The Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp (2025)
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Welcome to the MOST COMPREHENSIVE Oracle SQL Bootcamp Course on the planet!
Latest Course Updates:
(Nov 2024) : Brand New Content (Managing Oracle Privileges and Roles) was added!
(Aug 2024) : Brand New Content (Using Oracle FLASHBACK Technologies) was added!
(Jun 2024) : 3-Real SQL(Over 200+ High-Quality Questions) Certification Exam Samples are added!
(May 2024) : More Quiz Questions were added!
Important Notice: This course will be continuously getting updated with more lectures, quizzes, and assessments to enhance your knowledge of Oracle SQL.
Are you a student ready to learn SQL for your lessons?
Do you want to get a better job?
Are you bored with watching a lot of stuff, but could not learn anything?
Do you think you know SQL, but you cannot write SQL codes?
Are you looking for a really professional course?
Then this is the course you are looking for.
You are in the right place!
In this course, all the subjects are explained in professional order.
If you are new to SQL, no problem! You can easily learn all the details of SQL. If you already know SQL and want to improve, this course explains all the details including all of the subjects.
After completing this course, you will learn all that you need to know. If you don’t see something in this course, it means you really don’t need to know it for now.
Coding can be learned with coding. A course that has no example is not a course at all. And there are hundreds and hundreds of codes in this course.
So come on, what are you waiting for?
Get this course, and go get a better job!
Topics covered in the Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp 2023 Course:
Database Concepts & Terminologies
What is a Database?
What is the Oracle Database?
What is a pluggable database?
What is SQL?
What is a database table?
What is Relational-Database Management System (RDBMS)?
What is the Entity-relationship model in SQL?
What is a database schema?
Installing Oracle Sample Schemas (HR, SH, OE, IX, etc.)
Introduction to Database Objects
Downloading and Installing the Oracle Database (Version 12c, 18c, 19c, 21c, etc.)
Downloading the Oracle Database Installation File
Installing Oracle Database into Your Local Computer
Working with a Database via a Virtual Machine
Downloading and Installing a Virtualization Software (Virtual Box, VMWare)
Downloading Pre-built Virtual Machine Image
Importing Virtual Machine into Virtualization Software
Configuring, Using, and Working with Virtual Machines through Virtualization Software
Downloading, Installing, Configuring, and Using the Oracle SQL Developer Software
Connecting to the Oracle Database Using SQL Developer and SQL Plus
Configuring SQL Developer for the first use
Configuring Network Connections to work with Oracle Sample Schemas
Working with Oracle Live SQL
Introduction to Oracle Live SQL Platform
How to use Oracle Live SQL
Retrieving Data from the Database Using SELECT Statements
What is NULL?
SELECT Statements
Using Column Aliases in SQL
DISTINCT and UNIQUE Operators in SQL
Concatenation Operators in SQL
The Quote (q) Operator in SQL
Filtering & Restricting Data returned by SQL Queries using the WHERE Clause
Using the WHERE Clause in SQL
Using Oracle Comparison Operators in SQL
IN Operator in SQL
LIKE Operator in SQL
IS NULL Operator in SQL
Logical Operators in SQL:
AND Logical Operator
OR Logical Operator
NOT Logical Operator
Oracle Rules of Precedence in SQL
Sorting Data using the ORDER BY Clause
Using the ORDER BY Clause
Using the ASC and DESC Operators
Using the NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST Operators
Using the FETCH Clause
Using Oracle Substitution Variables
What are Substitution Variables?
