React Native: Mobile App Development (CLI) [2025]
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Unlock the power of React Native and build impressive iOS and Android apps with this comprehensive course. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create robust mobile applications using React Native.
In the “Getting Started” section, you’ll dive into the fundamentals, exploring React Native’s core concepts, understanding the difference between React Native CLI and Expo, and setting up your local development environment for both iOS and Android. You’ll also get acquainted with important tools like code editors, ESLint, and Prettier.
Once you have a solid foundation, you’ll move on to the essentials of React and React Native. Learn about components, stylesheets, props, event handling, and how to create basic UI elements such as buttons, text inputs, and icons. Take a deep dive into React Hooks and gain a solid understanding of useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext, and creating custom hooks.
To create visually appealing and responsive interfaces, the course covers styling techniques with borders, margins, paddings, and flexbox. You’ll also explore advanced topics such as debugging, data management with Redux Toolkit, user authentication, building APIs with NodeJS and Express, integrating payment systems using Stripe, and deploying your applications to app stores.
With hands-on assignments and a practical project, you’ll gain real-world experience as you apply your newfound knowledge. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills for career advancement or create your own mobile app, this course is the ultimate resource for mastering React Native in 2024.
Enroll now and join the learners who have already transformed their mobile app development skills with this comprehensive React Native course. Take the next step in your coding journey and unleash the potential of React Native today.
10(Windows) How to Setup Local Development Environment for AndroidVídeo Aula
11Important - Please watch till the endVídeo Aula
13Transitioning Your React Native Project from Windows to macOS for iOSTexto
14How to Reset Caches on Windows for any ProjectTexto
15What is a Code Editor, ESLint & Prettier? (Optional)Vídeo Aula
16^^^ VSCode Prettier, ESLint Setup Update (Optional)Texto
17What is JSX? (Optional)Vídeo Aula
18JSX Quiz (Optional)Questionário
19Let's Create Hello World App!Vídeo Aula
20Hello World App - Detailed OverviewVídeo Aula
21Hello World App QuizQuestionário
22Displaying Text in React NativeTexto
23IntroductionVídeo Aula
24Little Bit About JavaScript...Vídeo Aula
25Syntax RefresherVídeo Aula
26Syntax QuizQuestionário
27Let & Const VariablesVídeo Aula
28Let & Const QuizQuestionário
29Arrow FunctionsVídeo Aula
30Arrow Function QuizQuestionário
31Objects: Properties & MethodsVídeo Aula
32Objects QuizQuestionário
33Array & Array MethodsVídeo Aula
34Array & Methods QuizQuestionário
35Arrays, Objects & Reference TypesVídeo Aula
36Reference Types QuizQuestionário
37Spread Operator & Rest OperatorsVídeo Aula
38Spread Operator QuizQuestionário
39DestructuringVídeo Aula
40Destructuring QuizQuestionário
41Preface for APIsTexto
42Async, Await & Promises - Working with APIsVídeo Aula
43Async, Await QuizQuestionário
44SummaryVídeo Aula
45IntroductionVídeo Aula
46BordersVídeo Aula
47Borders QuizQuestionário
48MarginsVídeo Aula
49Margins QuizQuestionário
50PaddingsVídeo Aula
51Paddings QuizQuestionário
52Position: Absolute & Relative & zIndexVídeo Aula
53Positioning QuizQuestionário
54Text StylesVídeo Aula
55Text Styles QuizQuestionário
56SummaryVídeo Aula
57IntroductionVídeo Aula
58What is a Component?Vídeo Aula
59What is a Component QuizQuestionário
60What are Stylesheets?Vídeo Aula
61Stylesheet QuizQuestionário
62View ComponentVídeo Aula
63View Component QuizQuestionário
64What are Props & Prop TypesVídeo Aula
65Props QuizQuestionário
66Event HandlingVídeo Aula
67Event Handling QuizQuestionário
68SummaryVídeo Aula
69Props, Event Handling, Views & Stylesheet AssignmentTexto
70IntroductionVídeo Aula
71What are React Hooks?Vídeo Aula
72React Hooks QuizQuestionário
73Getting Started with useStateVídeo Aula
74useState QuizQuestionário
75Understanding useEffectVídeo Aula
76useEffect QuizQuestionário
77Working with refs and useRefVídeo Aula
78useRef QuizQuestionário
79Working with useContextVídeo Aula
80useContext QuizQuestionário
81Creating Custom HooksVídeo Aula
82Custom Hooks QuizQuestionário
83SummaryVídeo Aula