Video Game Design: Create A Competitive Design Portfolio
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VIDEO GAME DESIGN: CREATE A COMPETITIVE DESIGN PORTFOLIO is focused on helping aspiring game designers and level designers create a portfolio of work that is professional in quality and makes them highly competitive for design jobs in the video game industry.
>>>UPDATE<<< 20 incredible entry-level Design Portfolio Websites and Demo Reels (with their portfolio games available to download from their sites to play and review) were just added to the course examples list for you to research and learn from. All of them are from past students of mine who are working in the industry and doing very well! The updated list covers Junior Game Designers, Level Designers, UI Designers, and Assistant Producers. Enjoy!
Have a real chance at getting a design job in the video game industry
Get professional design experience from your portfolio games or levels
Be taken seriously by Video Game Producers and Lead Designers
Create an extremely well designed, high quality and targeted portfolio that “WOWS” industry professionals demonstrates your value to a game team
Design innovative portfolio games or levels that showcase your talent and make Game Design Leads and Creative Directors respect you
Build an exciting demo reel that will get a Hiring Manager’s attention
Build an effective portfolio website to showcase your demo reel and games/levels
Write winning cover letters and resumes that will make Recruiters and Producers take you seriously.
Put a stake in the ground now and put 100% of yourself into achieving your goals
Showcase your design work to industry professionals (Producers/Designers)
Prove that you have what it takes to break into the Video Game Industry
Stand out from the crowd and beat out the competition for jobs
Land your dream job and become a professional game designer or level designer
What the various design roles in the game industry are and what they do
How to research game companies effectively
What Hiring Managers want from entry-level game designers and level designers
How to prepare effectively to create your design portfolio
How to create a winning strategy to get the design jobs you want
How to create the right portfolio games and get real industry game experience while making them
How to create a demo reel that Wow’s Hiring Managers and showcases your most valuable design skills to them
How to create a portfolio website that showcases your work well to potential employers
How to write resumes and cover letters that will get Hiring Managers to take you seriously
How to create a winning Business card.
Simple, this course gives you all of the insider information, training, exercises and best practices required to:
Choose the right design career for you
Create a solid portfolio development strategy and plan that will help you get the results you need
Build a design portfolio that shows and proves your value as a highly knowledgeable, skilled and competitive game designer or level designer to employers in the video game industry
Maximize your chances of landing your target design job in the video game industry
All of the information you need in one easy place. ‘VIDEO GAME DESIGN: CREATE A COMPETITIVE DESIGN PORTFOLIO’ is a simple, straightforward and easy to understand online course that is 100% focused on the goal of helping you get your game design or level design portfolio to a polished and professional state that is highly competitive for entry-level game design or level design jobs in the Video Game Industry. Everything you need to know is in one easy place.
Need to know information only. I know your time is very valuable and you want to get a design job as soon as possible. Therefore, I have only included information that is ‘need to know’. All course content and exercises are presented in an easy to follow step-by-step concise format to give you maximum results in the least amount of time. No wasted time!
Professional video guided mentorship to help you succeed. Creating an outstanding design portfolio takes serious time and effort, and believe it or not thousands of talented passionate people are trying to build them to compete for entry-level design jobs everyday. Unfortunately, the hard truth is that the majority of these people will fail to succeed because of the time they waste working on the wrong things or just not getting their work to the level of quality necessary to compete for jobs. –And YES even the most talented people struggle on their own because it is very difficult be objective and critical about your own work (or even know what work you should be doing) when you’re doing something new.
This course can help you change all of that and beat the odds by:
Keeping you focused on achieving the right career and portfolio goals so you can get valid game design or level design experience while you’re creating your portfolio games.
Giving you the information and video guided mentoring support you need to ensure that you are doing things right the first time and staying on track to hit a high level of quality and achieve your goals.
Ensuring that you are creating portfolio work that is highly competitive in quality and clearly showcasing your value for the game design or level design jobs that you want
Each section of this course starts out with an video game industry mentor guided video explaining all of the information you need to know in a simple and concise format, followed by a set of exercises and best practices to help ensure that you do things right the first time!
You should expect it to take between 4-8 months to complete all of the components of you design portfolio if you are starting it from scratch.
Mentorship in this UDEMY course is provided through mentor guided video lectures and written documentation only.