Double Ampersand (&&) and DEFINE & UNDEFINE Commands
ACCEPT and PROMPT Commands
Using Oracle Single-Row Functions to Customize the Query Outputs
Introduction to Oracle Single-Row Functions
Character Functions
Case Conversion Functions
UPPER Function
LOWER Function
INITCAP Function
Character Manipulation Functions
SUBSTR Function in SQL
LENGTH Function in SQL
CONCAT Function in SQL
INSTR Function in SQL
TRIM Function in SQL
LTRIM and RTRIM Functions in SQL
REPLACE Function in SQL
LPAD and RPAD Functions in SQL
Numeric Functions
ROUND Function in SQL
TRUNC Function in SQL
CEIL Function in SQL
FLOOR Function in SQL
MOD Function in SQL
Nested SQL Group Functions
Date Data Types and SQL Date Functions
Date Data Types
DATE Data Type in SQL
Oracle Date Functions
SYSDATE Function in SQL
Date Manipulation Functions
ROUND Function
TRUNC Function
EXTRACT Function
NEXT_DAY Function
LAST_DAY Function
Oracle Conversion Functions
TO_CHAR Function in SQL
TO_NUMBER Function in SQL
TO_DATE Function in SQL
Null Related Functions in SQL
NVL Function
NVL2 Function
NULLIF Function
Conditional Expressions in SQL
CASE Expressions in SQL
DECODE Function in SQL
Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
Introduction to Oracle Group Functions
AVG Function in SQL
COUNT Function in SQL
MAX Function in SQL
MIN Function in SQL
LISTAGG Function in SQL
Overview of Group Functions in SQL
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins
What is a SQL Join?
Join Types in Oracle SQL
How to Create a Join in SQL
Natural Join
Join with the USING Clause
Handling Ambiguous Column Names While Joining Multiple Tables
Inner Join (Join with the ON Clause)
Multiple Join Operations
Restricting Joins
Non-Equijoins (Joining Unequal Tables)
Outer Joins in SQL
Cross Join (Cartesian Product or Cross Product)
Oracle’s Old Style Join Syntax (Comparison of ANSI vs. Non-ANSI SQL Join Syntaxes)
Using & Building & Analyzing Subqueries
What is a Subquery in SQL?
How to Use Subqueries in SQL?
Subquery Types in SQL:
Single-Row Subqueries in SQL
Multiple-Row Subqueries in SQL
Multiple-Column Subqueries in SQL
SCALAR Subqueries in SQL
Correlated Subqueries in SQL
Using Subqueries as a Table
Using the EXISTS Operator (Semijoins in SQL)
Using the NOT EXISTS Operator
Working with Oracle SET Operators
What are SET Operators and Why are They Used?
UNION Operator
UNION ALL Operator
MINUS Operator
Combining Multiple Queries Using Multiple SET Operators in Complex SQL Queries
Using Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements
INSERT Statement
UPDATE Statement
DELETE Statement
MERGE Statement
Multiple INSERT Statements
Unconditional INSERT (INSERT ALL) Statements
Conditional INSERT ALL Statements
Conditional INSERT FIRST Statements
Pivot Insert in SQL
Using Transaction Control Language (TCL) Statements
What is a transaction in SQL?
TCL Commands
COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements in SQL
Row Locking Mechanism in SQL
SAVEPOINT Statement in SQL
FOR UPDATE Statement in SQL
Using Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements
What are Data Definition Language Statements
Naming Rules & Naming Conventions in Oracle
Creating Tables using the CREATE TABLE statements
Marking Columns Unused (Using The SET UNUSED Clause)
DROP TABLE Statement
COMMENT Statement
RENAME Statement
Creating, Using, Working, and Managing Constraints
What is a Constraint in SQL?
Oracle Constraint Types
NOT NULL Constraint
UNIQUE Constraint
PRIMARY KEY Constraint
FOREIGN KEY Constraint
CHECK Constraint
Adding Constraints via ALTER TABLE Statements
Dropping (Removing) Constraints
Cascading Constraints in Oracle
Renaming Constraints
Enabling / Disabling Constraints
Status of Constraints
Deferring (Deferrable) Constraints
Creating, Using, and Managing Database Views in Details
What is a Database View and What is it Used for?
View Types in Oracle
Creating Simple Views
Creating Complex Views
Modifying Views
Performing DML Operations with Views
Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Clause in SQL
Using the WITH READ ONLY Clause on Views
Managing Objects Using Oracle Data Dictionary Views
What are Data Dictionary views in Oracle?
The DICTIONARY View (The Main Dictionary)
USER, ALL, DBA, and V$ Prefixes in Data Dictionary Views
USER_TAB_COLUMNS Data Dictionary View
USER_CONSTRAINTS Data Dictionary View
USER_CONS_COLUMNS Data Dictionary View
USER_VIEWS Data Dictionary View
Creating and Using, Working with Sequences in SQL
What is a Sequence?
