Public Relations for Nonprofits
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
This isn't a writing course. In this course. I will show you how use public relations tools to work with the media. You will learn what makes news and how to use your activities to create interesting news from factoids of your organization.
You will create building block statements to insert into fill-in-the-blank forms and sample materials from your web site, funding applications, newsletters, etc. Use these toolkit items for announcements about your organization, activities, and volunteers to create image and awareness among targeted audiences to tell them who are and what you do:
·Activities, good works
·Expand Client Base and Services
·Increase Membership and Recruit Volunteers
·Support Fundraising
·Become a Trusted Media Resource
Items in the tool kit include:
·Press Releases
·Press and Photo Invitations to Cover Events and Activities
·Staff and Board Member Announcements
·Financial/ Grant Announcements
·Honor/Award Announcements
·Local News Item For Calendars and Self Publishing Sites
·Pitch Letters
Bonus Section
As a bonus you will learn how to create a searchable list of reporters, editors and bloggers of daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio stations.
You will learn how to target and work with the right gatekeeper at each media outlet.
1Introduction and WelcomeVídeo Aula
Create publicity and awareness to support the goals and objectives of your organization through proven public relations programs.
2Not A Writing CourseVídeo Aula
How to create turn key material working with fill-in the blank samples.
3What you will learnVídeo Aula
How to create and use a toolkit of familiar media materials.
4Working With The MediaVídeo Aula
Learn how to use the media for success.
8What Is NewsVídeo Aula
No Screaming Headlines
9The MediaVídeo Aula
From Newspapers to Twitter
10Publicity CategoriesVídeo Aula
Hard or Soft News
11Use Everything In Your ToolkitVídeo Aula
Don't let your toolkit grow rusty.
12What Makes NewsVídeo Aula
Not always a page 1 story but spell my name rightt
13Story IdeasVídeo Aula
Here are more ideas for stories right in your backyard
14Hail The GatekeeperVídeo Aula
Learn why a gatekeeper can be your best friend.
15Making It Easy On The GatekeeperVídeo Aula
Increase opportunities for success.
16Building BlocksVídeo Aula
How To create and Use Building Block Information
17Toolkit Items and UsesVídeo Aula
We'll cover the tools and their uses.
18Other Tools You Can UseVídeo Aula
Here are other useful toolkit tools.
19Press Release ElementsVídeo Aula
Understand the common press release elements.
20Sample Release GraphicVídeo Aula
Here is a graphic look at the press release
21FormattingVídeo Aula
Here is a guide to formatting the press release
22"Writing The Press ReleaseVídeo Aula
Creating building blocks and other cut and paste items.
23Gather Building Block InformationVídeo Aula
Where to find building bock nuggets.
24The LedeVídeo Aula
25Drafting the LedeVídeo Aula
How to "write" the most important paragraph in "prdom"
26Fill-In The Blank SampleVídeo Aula
See a filled-in sample.
27Headline NextVídeo Aula
Now write the headline from items in the lede.
28Who Are YouVídeo Aula
Keep this paragraph close at hand
29Who Are You SampleVídeo Aula
Who are you sample
30The Body Of The ReleaseVídeo Aula
How to crete a beautiful body.
31Name NamesVídeo Aula
Create local interest by naming names.
32About Us ( Yes Again)Vídeo Aula
Reinforce who you are and what you do.
33How The About Us Paragraph May LookVídeo Aula
See a sample "about" paragraph
34Concluding InformationVídeo Aula
Lastly add general public information.
35Prepare Contact InformationVídeo Aula
Make sure contact information included and up-to-date.
36PhotosVídeo Aula
Understand why these are worth a thousand words.
37Let's Write The Press RrleaseVídeo Aula
Create a masteriece with cut and and paste building block elements.
38Fill-In-The-Blank SamplesVídeo Aula
Seven communications devices and printable samples.
39Organize Your Building BlocksVídeo Aula
Gather information and save in your file
40Fill-In-The-Blank Press Release SampleVídeo Aula
Learn why the fill-In press release is the most informational
41Photo Op SampleVídeo Aula
Learn how to invite the media to an event
42Appointment Release Fill-InVídeo Aula
Tell the community you have a new employee or volunteer.
43Backgrounder SampleVídeo Aula
Fill this bucket with information about who you are and what you do.
44Fill-In Grant AnnouncementVídeo Aula
Tell the community about funding support and invite others to do the same.
45Sample Honor AwardVídeo Aula
Learn how to announce an honor or service award.
46Media KitVídeo Aula
Use this two-flap folder to give away at events and fairs.
47Sample Local News ItemVídeo Aula
Create community news items for calendars and self publishing sites.
48Sample Pitch LetterVídeo Aula
How to get coverage for a story without creating a press release.
49Printable SamplesVídeo Aula
Clck to download sample