“Hi there! My name is Antoine Ladouceur and Jarett was my instructor at the Art Institute of Vancouver. Boy was I lucky to have him! If I’m working as a Level Designer today it’s definitely because of his incredible support and advice. Having Jarett as an instructor was a little bit like opening a window onto the entire spectrum of game development. I felt like not only did I learn how to make good game design choices, but also how those choices would affect development overall. I learned what its like to work in a professional game development team and how to structure my work to fit well in that framework. –Overall, my first day on the job felt quite easy from everything I had learned from Jarett. He is a terrific instructor, straight to the point and very passionate about what he does and it’s definitely contagious.”
– Antoine Ladouceur, Jr. Level Designer, Compulsion Games”
“Many of the choices I make as a Level Designer to improve my work came from advice that Jarett gave me during my courses. With his guidance and in-depth feedback, I was able to create a portfolio that really allowed me showcase who I was and what I could offer to the industry. Jarett is extremely passionate about what he does. He can always recognize when someone has potential and he’ll always do his best to make sure that potential flourishes, even if it means building from the ground up. Jarett always manages to inspire creativity and hard work and I can without a doubt say I was extremely fortunate to have him as my instructor.”
– Zack Bryan, Level Designer, Akimbo Creation’s
1Course IntroductionVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about all of the topics that will be covered in this course at a high level.
2Portfolio OverviewVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- What a Game Design or Level Design Portfolio is for
- Who the Target Audience is for Your Design Portfolio
- The Components of a Portfolio
- What the Right Mindset is for Success
- How to Gain The Edge With Your Portfolio
- How to Get “The Call” for an Interview
To get the most out of this course I highly suggest that you take time to thoroughly research and review the design portfolios in the attached "Design Portfolio Examples" document. It is organized into demo reel format types and by design role specialization.
3Game Design & Level Design CareersVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Role of Game Designers
- The Role of Level Designers
- Game Design Specializations
- What Game Designers Do
- What Level Designers Do
- Number of Designers on Game Teams
Please see the attached additional learning resources (and the external website links provided) to learn more about the game industry as a whole and the various roles and careers that exist.
- Video Game Industry Resources (Industry Stats and Reports)
- Video Game Industry Roles
4What Hiring Managers WantVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Role of Hiring Managers
- Hiring Risk Assessment
- How to Be a Strong Design Candidate
5Being A Strong Game Design Candidate - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about the:
- Video Game Industry Knowledge You Need to Have
- Game Company Knowledge You Need to Have
- Importance of Personality & Team Fit on Game Teams
- Game/Level Design & Development Knowledge Required to Succeed
- Work Ethic You Need to Have to be Successful
6Being A Strong Game Design Candidate - Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about:
- The Soft Skills You Need
- The Hard Skills You Need
- What You Need to Show in Your Portfolio (an Introduction)
- What Your Resume & Cover Letters Need to Communicate (an Introduction)
7Portfolio Prep - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will discuss the following topics:
- Portfolio Preparation Work Overview
- Creating Your Career Matrix (Part 1)
- Self Assessment
- Identifying Your Gamer Profile
- Identifying Your Game/Level Designer Profile
- Researching Your Target Game Industry Sectors
- Researching Your Target Game Companies
- Researching Your Target Game
Please see the "Bonus: Portfolio Preparation Exercises" section to identify your career objectives and prepare to create your portfolio:
- Career Matrix - Self Assessment
- Career Matrix - Gamer Profile
- Career Matrix - Designer Profile
- Career Matrix - Target Sector of the Game Industry
- Career Matrix - Target Game Companies
- Career Matrix - Target Games
8Portfolio Prep - Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture we will discuss the following topics:
- Portfolio Preparation Work Overview
- Creating Your Career Matrix (Part 2)
- Identifying Your Career Objectives
- Laying Out Your Career Development Strategy
- Getting Industry Guidance
- Staying Motivated
Please see the "Bonus: Portfolio Preparation Exercises" section to complete your career development plan and strategy. Once this is done your portfolio prep work will be complete and you'll be ready to start making your portfolio games!
