Public Relations for Startups | Dekker Fraser
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Learn practical public relations (PR) for startups in this new course from renowned instructor Dekker Fraser, MBA.
Key Public Relations Learnings:
How one company generated $1M after only 12 days in business, using a PR-focused marketing strategy
Dekker’s “3S Formula” for Startup PR: Soliciting, Storytelling & Scaling
How to tons of media attention and virality with minimal budget
PR crisis communication
Winning awards to drive sales
Creative, unconventional approaches for PR virality
How to leverage the advantages startups have over large companies to garner public relations attention
Real case studies and tutorials that demonstrate my success with public relations
Growth hacks such as advertising and direct mail pitches to journalists
Powering search engine optimization (SEO) with public relations
Piggybacking off bigger brands to garner media attention
Podcast marketing
Influencer marketing
Building and automating media outreach lists
Researching media outlets and journalists
Using the latest tools such as Sparktoro, Lemlist, LeadEnforce, and LinkedIn to maximize PR
Writing a press release
Leveraging stories for maximum reach
The types of stories and story angles to write
How to interview
Journalist relationships and pitching
Public relations content creation and thought leadership
Influencer relations
Scaling your PR campaigns
Real examples of effective public relations for product launches, personal branding, awareness marketing & more!
Dekker was the head of marketing for a Google accelerator startup where he growth hacking using modern public relations tactics. He also worked with some of the top public relations managers in the world at companies such as Sony PlayStation. He worked at a Google Ventures backed startup in Silicon Valley and has consulted with countless startups at various stages of growth.
Dekker received his MBA from the #1 ranked business school for marketing, Philip Kotler’s Kellogg School of Management. He also studied at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism and received leadership training from Columbia Business School.
1IntroductionVídeo Aula
2ViralityVídeo Aula
3Soliciting for Public Relations 1Vídeo Aula
4Soliciting for Public Relations 2Vídeo Aula
5Easy Public Relations Pitch - HAROVídeo Aula
6Pay Journalists DirectlyVídeo Aula
7$1M in 12 Days: Case StudyTexto
8$1M in 12 DaysQuestionário
9Concept CarsTexto
10PR IntroductionQuestionário
21LinkedIn Sales Navigator & OutreachVídeo Aula
22LinkedIn Sales Navigator & OutreachQuestionário
23Introduction to Digital Marketing with Cold EmailsVídeo Aula
24Cold Email Marketing Tip #1Vídeo Aula
25Cold Email Marketing Tip #1Questionário
26Cold Email Marketing Tip #2Vídeo Aula
27Cold Email Marketing Tip #3Vídeo Aula
28GDPR & Cold Email Marketing ComplianceVídeo Aula
29Cold Email Marketing Tip #4Vídeo Aula
30Cold Email Marketing Tip #5Vídeo Aula
31Cold Email Marketing Tip #5Questionário
32Cold Email Marketing Tip #6Vídeo Aula
33Cold Email Marketing Tip #6 ExplainedVídeo Aula
35Cold Email Marketing that Worked on Me!Vídeo Aula
36Case Study on Email MarketingVídeo Aula
37Measuring Success of Email MarketingVídeo Aula
38Measuring Success of Email MarketingQuestionário
39BDR Email Marketing AdviceTexto
40Cold Email MarketingQuestionário
41New Email + Warming It UpVídeo Aula
42Deliverability Checklist for Email MarketingVídeo Aula
43Data-Driven Cold Email Marketing InsightsTexto
44Data-Driven Cold Email Marketing InsightsQuestionário
45Cold EmailQuestionário
46Bounce RateTexto
47TEMPLATE to pitch bloggers/journalists.Texto
48Perfect Pitch (Based on Science)Vídeo Aula
49How to Get on PodcastsVídeo Aula
50Getting Published in Major PublicationsTexto
51Soliciting for PR 1Questionário
52Startup PR Case Study: LuggageTexto
53Easiest Way to Get Published (HARO - Help a Reporter Out)Vídeo Aula
5415 HARO RulesVídeo Aula
55Sample Haro PitchVídeo Aula
56HARO PR Pitch Templates from DigiGrowTexto
57Soliciting for PR 2Questionário
58SparkToroVídeo Aula
59PR Storytelling 1Vídeo Aula
60Case Study: Peace by ChocolateTexto
61PR Storytelling 2Vídeo Aula
62PR Storytelling 3Vídeo Aula
63PR Storytelling 4Vídeo Aula
64Public Relations Storytelling ExamplesVídeo Aula
65PR StorytellingQuestionário
66Dramatization ExamplesTexto
67Dramatization ExamplesQuestionário
68PR Crisis ManagementVídeo Aula
69Advice from the YouTube FormulaVídeo Aula
70Gong ExampleTexto
71My #1 Piece of Advice for PR & Event ContentVídeo Aula
72Personal Branding Public RelationsTexto
73Public Relations Examples (Storytelling)Texto
74Building a Story BrandVídeo Aula
75Profiting from PR SurpriseVídeo Aula
76PR Tips from Ryan HolidayVídeo Aula
77Unconventional PR 1Vídeo Aula
78Unconventional PR 2Vídeo Aula
79Unconventional PRQuestionário
80Scaling Public Relations 1Vídeo Aula
81Scaling Public Relations2Vídeo Aula
82Udemy's PRTexto
83PR Stunt Case Study: IkeaTexto
84How to Become Famous in 2 MonthsVídeo Aula