Creating Sequences
Modifying Sequences
Using Sequences
Using Sequences as Default Values
Sequence Caching
Using the IDENTITY Column in Oracle
Creating and Using Synonyms
Working with Indexes
Managing Schema Objects
Retrieving Data By Using Subqueries
Manipulating Data By Using Subqueries
Controlling User Access in Details
Managing Data in Different Time Zones
Knowing SQL can get you a better job or improve the one you have and it can earn you 150k+ (USD) per/year in the IT Industry. It’s a skill that will put you more in demand in the biggest technology companies in the IT industry, and make your software life easier, this is why it’s so popular and backed by Oracle.
This course will help you quickly get up to speed with Oracle SQL. I will demystify the query skill and help you understand the essential concepts of how to write SQL codes easily and think analytically against the problem in your company.
Those who have reviewed the course have pointed out that the instruction is clear and easy to follow, as well as thorough and highly informative. Other students enjoy the use of relevant examples throughout the course, as these make the content even easier to comprehend.
Many students had also taken other SQL courses in the past, only to find that this SQL course was their favorite. They enjoyed the structure of the content and the high-quality audio/video.
Check out all of the great reviews in the review section … a lot of happy students 🙂
Knowing SQL is “mandatory” for any IT Professional and having good SQL knowledge will be a “GREAT PLUS” for you!
If you want to Become a Job-Ready SQL Professional who can pass any Oracle SQL Exam confidently, this course will be the next step for you!
So let’s do this! I’ll see you in the first lecture!
1What is a Database?Vídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp course participants will learn about what a database is and why we need to use databases with real-world examples.
2Why Oracle Database?Vídeo Aula
3What is a Table?Vídeo Aula
In this lecture, our students going to learn what a table is and why we need to use the tables.
4UDEMY 101: How to Use Udemy? +Some Useful Tips (Do not Skip)Vídeo Aula
This lecture is about how to use the Udemy platform. And also includes some useful tips to get most of out the course.
5The Working Document (Course Slide for Course Participants)Texto
In this lecture, this course participants will be able to claim & download their special quick recap document for The Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp course.
6Special Gifts for Our Students!(SQL Cheatsheet & SQL Certification Exam Samples)Texto
7What is a Relational Database (RDBMS)?Vídeo Aula
8Entity Relationship Logic in DatabasesVídeo Aula
9What is Pluggable Database?Vídeo Aula
In this lecture, you're going to learn what the pluggable database (multitenant architecture) is in Oracle Database.
10Introduction to Database ObjectsVídeo Aula
11The Sample (HR) Schema Used in This CourseVídeo Aula
12What is SQL?Vídeo Aula
13Quiz (Database Concepts)Questionário
Section: Database Fundamentals Quiz
You can evaluate your SQL knowledge and skills with our quizzes.
Related Keywords: "SQL", "SQL programming", "SQL quiz", "SQL Database Concepts quiz".
14About the Database InstallationVídeo Aula
15The Ways to Get a DatabaseVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to get a database to proceed with the Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp 2022 course.
16Option 1: Installing VMware and VirtualBox on WindowsVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to download and install two virtualization software programs which are VMware and VirtualBox step by step.
17Option 1: How to Install the Virtual Box on Mac OS X?Texto
18Option 1: Downloading Virtual Machine Image (19c)Texto
In this tutorial, the participants will learn how to download the virtual machine image 19c.
19Option 1: Downloading Virtual Machine Image(If the previous lecture didn't work)Vídeo Aula
In this tutorial, the participants will learn how to download the virtual machine image.
20Option 1: Configuring the VMware Virtualization SoftwareVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to import the virtual machine image they downloaded into the VMware virtualization software as well as how to configure the virtual machine to get the most out of it.
21Option 1: Configuring the Oracle VirtualBox Virtualization SoftwareVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to import the virtual machine image they downloaded into the Oracle VirtualBox virtualization software as well as how to configure the virtual machine to get the most out of it.