- Career Matrix - Career Development Plan & Strategy
9Developing Your Personal Brand Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- What a Brand is
- What an Authentic Brand is
- What a Brand Identity is
- What Brand Identity Characteristics Are
- What a Brand Image is
- What a Personal Brand is
- Why You Should Have a Personal Brand For Your Portfolio Work
- How to Communicate Your Personal Brand
- Writing Your Own Career Essence Statement
- Career Essence Statement Examples
Please see the "Bonus: Portfolio Preparation Exercises" section to to create your personal brand identity:
- Career Matrix - Personal Brand
10Developing Your Personal Brand Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Importance of First Impressions
- How to Create a Winning Reputation in the Game Industry
- How to Research Brands Effectively
11Designing The Right Portfolio Games - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Value of Video Games or Levels in Your Portfolio
- How to Identify What Video Games or Levels You Should Make In Your Portfolio (Part 1)
- How to Get Real World Professional Game Experience With Your Portfolio Games
12Designing The Right Portfolio Games - Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- How to Identify What Video Games or Levels You Should Make In Your Portfolio (Part 2)
13Designing The Right Portfolio Games - Part 3 - Game Design DocumentationVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Value of Documenting Your Game/Level Ideas & Designs
- How to Go Above and Beyond With Your Game Design & Level Design Documentation
14Portfolio Game Design Exercise & Development ProcessTexto
In this reading lecture and exercise you will learn the best practices and process for designing, building and publishing your portfolio video games or levels in a step by step fashion.
15Demo Reels Overview - Part 1 (High Level Requirements)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- What a Demo Reel is
- What the Goals are for Your Game Design or Level Design Demo Reel
- High Level Demo Reel Content Requirements
- Demo Reel Text Requirements
- Demo Reel Video Requirements
16Demo Reels Overview - Part 2 (Demo Reel Types)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Different Demo Reel Types/Formats That Exist And When You Should Use Them
Demo Reel Examples: I suggest that you take some time to research and review the various game design and level design demo reels that are provided as links in the attached additional learning document below so that you can become more familiar with all of the various demo reel formats that are out there. The research goal here is to identify which demo reel types are more suited to your particular career goals, as well as see what each one is doing well or not so well so that you may incorporate these learnings into your own portfolio work.
17Demo Reels Overview - Part 3 (Gameplay Showcase)Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- Demo Reel Game Showcase Guidelines
- Demo Reel Gameplay Showcase Guidelines
- How to Wow the Hiring Manager & Get Their Attention With Your Demo Reel
18Demo Reel Development Exercise & ProcessTexto
In this reading lecture and exercise you will learn the best practices and process for designing and building your Demo Reel in a step by step fashion.
19Portfolio Website Overview - Part 1Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- Portfolio Website Purpose & Goals
- Portfolio Website Requirements (Part 1)
Please see the attached document below (and its website links) for examples of entry-level and senior game and level designer portfolio websites.
20Portfolio Website Overview - Part 2Vídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- Portfolio Website Requirements (Part 2)
- Visual Organization of Content Guidelines For Your Portfolio Website
- Quality Assurance Guidelines For Your Portfolio Website
- What Matters Most With Creating a Successful Portfolio Website
21Portfolio Website Development Exercise & ProcessTexto
In this reading lecture and exercise you will learn the best practices and process for designing and building your portfolio website in a step by step fashion.
22Resume OverviewVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- What a Resume is
- The Purpose & Goals for a Designer Resume
- The Different Sections Your Resume Needs to Have
- All of the Content Requirements Your Resume Needs to Account for
- Resume Formatting Requirements
- Resume File Export Requirements
- Resume Address Requirements
- Things to Avoid so that Your Resume Will Be a Success
23Game Design, Level Design, and QA ResumesVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn about the following resume types:
- Game Designer Resumes
- Level Designer Resumes
- Quality Assurance Tester/Analyst Resumes
Please see the four additional learning examples of each type of resume in the attached documentation for this lecture.
24Cover LettersTexto
In this reading lecture you will learn:
- What a Cover Letter is?
- What a Cover Letter's Purpose & Goals are
- How to Prepare to Write a Winning Cover Letter
- How to Write a Cover Letter
- All of the Cover Letter Requirements You Need to Account For
- Things to Avoid When Writing Your Cover Letter
- Bringing it All Together (Your Resume & Cover Letter)
Please see the four additional learning examples of cover letters for each type of design or QA role in the attached documentation for this lecture.
