Unity Level Design : Abandoned House
- Descrição
- Currículo
- Revisões
In this course I will be showing you a professional workflow for creating a level from a blank scene through to completion that is inspired by the video game: “The Last of Us”.
We will be using free props and models collected from various places online and I will be showing you how you can modify them in Substance Painter to make props fit within an environment that meets your vision.
We will be covering the following:
Terrain sculpting
Painting terrain textures
Arranging flowers, grass, ivy, rocks and trees
Level layout of an abandoned house
Re-texturing assets in Substance Painter
Creating decals in Substance Painter
Lighting and baking lightmaps in Unity
Using post processing volumes
Adding environmental sounds
Recording video within Unity for your portfolios
By the end of this course you will have developed the skills needed to build your own levels for your own games.
I look forward to seeing you in the course
Music by Jason Shaw: from freemusicarchive
7Sculpting the TerrainVídeo Aula
8Adding the SeaVídeo Aula
9Baking a lightmapVídeo Aula
10Painting mountain texturesVídeo Aula
11Painting snowVídeo Aula
12Post ProcessingVídeo Aula
13Adding fencingVídeo Aula
14Painting the grass baseVídeo Aula
15Back garden fencingVídeo Aula
16Adding treesVídeo Aula
17Garden propsVídeo Aula
18Download propsVídeo Aula
19Painting mudVídeo Aula
20Adding fernsVídeo Aula
21Adding flowersVídeo Aula
22Painting grassVídeo Aula
23Adding more grassVídeo Aula
24Adding rocksVídeo Aula
25Distant grassVídeo Aula
26Painting mud patchesVídeo Aula
27Cabin propsVídeo Aula
28Downloading props for cabinVídeo Aula
29Installing ivyVídeo Aula
30Ivy EditorTexto
31Adding ivy to central treeVídeo Aula
32Ivy on the cabinVídeo Aula
33Ivy on front gardenVídeo Aula
34Doors and windows for the houseVídeo Aula
35Props for the outside of the houseVídeo Aula
36Interior propsVídeo Aula
37Dining room layoutVídeo Aula
38Kitchen layoutVídeo Aula
39AdjustmentsVídeo Aula
40Bedroom layoutVídeo Aula
41Bathroom layoutVídeo Aula
42Outside ivyVídeo Aula
43Ivy for the side of the houseVídeo Aula
44Ivy for the back of the houseVídeo Aula
45Adding a wind zoneVídeo Aula
46Editing the sink in BlenderVídeo Aula
47Creating a bathroom mirrorVídeo Aula
48Texturing the mirror in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
49Setting up the sink and mirror in UnityVídeo Aula
50Texturing the fridge in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
51Texturing the washer in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
52Texturing the microwave in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
53Texturing bathroom props in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
54Setting up kitchen props in UnityVídeo Aula
55Texturing other props in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
56Creating decals in Substance PainterVídeo Aula
57Setting up decals in UnityVídeo Aula