22Option 1: Configuring SQL Developer inside of the Virtual MachineVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to configure SQL Developer inside of the Virtual Machine image that they downloaded step by step.
23Important NoteTexto
For the students who could succeed to complete the Option-1
24Option 2: Downloading And Installing Oracle DatabaseVídeo Aula
In this lecture, students are going to learn the oracle database 19c installation.
Lecture keywords: "oracle", "oracle sql", "oracle database", "oracle database installation", "oracle database 19c installation".
25Option 2: Unlocking the HR SchemaVídeo Aula
In this lecture, our students are going to learn how to unlock the HR schema to practice throughout the course.
26Option 2: Configuring and Using the SQL DeveloperVídeo Aula
This lecture covers how to download and configure Oracle SQL Developer software and how to connect to the Oracle Database 19c.
27Option 2: Installing Sample Schemas in Oracle DatabaseVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the course participants will learn about the easiest way how to install Oracle Sample Schemas to be able to work with many database sample schemas provided by Oracle.
28Option 2: HR Schema Create Code (if you could not get the HR user in other ways)Texto
This code includes the SQL script to generate the HR schema with all its data.
Note 1: You can use this script if you could not have the HR schema properly.
Note 2: Just select all the script and execute in one step when connected as the SYS or SYSTEM user.
29Option 3 : Using Oracle Live SQLVídeo Aula
30Option 3: Oracle Live SQL LimitationsTexto
31SQL Statements Used in This CourseVídeo Aula
Introduces which SQL statements we are going to use in this course. (Oracle's specific SQL details are in next lessons.)
32Don't Forget to Leave a Rating!Texto
This lecture introduces shows how much we appriciate your thoughts.
33Oracle Data TypesVídeo Aula
In this lesson, we're going to talk about Oracle Data Types which are;
34What is a NULL Value?Vídeo Aula
In this lecture, students are going to learn one of the most important concepts of the database terminology which is called "Null". We've explained what a NULL value is in this lecture in details.
35DESCRIBE CommandVídeo Aula
This lesson includes Oracle DESC or DESCRIBE Command.
36INFORMATION CommandVídeo Aula
This lesson teaches how to see a better description and some statistics of a table using the INFO[RMATION] and INFO[RMATION]+ Commands.
37INFORMATION Command (Code Samples)Texto
Includes the code samples used in the INFORMATION Command lecture
38SQL Statement BasicsVídeo Aula
This lesson covers Oracle SQL Statement Basics.
39SQL Statement Basics (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
40Oracle Error MessagesVídeo Aula
This lecture explains how to read the Oracle (ORA) error messages and how to take an action to solve your code problems
41Oracle Error Messages (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
42Using SELECT StatementsVídeo Aula
This lesson covers Oracle SELECT Statements.
43Using SELECT Statements (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
44Using Column AliasesVídeo Aula
This lesson covers Oracle Column Aliases.
45CODE: Using Column AliasesTexto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
46Quote (Q) OperatorVídeo Aula
This lesson covers Oracle Quote (q) Operator.
47Quote (Q) Operator (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
48DISTINCT and UNIQUE OperatorVídeo Aula
This lesson covers the Oracle Distinct (DISTINCT) and UNIQUE operators.
49DISTINCT and UNIQUE Operators (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
50Write a SQL Query that Returns All the Possible Product Status ValuesQuestionário
51Coding Exercise 1 SolutionTexto
This tutorial explains the solution to the related SQL coding exercise.
52Concatenation OperatorsVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, we cover the Concatenation ( || ) Operator in Oracle SQL with various examples.
53Concatenation Operators (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
54Arithmetic Expressions and NULL ValuesVídeo Aula
This lesson covers Oracle SQL Arithmetic Operations like;
- Add
- Substract
- Multiply
- Divide
and covers NULL values.
55Arithmetic Expressions and NULL Values (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
56Write a SQL Query to Calculate New SalariesQuestionário
57Quiz (Retrieving Data)Questionário
You can test your sql skills with our quizzes.
Keywords: "SQL", "sql programming", "quiz", "sql quiz".
58Coding Exercise 2 SolutionTexto
This tutorial explains the solution to the related SQL coding exercise.