25Business Cards OverviewVídeo Aula
In this lecture you will learn:
- The Purpose of a Business Card
- The Key Goals For a Business Card for Game Designers and Level Designers
- The Requirements Your Business Card Needs To Meet
26Detailed Printing RequirementsTexto
In this reading lecture you will learn about the following Business Card paper and printing requirements:
- Paper Quality
- Card Stock Type
- Print Resolution
- Print Colour Space
- Card Printing
- Proofing
27Business Card Design & Development ProcessTexto
In this reading lecture and exercise you will learn the best practices and process for designing and building your business card in a step by step fashion.
30Individual 1 on 1 Mentoring and Feedback Sessions (Separate Paid Option)Texto
Learn about how to setup Live 1 on 1 Mentoring Sessions with the course instructor to professional advice and guidance on your portfolio work. Please note that this is a separately offered paid service.
31How To Contact MeTexto
Learn about how to contact me for any course related questions you have or to setup Live 1 on 1 Mentoring Sessions (A seperately offered paid service).
32Additional Learning Resource: Game Industry Reports & StatsTexto
I suggest taking some time to read through many of the industry research documents that have been linked to in this "additional learning document' as they will give you much deeper knowledge of the game industry as a whole, as well as its various sectors (like Console, PC, Mobile, Free-to-Play, AAA, Indy, etc.).
33Additional Learning Resource: Game Industry RolesTexto
I suggest reading through the Game Industry Roles document (and its attached links), provided for 'additional learning' to get a more in-depth understanding of the various game design roles that exist.
34Exercise 1: Career Matrix - Self AssessmentTexto
In this exercise you will learn how assess yourself effectively from a career standpoint so you can choose the right career for you.
35Exercise 2 - Career Matrix - Gamer ProfileTexto
In this exercise you will learn how to profile yourself as a "gamer" to find out what target audiences you belong to in the video game industry.
36Exercise 3 - Career Matrix - Designer ProfileTexto
In this exercise you will learn how to profile yourself as a Game Designer to find out what area of design specialization, (Systems Designers, User Interface Designer, Level Designer, etc.), sector of the game industry, game companies, and game genres make sense for you.
37Exercise 4 - Career Matrix - Target Game Industry Sector ResearchTexto
In this exercise you will learn insider tips on how to research your target game industry sector effectively so that you can make a stronger more competitive design portfolio and be more knowledgable, articulate and successful in interviews.
38Exercise 5 - Career Matrix - Target Game Company ResearchTextoIn this exercise you will learn insider tips on how to research your target game companies more effectively so that you can make a stronger more competitive portfolio games, websites, demo reels, resumes and business cards, as well as be more knowledgable, articulate and successful in interviews.
39Exercise 6 - Career Matrix - Target Games ResearchTextoIn this exercise you will learn insider tips on how to research your target games/game genres more effectively so that you can make a stronger more competitive portfolio games, websites, demo reels, resumes and business cards, as well as be more knowledgable, articulate and successful in interviews.
40Exercise 7 - Career Matrix - Personal BrandTexto
In this exercise you will learn insider tips on how to create an personal brand that showcases the best of who you are from a design career standpoint and resonates with your target employers as a great cultural fit for their team
The goal here is to build your personal brand into your portfolio games, website, demo reel, resume and business card so that you are broadcasting a clear message about who you are and what you have to offer that is incredibly valuable to your target employers in the video game industry.
41Exercise 8 - Career Matrix - Career Development Plan & StrategyTexto
In this exercise you will learn how to create a career development strategy and plan to maximize your chances of landing your target design job in the video game industry.
42Additional Learning Resource: Portfolio Website ExamplesTexto
I suggest that you take some time to research and review the professional portfolio website examples that are provided as links in this additional learning document so that you can become more familiar with the different styles of portfolio websites that designers use.
The research goal here is to identify which style of website is most suited to your particular career goals, as well as see what each one is doing well or not so well so that you may incorporate these learnings into your own portfolio website.
43Additional Learning Resource: Demo Reel ExamplesTexto
I suggest that you take some time to research and review the various game design and level design demo reels that are provided as links in this additional learning document so that you can become more familiar with all of the various demo reel formats that are out there. The research goal here is to identify which demo reel types are more suited to your particular career goals, as well as see what each one is doing well or not so well so that you may incorporate these learnings into your own portfolio work.