

3. Provide proven guidelines and best practices for design, construction, installation and maintenance of piping systems in accordance with the codes and standards defined by the ASME & ANSI. The concept of Piping Specifications and Piping Classes will be discussed in exquisite detail with numerous practical examples

4. Show you how to design a piping system from scratch. This valuable and proven piping design method * is actually what we use at our petrochemical plant to design a new piping system or to modify an existing one.

* This design method is presented at the end of part I. For this reason, we do highly recommend starting the course from the beginning and navigating through all the sections in the order we have established so that you will be in better position when tackling the design section.

In part II, we will make you a Piping Isometric expert and you will know not only how to read, interpret and successfully understand all of those many lines and piping symbols but also you will know how to draw your own piping isometrics.

Included in this part, are access to numerous downloadable resources, real industrial examples of Piping Isometrics and the keys to interpret them in high quality video lectures. You will be able to practice and become even more proficient with these bonus items that you will find throughout part II.

This valuable masterclass also includes extensive :

  • graphics

  • cross-sectional views

  • sizing tables

  • numerous practice sessions

  • 300+ quiz questions

  • and 3D animations

This will give a virtual practical exposure on piping systems, piping isometrics and their accessories.

So as you can see here, we cover pretty much everything you need to know about piping systems that will help you successfully draft, design, construct, maintain and operate your own piping system.

This will set you apart from your peers, whether you are an operator, engineer, or manager and will give you an edge over your competitors when seeking employment at any industrial facilities.

So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of this valuable masterclass and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.

Hope to see you there

WR Training

Spread the wings of your knowledge

About part 1 : Piping system design, manufacturing and construction
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
1606 avaliações
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