59Using WHERE ClauseVídeo Aula
In this lesson, students are going to learn the WHERE clause and how to use the WHERE clause in SQL statements and the Oracle Database with its various examples.
60Using WHERE Clause (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
61Write a SQL Query to Fetch the Employees Working as Sales ManagersQuestionário
62Comparison OperatorsVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the Complete SQL Bootcamp course participants will learn about Comparison Operators ( <, >, < = , >=, <>) in Oracle SQL with hands-on examples.
63Comparison Operators (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
64BETWEEN … AND OperatorVídeo Aula
In this lesson we're going to learn BETWEEN ... AND Operator in Oracle Database.
65BETWEEN...AND Operator (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
66IN OperatorVídeo Aula
In this lesson we're going to learn IN Operator in Oracle Database.
67IN Operator (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
68Type a SQL Query which Returns the Employees who Work as Sales PeopleQuestionário
69LIKE OperatorVídeo Aula
In this lesson we're going to learn LIKE Operator in Oracle Database.
70LIKE Operator (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
71Return all the managers based on their job titlesQuestionário
72IS NULL OperatorVídeo Aula
In this SQL tutorial, the Complete Oracle SQL course participants will learn about what the IS NULL Operator is and how to use the IS NULL operator in Oracle SQL.
73IS NULL Operator (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the code samples we used within the previous lecture
74Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT)Vídeo Aula
In this lesson, students are going to learn Oracle Logical Operators which are;
AND Logical Operator
OR Logical Operator
NOT Logical Operator
75Logical Operators (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
76Return the managers who earn less than 10000Questionário
77Rules of PrecedenceVídeo Aula
In this lesson, we're going to learn Rules of Precedence in Oracle Database.
Precedence is the order in which Oracle evaluates different operators in the same expression. When evaluating an expression containing multiple operators, Oracle evaluates operators with higher precedence before evaluating those with lower precedence. Oracle evaluates operators with equal precedence from left to right within an expression.
Operator, Operation
+, -
identity, negation*, /
multiplication, division+, -, ||
addition, subtraction, concatenation=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, IS NULL, LIKE, BETWEEN, IN
exponentiation, logical negationAND
disjunction -
78Rules of Precedence (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
79A Challenging Exercise on the Rules of PrecedenceQuestionário
80QuizTextoOracle SQL Quiz about Section 2 : Retrieving Data with using SQL.
81Quiz (Restricting Data)Questionário
Section: Restricting Data Quiz
You can evaluate your SQL knowledge and skills with our quizzes.
Related Keywords: "SQL", "SQL programming", "SQL quiz", "Restricting data quiz".
82ORDER BY ClauseVídeo Aula
In this lesson, students are going to learn the ORDER BY Clause in SQL and how to use the ORDER BY Clause in the Oracle Database by its various examples.
83ORDER BY Clause (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
84ASC and DESC OperatorsVídeo Aula
This lesson covers the ASC (Ascending) and DESC (Descending) operators in SQL and how to use them in the Oracle Database.
85ASC and DESC Operators (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
86It's Time Order the RowsQuestionário
87NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST OperatorsVídeo Aula
In this lesson, students are going to learn the NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST Operators in the Oracle Database.
88NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST Operators (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
89ROWNUM & ROWID in SQLVídeo Aula
In this lecture, students are going to learn what is ROWID and ROWNUM in SQL, what the ROWID vs ROWNUM differences are.
Lecture keywords: #oracle #sql #rownum #rowid
90ROWNUM & ROWID in SQL (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
91Oracle FETCH ClauseVídeo Aula
This lesson introduces students to the FETCH clause in Oracle SQL, which is also known as the row limiting clause, that is used to limit rows returned by a query.
92Oracle FETCH Clause (Code Samples)Texto
This lecture includes the SQL code samples we used within the previous lecture
93Bring the second top 10 ordersQuestionário
94Quiz (Sorting Data)Questionário
Section: Sorting Data Quiz
You can evaluate your SQL knowledge and skills with our quizzes.
Related Keywords: "SQL", "SQL programming", "SQL quiz", "Sorting data quiz".