Statistical Arbitrage Bot Build in Crypto with Python (A-Z)
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
As requested by the Crypto Wizards community, this course provides you with:
An intuitive understanding of trading principles in crypto (and other) markets
Optimal calculations for risk, position sizing and entry/exit signals
Everything you need to know to practically get started in Statistical Arbitrage
How to find edge in multiple places and stack as many odds in your favour as possible
Pairs trading concepts which can profit in upwards, sideways and downwards (all) market conditions
An understand of Statistical Arbitrage and associated metrics
An understand on how trading works on a Crypto Exchange
How to tap into exchange price information at lightening speed via WebSockets and REST API
Python code and walkthrough (line-by-line) for finding your own co-integrated statistical arbitrage trading pairs
Python code and walkthrough (line-by-line) for developing your own trading bot
Most retail traders never learn some of what you will come across here, either because those who understand the concepts have not taken the time to break this down so that anyone can follow, or because there is so much nonsense existing today that filtering through the noise can be challenging.
In this course, we aim to break down barriers so that absolutely ANYONE can understand and tap into the advantages that these techniques can provide. The lecturer, Shaun McDonogh, himself admits that he is not a math wiz, nor needs to be. Once you understand these principles, you can apply them anywhere.
We will be using the ByBit exchange (taking advantage of one major benefit offered by the exchange) to build and test our bot. At no point do we use real money for testing. Rather, we use the testate funds provided by the exchange for ensuring forward testing in a “live” testate environment.
IMPORTANT: This course is for educational purposes only. Nothing you learn in this course is promising favourable or adverse results. You will be learning known methods for calculating statistical arbitrage and building trading bots. How you test and implement this knowledge is up to you.
7The Biggest Illusion in TradingVídeo Aula
8Probability - That Math Does Not LieVídeo Aula
9Edge #1 - Strategy and SignalVídeo Aula
10Edge #2 - Optimal Position SizingVídeo Aula
11Edge #3 - Becoming the CasinoVídeo Aula
12Edge #4 - Profiting in Up, Down and Ranging marketsVídeo Aula
13Edge #5 - Managing Exchange and Volatility RiskVídeo Aula
14Check Your KnowledgeQuestionário
20Manually Trading with ByBit - OverviewVídeo Aula
21What ACTUALLY Moves PriceVídeo Aula
22Other Important Orderbook InformationVídeo Aula
23IMPORTANT: Check Your Leverage SettingsVídeo Aula
24Placing Both MARKET and LIMIT OrdersVídeo Aula
25All About Shorting Crypto (Optional)Vídeo Aula
26Placing Our First Short TradeVídeo Aula
27Candlestick Charts (Optional, Recommended for Newbies)Vídeo Aula
28About Conditional Orders and Closing CommentsVídeo Aula
29Test Your KnowledgeQuestionário
38Strategy - Coding Plan ReviewVídeo Aula
39Strategy - Getting StartedVídeo Aula
40Creating Input Variables (Config File)Vídeo Aula
41WebSockets and Rate LimitsVídeo Aula
42Getting Tradeable SymbolsVídeo Aula
43Getting and Storing Price Information - Part IVídeo Aula
44Getting and Storing Price Information - Part IIVídeo Aula
45Checkpoint: Review Price History FileVídeo Aula
46Structuring Close PricesVídeo Aula
47Calculating CointegrationVídeo Aula
48Saving and Ranking PairsVídeo Aula
49Checkpoint II: Progress and RecapVídeo Aula
50Writing our Backtesting and Charting ScriptsVídeo Aula
51Plotting and Analysing ChartsVídeo Aula
52Backtesting - Performance ReviewVídeo Aula
53UPDATE - Automated Backtesting with PDF OutputVídeo Aula
54Reviewing Our Selected Trading Strategy PlanVídeo Aula
55Executing Coding Plan ReviewVídeo Aula
56Configuration Variables and API ConnectionsVídeo Aula
57Establishing Our WebSocket ConnectionVídeo Aula
58Creating Calculation FunctionsVídeo Aula
59Testing Calculation Trade Details FunctionVídeo Aula
60Function for Position Side and SizeVídeo Aula
61Closing Positions and Active OrdersVídeo Aula
62Setting LeverageVídeo Aula
63Building Our Place Order FunctionVídeo Aula
64Initialise Order ExecutionVídeo Aula
65Price Calls - Part IVídeo Aula
66Price Calls - Part IIVídeo Aula
67Price Calls - Getting LiquidityVídeo Aula
68Statistical Functions with Z-ScoreVídeo Aula
69Getting Latest Z-Score SignalVídeo Aula
70Checking for Open and Active PositionsVídeo Aula
71Retrieving Price and Quantity for Open and Active PositionsVídeo Aula
72Query Existing OrdersVídeo Aula
73Checking Limit Order StatusVídeo Aula
74Final Functions and PreparationVídeo Aula
75Starting Main Execution and Checking PositionsVídeo Aula
76HOT Qualification and Liquidity CheckVídeo Aula
77Determining Long, Short and Initial CapitalVídeo Aula
78Placing Limit OrdersVídeo Aula
79Placing BTC and ETH Orders (Liquidity Test)Vídeo Aula
80Handling Limit Positions and Returning Kill SwitchVídeo Aula
81Testing Our BotVídeo Aula
82BUG FIX - Kill SwitchVídeo Aula
83Restoring Bot to Intended ConfigVídeo Aula
84StatBot I ReviewVídeo Aula